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Aldana and Larsen

Posted on 05 Mar 2018 @ 6:32am by Ensign Doctor Amiri Aldana 365 & Senior Chief Petty Officer Thomas Larsen

1,697 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: After "I'm Pope Now!"
Tags: Sombra

Thomas was slowly rolling a shoulder after a small workout during his lunch break, and then remembered he needed to get to medical so he could completely be on duty. Hooking a right, he made his way to the turbo lift and stepped inside. “Medical,” he said simply before being whisked away. Stepping out a few seconds later he stepped forcefully forward, then turned right, entering the Medbay. “Morning,” he said gruffly as a Nurse passed him. Another stepped forward with a PADD, smiling. “First Ser-” Thomas stopped himself and growled. “Senior Chief Petty Officer Larsen reporting for annual med check.”

“(I’m sorry, she probably didn’t hear you)” the male nurse with a PADD commented before giving a greeting, “good morning Chief Larsen, how are you today?” The nurse with a PADD held it up and with a few motions of his hand he’d added the Sr. Chief to the schedule. “Let’s see, it looks like Doctor Hayami is unavailable, but our new resident can take you now if you just have a seat, I’ll let hir know you’re here.”

Without waiting for a response, the male nurse tucked his PADD under his arm and disappeared into a back room.

Cocking his head to the side, he watched the Nurse walk away and just started shaking his head. Medics had always confused him, so there was no point in saying anything just now.

It wasn’t long at all before the nurse returned. “I can walk you back to see the resident now. Have you met hir before?”

“Can’t say that I have,” Larsen said shaking his head. “But there’s a first time for everything.”

The nurse showed Larsen to a standard exam room. Inside stood a taller-than-average half-Kazarite sporting a fine layer of fur under their uniform. Their maternal Hermat genes gave them the dual gender of a true hermaphrodite. Hir palms and face were the only parts of hir that weren’t covered in the fine fur, and hir legs ended in paws instead of feet which were bare. A long feline-like tail emerged from about the same place where tails usually do.

Across the room in an out-of-the-way place under a cabinet on a small memory foam mattress on the floor was a sort of Canidae. He was large-ish yet unassuming. His coat, tri-color, was muddled with almost no rhyme or reason was called a ‘panda’ pattern for one reason or another. He was of a type that might remind Terrans of their own Canis lupus familiaris of a German Shepherd Dog variety or similar breed. Though this particular individual may or may not have been specifically from Earth. It was most decidedly a predatory-type mammal.

Upon the animal’s back however – despite his specific species – was a working vest indicating via embroidered ID patches, the animal’s status and right to be there. Also embroidered on either side of the vest were Velcro labels “working, please ask before petting.” Across the middle of the back was a clear vinyl pocket were more papers with further personal ID as well as certificates, emergency contacts, and a prescription for the requirement of the animal.

Doctor Aldana 365 stepped forward behaving as if the dog weren’t there. S/he extended a hand in greeting, adding, “Hello, I am Doctor Aldana, it is nice to meet you Chief Larsen. Please have a seat.”

Shaking the doctors hand, Thomas hopped up on the bio bed. "I'm here because duty demands it, lets just get this over with," he said gruffly, still unhappy with his situation.

Sombra poked his head up. Usually people had mentioned him about now. He yawned with a short lite squeak escaping his nose at the end.

"I'm sorry to hear that chief. I will try to work quickly." Aldana brought out hir favorite medical tricorder." Any injuries or complaints I should be aware of?" taking out the hand scanner, s/he began hir work, as s/he began to admire him.

"All previous injuries are in my personal file. Nothing out of the ordinary."

Aldana paused as s/he was scanning over the human's shoulders. S/he was getting an alert from the tricorder. S/he took a closer look. "That's funny, I'm showing some recent tearing in the Infraspinatus, Teres Major, and Teres Minor muscles. What on Kaza-... (excuse me) ...Earth have you been doing?" Looking at the area, s/he noticed how strong his shoulders were.

"Work out, Marines never rest," Thomas said looking at the Doctor. "To be in peak physical condition is part of the code. Just because I'm fleet now doesn't mean I can let myself go."

"Of course not, just be careful. From these readings, I'm showing you're on the precipice of going too far. Maybe ease up on your routine just a little." Having said hir peace, the doctor moved on with the exam. "Let's see, hmmm, mm-hmm." S/he was muttering to hirself as s/he worked. "So you're the Chief of the Boat, correct?"

