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Getting to know each other

Posted on 28 Oct 2018 @ 10:04pm by Cadet Senior Grade Nassie Essu & Lieutenant JG Cleopatra McCaine PhD

1,511 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Counsellors Office
Timeline: Noy long after 'Departure with a twist'


Cleo checked her pad for the details of her plast scheduled appointment for the day. Another cadet. She frowned. What was this ship doing that it needed so much fresh meat? From what she could see she was shaping up to be one of the most experienced officers on board, but she was just a support role. This cadet was in operations, a far more mission critical area than hers. And a promethean wasn't simply a vessel of exploration. Like the defiant class it was a warship in all but name. What was going on?

Still. Nassie Essu, Cadet Senior Class, should be here any minute. Though she'd nearly not got on board at all. That couldn't have made her very happy. Cleo's own doubts and suspicions could wait. She put her padd back on to her desk and moved towards the seating area just as the chime went on the office door. "Its open!" she called out.

Nassie was relieved that the meeting with the Captain was over. and she was mildly surprised that the lecture was kept to a moment. She was still kicking herself from being late. She double timed it to the counselors office. She still had her bags in her hands, as she walked into the office. She waited patiently in the lobby, to be called upon. She did not want to bother the counselor, she was not fond of counselors. Well she was not fond of anyone that can mess with your mind in general. She was a little anxious to leave, she hoped seeing the bag of personal gear, would subtly tell the counselor she had just arrived and have a quick meeting. It was a strategy she had been thinking about, when she arrived on the Phoenix, earlier today.

When no one entered her office, Cleo decided to investigate. She stepped outside to find the Cadet hovering in the hallway, next to a pair of bags. Had the poor girl not even unpacked? "Nassie Essu?" she asked, just to be sure.

"Yes Ma'am." Said Nassie as she walked into the room. She smiled as she took a look around. "Pretty nice for a counseling office." She said, as she left her bags by the door. "Cadet Senior Grade Nassie Essu, reporting for evaluation, Ma'am." Nassie had a big smile on her face, but deep down she was nervous and not really a big fan of counselors. She respected the profession. But she knew she would never be able to be a counselor. Her life was far from perfect, so she felt that there was nothing she could say or offer to people, when they confined their issues to the counselors. She would feel more sympathetic instead of empathetic.

Cleo looked past Nassie, who seemed slightly flushed to the bags, and decided than an alternate method might be appreciated. "Would you like some help unpacking? Kill two birds with one stone?"

"I couldn't possibly bother you with that Ma'am. I am eager to get this over with. After here, I will probably toss my bags on the bed, and jump into work. I have a lot to learn, and not a lot of time. I plan on taking advantage of every moment, I can on the USS Phoenix." Said Nassie, with a concerned look on her face, she wondered if Cleo could see that she was anxious to leave this room. She was not lying about being eager to learn, but she did withhold the fact she was not fond of counselors. She had no doubt that Cleo was a nice person, but it was more the profession than the person.

Cleo easily picked up on her disconfort, weighed the benefits of insisting against the damage of the intrusion. "Are you worried, Nassie? About talking to me? Becuase this is standard routine when you join a ship. Check in with your department head, physical heallth check, mental health check. YOu don't have to be worried. THis isn't a test. No one is going to suddenly accuse you of anything"

"More like antsy, a woman that likes to be on the move. It's why I chose starship operations, I like to be on the move and fixing things. Not really big on the opening up and telling people about my personal life. No offense to you, but I prefer to be exploring and solving minor glitches, or consoles or panels. Things like that." She said hoping not to offend the counselor.

"Thats nothing unusual. Though I think its fair to warn you now, displacement activities can only take you so far. And the best way to avoid talking to counsellors, is to ask for help once in a while. Give peoople faith that you are looking after your mental well being as well as your physical one."

Nassie felt that maybe she was giving the counselor the wrong impression. She thought to herself, yes counselors in genral annoy her, nothing against Cleo. But anyone that can mess with your mind, was someone to fear. She thought about her answer for a moment. "Appreciate the advice Ma'am, I do not mind socializing at all. Just like to do it at night, maybe at the lounge or in a holodeck, or in the gym. During the day, I like to keep busy. At the academy they taught us, work hard and play hard. And those marines love to play." Said Nassie, thinking back to the 602 club, and the group of marines attending the academy. They may have different courses, but at night. They all loved to play."

"It does seem to be a trait of the species," Cleo agreed. Marines on a bender had been a favoured distraction after Julius's death. Lots of stamina. "So you party hard and work hard. Have you had the lecture on not burning yourself out, or do you need ia refresher?"

"My career is just starting out, so I am not likely to burn out just yet. But I do appreciate the concern that you may have for me. I am just eager to get started, my time on the USS Phoenix is limited, and I want to leave the best impression. Already starting with a blemish." She suggested, referring to the ship, having to turn around and pick her up, since she missed the ships departure.

"I did hear. How did that happen?" Cleo was curious. Not only how a cadet managed to miss the boat, but also why the captain was prepared to go back for her. She knew there was something going on that wasn't clear tot he naked eye when it came to the mission. A little insight from the Cadet's perspective might be illuminating.

"Navigating a starbase interior, is not as easy as it appears. Plus there was a couple of minor delays. Being dropped off on the other end of station. Surprised they did not just beam me aboard the Phoenix, to start with. But I make no excuses. I was late, I owned it. I am a woman of principles." Said Nassie, trying to figure that out. Why did Starfleet beam her to the wrong side of the station?

"Well, take some comfort in it. If the captain didn't think you were worth it, you'd be back on the station." Cleo smiled, "So its not as much of a disaster as you think."

"Thanks for the kind words, but I do plan on making it up. By working extra hard, and being on time. And not make anyone wait on me." She said, trying to convince herself, that she will make this up to the others. Her step towards that goal, was this meeting. She probably should have gone to her quarters to drop off her stuff. However, she did not want to keep the counselor waiting on her.

"All right, I'm convinced you're a hard worker. But as a cadet you're required to stop in with me regularly for evaluation. So don't be a stranger." Cleo indicated her door, an invitation for the cadet to escape if she wanted to. "But I'd get those bags stowed before you see the doctor. He won't want you cluttering his sick bay."

"Perhaps not, Ma'am. I'll put my bags away now." Said Nassie, as she slowly stood up, trying to make it look like she was not dashing to get out of the room. She was not thrilled at the idea of coming back to this office. As she grabbed her bags, she turned around and said. "As far as evaluations go, thank you for not making this one unpleasant." She said with a smile on her face. She was grateful to Cleo for that.

Cleao laughed. "Least I can do. I look forward to getting to know you, Nassie."

"Likewise, permission to leave." She asked more playfully than been serious. She walked to the doors, and they swished open in front of her.


Lieutenant Cleopatra McCaine PhD
USS Phoenix

Cadet Senior Grade Nassie Essu
Operations Officer
USS Phoenix


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