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A small favor.

Posted on 24 Mar 2018 @ 11:07pm by Lieutenant Marion Kent & Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya

1,223 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Conference room.


After the majority of the people had left the meeting Kent took in a breath as he moved to the Captain. There was a flurry of things that were going through his head as he straightened his jacket. He looked the Captain in the eye.

"Captain." Kent kept in mind to focus his vision on the Captain's. "Sir, I was wondering if there is a chance I could ask a favor, Sir?" Kent wished that damn computer support would have come with some program to help him when he did not know how to talk as he wished.

"I can't guarantee anything...yet, but considering you got the ships power straightened out as fast as you did. What is it?"

"I have a fiancée'." Kent said calmly. "She is a Helm Officer and her transfer request is pending. It was made the day I left my last command." He explained. "I-I was hoping she could be approved and come aboard sir." He continued. "She has a top ten percentile rating with Capitol ships and below." He took a breath. "My transfer was rushed and we did not have the time to get hers with mine but I know it is on your desk, Sir."

Crossing his arm of his chest Rico let out an audible "Hmmmm....Strange that this request hasn't made it to me yet. Nor has Commander Th'raran made any mention of it. Top ten percent....Your fiancée you say?"

"According to her records." Kent said. "It is a long story but just to say I have known her longer than I remember. She is very good at what she does. The ship she was on met with a demise and a Station is the last assignment She has been flight control and even worked as experimental Pilot for the Research and Development Division." He gave a slight grin. "She even flew a 2260's era Romulan Warbird being retrofitted to modern technology."

Continuing to toy with him a bit, "Well getting her assigned here is one way to get passed the new family waiting period...."

"That is true Sir." Kent was beginning to note some relief. "It would help." Kent knew his automated breathing functions; impulses from the brain to the body would almost be calming at the moment.

Rico put a wide smile on his face and his hand on the man's shoulder. "Consider it done. How long will it take her to get to DS5?"

"The projected departure if approved would put her here two days before departure." Kent had memorized and calculated the flight time nearly every waking hour. When I transferred and we realized her application was in the works she began the packing up..." Kent nearly sighed in relief. "…hoping it would be approved. Thank you sir." Kent did smile this time. "You can count on Jillian Sir; she gave the test pilots reason to be nervous."

Well he was actually hoping she was already here, but it only made since she was still stationed at the same facility he had been transferred from. "Well to bad she won't be here for our test flight tomorrow. I will locate the request and see that it is sent out tonight."

"Thank you sir." Kent said with a nod of his head.

Shifting the subject to something less official, "So have you two set a date yet?"

"I only managed to pop the question as I was being transferred." Kent chuckled. "The one important thing in my life I left to literally the last minute. I thought I would have more time to get that 'perfect moment; I also found out that is the wrong mentality in Fleet. Luckily she loves me and is adaptable."

Thinking of the sacrifices Heather as faced and is facing because of her following him, like being passed over for advancement. "Well if you and...Oh I don't believe you mentioned her name."

"Jillian." Kent said with a soft expression. "Jillian Peters." Kent continued. "A bit on the shy part when it comes to Officers; like most non-comms, I was an extreme exception of course."

"Well as soon as I leave...better yet come with me."

"Right beside you sir." Kent fell into step with the Commanding Officer. "I think the new recruits of Engineering will be better officer’s sir; they helped in the final outfitting to bring ship on line and I am having them go through the dirty areas that most do not see." Kent chuckled. "They will know this ship better than most Engineering crews do not get a chance to help build in any way they maintain and repair other people's work. This time they helped build her."

Leading the way Rico left the observation lounge and took the corridor to his ready room. Upon enter is office he start. "Computer, locate and open transfer request for one Jillian Peters."

His holo-monitor sprang to life and displayed the requested record and after a brief review he endorsed the request and authorized priority transport which would clear the use of a warp capable shuttle instead of relying on the schedule of other transportation. "Done."

"Thank you Sir." Kent beamed. "The date will be sometime after first combat patrol I think; allow time to get the ship shaken in and then attend to personal things." He offered a handshake. "I really do mean it Sir you have been great."

"No need for thanks. Besides better to have her here than have you distracted because you're pining away," Rico said chuckling.

"For now you will both officially have separate quarters but when the time comes we can get the two of you joint quarters."

"Thank you sir, she is not the type to 'shack up' as they say." Kent joked. "Despite whom she has agreed to marry she does have standards."

"Well there's no accounting for taste. And besides, what happens behind closed doors is between the two of you. You are both adults...” adding with a grin, "...until proven otherwise."

"I have been called worst than childish Sir." Kent agreed. "It is a statistic that a majority of those that co-habitat before making the long term commitment have problems later." He quoted. "Also that Persistence; statistically, will achieve the desired goal Sir." He nodded to the Commanding Officer. "I-I should really get back to the job, I have to earn that credit for the favor and prove I can do it." He joked.

Standing with a grin, "Then I've got your mark until you're paid up. Don't let me keep you from that power cutover and the rest of your duties.

"I understand and will not let you down sir." Kent said as he nodded and turned for the door. "I am kind of bored of Dry Dock; you will have that power faster than you can count sir." He assured.

Rico watched as the door closed. He too was anxious to get underway, he just hoped that Kent wasn't one to promise what he couldn't deliver. Thus far he had delivered and delivered quickly but only the future would reveal just how good he was. Returning to his deck he doce a little deeper into the record of the woman who's transfer he had just approved.

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lt. Russell Kent
Chief Engineer


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