Under the counter, Sombra monitored the situation dutifully; ever attentive to 'Alpha's' constant fluctuating signals, subconscious and nonverbal cues. His nostrils flared able to detect the possible slightest hit of a changes coming off of hir.

"That is correct, and I'll tone it back a little bit. Don't need to be in here more often than normal," Larsen gruffed. "Nothing too spectacular with being COB as far as my research goes."

"So this is your first time in the position? So what are your responsibilities?" Amiri kind of liked the man so far despite his rough edges, so s/he just wanted to try and engage him and get to know him a little better as s/he continued hir scans.

"Taking care of the Enlisted," Larsen said simply. "It's not a very interesting job at the moment."

"I'm sorry to hear that, so it sounds like you're a liaison between the enlisted beings, and officers?" Just then Aldana's tricorder vibrated an alert. S/he checked it over. "Well, sir, if you're ever looking for someone to do something with, feel free to look me up." S/he checked over the remainder of the scans. S/he was just about to release him back to duty when Sombra stood and went over to Larsen to investigate nasally.

~Who is? You're not going to introduce me?~

~Silly, looks like you're doing that on your own. Besides I think this one seems to understand expected Psyc. Service Animal etiquette.~

Thomas glanced over at the beast sniffing him but shook his head. "I'll look into bringing you in on the workout doc." He said before sitting up and sliding off the bio bed. "But is there anything else that I need at the moment?"

Sombra sat and whimpered surprised that this person didn't seem to pay him any attention.

~Do not be discouraged my young friend, there will be plenty of others to meet.~ In the meantime Doctor Aldana checked over Larsen's file. "Hmm, it seems there are some local vaccines we need to catch you up on."

"Then lets get it done, make it a one stop shop." Larsen said taking off his blouse and rolling up his sleeve, showing the old USMC tattoo of the bulldog in a brown round smoking a cigar.

"Nice ink." Aldana was particularly biased for the anthro form of a canidae. As s/he got the first hypospray ready s/he asked, "what's that in its mouth?" s/he'd never seen a cigar before. S/he pressed the first hypospray to Larsen's shoulder avoiding the artwork and began to get the second one ready. Somehow s/he guessed s/he'd get little to no reaction to a giant faux gag horse syringe so s/he didn't get it out. Though it was some doctor's favorite pranks.

"Cigar. Lieutenant General Chesty there has had a cigar in his mouth since pre-starfleet, circa 1992." Larsen didn't even flinch as the doctor was getting the battery ready, wondering why they didn't just do a giant shot of everything to make things simpler. "Its a form of smokable tobacco Marines were known to smoke or chew on for years."

Aldana made a face. "Ugh, I remember now. I thought Terrans all gave that up centuries ago. Wasn't tobacco a poison?" S/he administered the next vaccination. "One more." S/he got it ready in no-time, and held it up and pointed to his pants bottom. "Drop'em." S/he smiled.

Hopping off the biobed, he undid his slacks, letting them drop he stood there in his boxer briefs, before pulling down a corner from there. "Go ahead. And yes tobacco in those days was a poison, they've changed the formulation a little bit and it doesn't have the lasting health effects that it once did."

The doctor smiled, admiring what s/he saw for a moment. S/he remained professional though. With a slight pressure the injection took place, and that was it. "OK, all done. Now my usual patients get a peanut butter biscuit or a fish treat, but I've found that humanoids -- particularly adults -- seem to find lollypops or other confectioneries to be placating, so I won't offer, but I will instead point out my nice lovely glass jar on the counter over there by the door. It's not sealed or otherwise locked if someone were to maybe avail themselves of one or more of its sweet contents."

“Yeah... no. I’ve got a lot of work to do,” Larsen said as he quickly got his clothing back on before tugging at his collar. It was quickly becoming a quirk. Nodding to the doctor and the dog, he stepped out of the med bay, moving to the front of the ship to check on a couple other things.

Doctor Amiri Aldana 365 D.V.M.
CVO/Medical Resident
U.S.S. Phoenix

SCPO Thomas Larsen
USS Phoenix

Sombra CGC.U./A.
CVO's Service Animal
U.S.S. Phoenix


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