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Guess who's coming to dinner?

Posted on 20 Oct 2018 @ 5:16pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Klingon Lt Commander Kreval of the House of Torath & Lieutenant Commander Cevel Th'raran

1,181 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: USS Phoenix

[Transporter Room 2]

Petty Officer Sanchez was manning the transporter when his terminal sounded. Looking at the display he wrinkled his brow and tapped his commbadge. "Transporter Room 2 to Captain Montoya."

Rico was in the turbo lift heading to the bridge when he received the call and tapped his chest to acknowledge the transmission. =^= Montoya here. =^=

"Sir, there is a transmission from the IKV VaQBach. A Lieutenant Commander Krevel is requesting to beam aboard."

Thinking to himself, ~Da`nal sure moved fast...~, before replying. =^= Permission granted. Bring him to the Bridge once he is aboard. =^=

"Aye aye, sir."

As soon as the channel closed he acknowledged the request from the Klingon ship and energized. When the cycle completed a huge Klingon stood on the padd next to what, he assumed, was personal belongings...Bat'leths and all.

The leather of his uniform creaked as he stepped off the Federation transporter, "Permission to come aboard."

"Permission granted Sir. The Captain wanted me to take you to him. If you'll follow me sir."

"Lead the way Petty Officer."


Rico was reviewing several log entries when the doors to the Bridge to his right opened and the Klingon that stepped out looked like he had to duck to get through. Standing he greeted the Klingon. "Lt. Commander Kreval, welcome to the Phoenix. Have your belongings been beamed aboard?"

The Klingon nodded sharply as he handed over his orders. "They have Captain, along with two casks of blood wine for yourself from Lord Da`nal."

"I'm honored that Lord Da`nal would not only see to my request but send gifts as well."

Bowing his head Kreval replied, "He speaks very highly of you and is please that you were given command of such a vessel as the Phoenix. A fitting ship for a warrior."

The corner of Rico's mouth curled slightly and the Klingons approval of the Phoenix and his command of it. "Well Commander would you like to get settled?"

"Captain, I am fully briefed on my...assignment. I would prefer to assume my duties."

Figuring that would be his reply Rico nodded. "Very well Commander. Report to the XO and coordinate any needs with him. Once we are underway though I want to you to stop by and discuss a few things"

"Understood Captain." Having been given his instructions and seeing that the XO was not on the bridge Kreval turned to carryout his orders.

[Deck 2, Section Alpha, Executive officer's office]

Cevel was in his office, pouring over PADDs chalked full of reports varying from duty rosters, to department readiness reports.
He took a quick sip of his coffee and realized it had gone cold, "Damn. Never seems to stay hot enough for long enough."
After swallowing the gulp of cold coffee he took, he stood and headed for the replicator, "Coffee, black."

Kreval stepped up to the office door. Depressing the call button to signal his presence, he waited.

Cevel couldn't think of who might be disturbing his work and let out an audible sigh of frustration, "Enter."

As the door opened Kreval stepped into the XO's office seeing the Andorian and approved as they were a warrior race. "Greetings Commander. Lt. Commander Kreval. The Captain want me to report to you."

Cevel looked at the Klingon with an interested look, "I see. Well, take a seat Commander and tell me what you think of our ship so far."

Stepping over the back of the chair he sat. "It is an impressive ship. Truly there are few vessels, even in the Empire that could stand against it when it's full might is unleashed. A fitting ship for a warrior such as the Captain and an honor for all that walk its decks."

Cevel nodded, "I agree Commander. I never thought I would be the XO of such a fine ship."
He glanced at the PADD lying before him, "So you are our new Strategic Operations Officer, Correct?"

"That is correct. Not the most glorious posting but the honor is to serve! You have a background in intelligence do not Commander?"

Cevel nodded, "You've done your homework Commander. I came from the Intelligence field. I will admit though, this is the first time I've served with a Klingon, I'm looking forward to the experience."

Grinning broadly, "I promise not to kill anyone Commander..." His time with the Captain having been brief he was uncertain if the XO was aware of the Captain's suspicions or not. Until he was told otherwise he would assume that everyone was suspect. "...I did have one, well two requests."

Cevel nodded again, "And what would those be Commander?"

Kreval was never one to sit idle and with the comforts of a Federation ship the need to keep himself busy was even greater. Plus it would give him the chance to interact with the crew one on one. "My duties as a Strategic Operations officer are not enough to keep me busy. The first of my requests is permission to initiate a combat evaluation and training program. Regardless of official Federation categories and policy, this is a warship and her crew should be ready for that very thing. I want to evaluate the skills of each member of the crew and then place them in appropriate train regiments. It will take time I know but with our patrol routes we should have plenty of that.

"My second request is of a personal nature. While I know keeping animals aboard for food is out of the question I would like to see if your science or medical departments could set aside a small area for me to keep and grow some serpent worms of gagh."

Cevel nodded as he mulled over the requests, "The training regiments are a good idea. I will put my stamp on it once you bring me an official request. The Federation loves it's red tape and all that entails."
He took a breath and then nodded a second time, "Talk things over with the Chief Science officer and see what they say. If they have any spare space then I see no reason we cannot allow you a small space. About how much room do you believe you will need?"

"Nothing major at all; the corner of a counter or a shelf or two would be all.
Just for them to breed and grow. I can see to them myself so it doesn't interfere with their duties."

Cevel nodded again and said, "Good. Like I said, talk to Lieutenant Zitla and see what she says, if she okays it, then I'm all for it."

"Understood. Will there be anything else Commander?"

Cevel shook his head, "No Commander. You are dismissed. And welcome aboard."

Kreval stood acknowledging the XO before departing. The crate of serpent worms could wait and he would deal with this Lieutenant Zitla then. For now he would see what kind of decadence he was going to have strip out of his quarters.

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Commander Cevel Th'raran

Commander Kreval of the House of Torath
Strategic Operations Officer


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