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Posted on 14 Oct 2018 @ 5:37pm by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Civilian Robert William, MD

1,391 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 1100

As the time of their departure drew nearer Rico had yet to find a Medical officer in the area that could serve, permanently, as their Chief Medical Officer. Following the transfer of the last CMO, Commander Soran had been gracious enough tp loan then a doctor to fill in, for the time being. Walking into sickbay Rico was pleased to see that their was nothing major going and watched patiently as he watched Dr. William tend to one of the few patients currently under his care.

Robert turned his head and nodded to the Captain before returning to his patient. "Be right with you Captain."

"No rush what you need to do. I will just go wait in your office."

Pleased to see that the Captain wasn't one to interupt, Robert completed his rounds and headed to see what the ship's commanding officer needed. Upon entering the office he moved past the Captain, placing several PADDS on the desk, "Oh congratulation Sir on your wife's pregnancy. Did you guys want to know the sex?"

Rico smiled and waved his hand. "Oh no we wanna let everything be a surprise."

Sitting down he leaned back with a grin of his own. "So what can I do for you?"

Rico rubbed his hands together. "Well as you know we are preparing to depart tomorrow morning..."

"Oh I know..." the doctor interrupted enthusiastically, "...when does your new CMO arrive?"

He could tell from the tone of the interruption that Dr. Williams was ready to get back to his life on the station. Now he had the task of dropping the boom on the physician. "Unfortunately there isn't one. I'm afraid I'm going to need you to stay on for the time being. Now I have already arranged for quarters and if your need people to help pack I can get you those as well."

The smile on Rob's face vanished as the Captain spoke. "Captain I am not a Starfleet officer that can be ordered or passed around from place to place!"

"This is true, but your agreement with Starfleet has you assigned to Deep Space 5, DS5 temporarilly assigned you to this ship. That hasn't change."

"You're splitting hairs Captain! What does Commander Soran sayabout all this!?"

"Nothing. Like I said your temporary reassignment remains inplace, and as DS5 is our home port we will be returning here from time to time. And besides I out rank her."

This was infuriating! "Captain, I have a life on DS5, a career, colleuges, friends..."

It was the Captain's turn to interupt. "So does everyone on this ship; on every ship. You are no different than anyone else Doc. We all go where we are needed and right now you are needed here. I need you, this crew needs least until another Cheif Medical Officer is assigned. Lieutenant Hewitt can handle things here while you get packed."

Rico stood his task complete. "I know this isn't what you wanted but look at it this way. We have no idea what we will find out there; and you'll be one of the first to see it."

Robert watch the ships Captain leave as he fumed. Leaving the office he stepped out into the bay and barked at the nearest nurse before he headed towards the door. "Get Hewitt in here now! I have to go to the station and get packed!" No sooner had the doors closed behind him than he stopped, let out a breath. He was going to have to wasn't her fault.

[Deep Space 5 - 1330]

Rob was still packing between visitors, as word spread of his pending departure. Must had reassured him that things would be fine and that he would be back before he knew it, but he had a nagging feeling that wasn't going to be the case. Closing up another create he pulled up another to start filling.

The door chime rang, and the computer said, "Commander Soran would like to speak to you sir."

A small smile curled his mouth. "Come on in."

Maritza entered. Her uniform was in iits normal immaculate state, her braided hair pinned in a crown around her head without a hair out of place, but the station's young commander looked like she was running on raktajino and willpower. "I wanted to speak before you go. And apologise for not speaking before hand." She should have done, as an attached civlian, Dr Williams deserved a little more consideration. he signed up for a city hospital, not a ship. But ships had blown up, Bars had blown up, and embassies had blown up. Shed had a busy few days.

Having had a chance to calm down he took a breath, dropping a set of running shoes into the container. "Thank you. It's not your fault, needs of the service and all. Montoya had tried to break it to me easy, and it's not like I haven't been on a starship before, but I definitely didn't make it easy on him. Just didn't like the idea of leaving my regular patients behind. That and I had a date tomorrow to."

"I sympathise, and you have my apologies. But the Phoenix needs a medical officer urgently. We've contacted OPR, but they are being their usual efficient and effective selves".

Moving to gather several momentos from a shelf he wrapped them and placed them in the case. "The feetdragging of personnel seems to be a universal trait, unless they are screwing something up that is. I'm sure things will be fine. I came out here to be on the edge of things. I just never thought I'd be stepping over the edge."

Martiza nodded. "Life has a habbit of thrusting people into unexpeced places out here." Her own meteroic rise was no difference. CO of an enormous station before she was even 30. "I'm going to warn you to be careful. I don't know what his mission is, but a lot of his crew is green. They're going to be very raw. Possibly too raw for the sort of missions Prometheans were designed for."

Rolling his eyes as he huffed, "Greaaat. Well hopefully Captain Montoya knows what he's doing."

"I'm sure he does." Commander Soran agreed, "They don't give Promethean out to just anybody. But that crew is going to need you."

Securing the case he cocked his head. "That's no joke, just had our first pregnancy...not even a month along."

Maritza raised an eyebrows. "And I thought cadets didn't hang about in my day." Though she'd not had any time for dating, she was well aware of all the relationships going on around her. "Though my friends were always a bit more careful with the contraception."

"Well there is a few cadets onboard now...the pregnancy isn't among them. Though from her reaction it was unexpected. Guess someone had been neglecting their biofeedback lesson." The last case closed and staged with the others he looked around to see if he had missed anything. "Well I guess that's that."

"Only for the time being." Maritza assured him. You'll be back here in no time, long before you have to brush up on your obstetrics."

"Well I will keep the station news tuned in; I wanna know when some people get brought to justice. But more importantly, you need to be sure and decompress from time to time. If I get back and you are still pushing youself too hard..."

Maritza raised an eyebrow at the impertinence, a Starfleet doctor wouldn't speak to her like that. "I'm managing just fine, Doctor Williams. Your concern is noted."

If there was one constant in the universe it was command officers brushing off medical advice and the warning tone those officers used on the only people in their chain of command that could basically ignore rank if needed. At any rate he could his two cents in. "Good. Well, permission to disembark Commander?"

She held out her hand in the human fashion. "Permission granted."

Taking her hand firmly, then stepping back to stand next to his thing he tapped his commbadge. "Williams to USS Phoenix. One person and personal effects to beam aboard."

Captain Ricardo Montoya
CO - USS Phoenix

Dr. Robert Williams
CMO - USS Phoenix
NPC played by Rico

Commander Maritza Soran
Deep Space Five


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