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Introducing Aktuh - Part 1

Posted on 26 Jun 2009 @ 9:51pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,474 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: On route to SB47

Aktuh was already in the ready room, waiting for the captain when he arrived. He'd 'allowed' himself entrance and knew with certainty and confidence that no one but T'Pal was aware of his presence. That would change, of course, as soon as the captain passed through the door to his office, but if all were to go as planned, there was no way around letting the man know he was there and there to least, for now.

Taking the Padd from his ever present yeoman, he examined the various requests and reports, approving, denying, or flagging for further review as needed before returning the padd to him. Standing from his chair, "ETA to Starbase 47?"

"At current speed, 31 hours and 17 minutes sir."

Nodding to himself, he then looked to the Tac Officer standing in for T'Pal. "Lieutenant, you have the bridge." With that, he headed towards his ready room.

Waiting for the captain to step fully inside and for the door to close behind him, Aktuh stepped silently in front of the door and made his presence known, saying, "Do not be alarmed, Captain. I mean no harm. However, 'the agency' is requiring me to stay aboard your vessel for an assignment and I therefore need to make you aware of my presence. I am Aktuh of the House of Mishtak. If you need proof of my identity or the truth of my words, you may verify with T'Pal. I believe she is your chief of security...?" his final words were more a mocking statement than a question. Chief of security would never truly describe the 'gifts' and 'talents' that T'Pal kept hidden, buried in her past.

Spinning at the first sound, Da`nal reached for the blade he kept in the hem of his jacket. ~The agency?~ he thought. Standing erect, he removed his hand as the intruder finished his explanation. "You're Section, aren't you? ....and if T'Pal knows you, I assume she is...or was as well."

The intruder, who was 3/4 Klingon and 1/4 human, made not a move nor a sound. The captain had to know that he would neither confirm nor deny such a 'charge' regardless of how accurate it may be. He also did not look the least bit disturbed by the captain's reach for what he assumed was a weapon of some sort. Aktuh's own hands were considered weapons by most.

"I'll take your silence as a confirmation. What do you want? And what is this 'assignment' you spoke of?"

"My personal assignment is to make sure that T'Pal completes her assignment. More information than that is not important although you may attempt to request such from T'Pal herself, although I doubt she would give it to you," the imposing man said with something akin to a smirk, "Apart from that, I am to gather intelligence and report to my superiors. If necessary, I can perform an assigned task aboard your vessel as well but your ship and her crew are not my primary concern."

"Her assignment?" He asked, the irritation rising in his voice. "Now I don't care who your 'superiors' are. You don't give the orders here. As far as I'm concerned you are a stow away and will be taken to the brig and left at Starbase 47 once we arrive."

"Then you will be dead shortly thereafter and considered an 'unfortunate casualty'," Aktuh responded in a tone that was more matter-of-fact than threatening.

"You can try! I have no problem stopping this ship right here, right now and causing an interstellar incident. Which will put T'Pal and you, now that your presence is exposed, in the spotlight. That is, unless I get some answers. Did Cmdr Reynolds send you to babysit Briam's grandchildren? Was the attack on them against me or him?"

"I do not report to *Captain* Reynolds. However, I am acquainted with her and would be willing to find the answers to your questions should you give me the opportunity to do so," Aktuh responded. There was very little he could give on but Da`nal's questions were completely unrelated to his reasons for being there and if providing the answers would provide him 'safe passage' so to be it.

He was going to get answers one way or another. Tapping his commbadge, =^=T'Pal report to the ready room...immediately.=^=

His eyes never left the intruder, "Then who DO you report to?"

The two men stared each other down while Aktuh contemplated his reply. Giving the man the truth could be dangerous but keeping it from him would be equally so. If Da`nal knew of Reynolds, then it was likely that he knew of the man who was over Reynolds as well...along with a number of other so called 'handlers'. It was rare that Aktuh was assigned to report to a handler. He found it tedious and tiresome...and it was pointless when his tasks came from above them and occasionally were to take one of them out. Finally, with a cold, hard, look of steel, Aktuh responded with one simple word, "Dunbar."

=^= On my way =^= T'Pal said as the turbo lift doors opened on the bridge, where she was on her way to. Within moments after crossing the bridge floor, she pressed the chime.

Staring at each other unblinkingly once more, Aktuh waited for the commanding officer of the vessel to respond to either the chime or his admission of who he reported to. Either way, this was about to get extremely interesting.

Da`nal was unfamiliar with the name and had no way to verify it, at least for now. He turned, showing his back to Aktuh, an act to express Da`nal's lack of concern. No doubt Aktuh was a formidable warrior but Da`nal was no one's prey...nor would he be pushed about on his own ship.

As he rounded his desk, he remained standing in front of his chair, his gaze locking back with Aktuh's. "Enter."

As she entered, she noticed Aktuh, but she showed no surprise, just a look of 'so you guys met'.

Aktuh caught sight of T'Pal out of the corner of his eye but did not move his gaze from Da`nal. He was all business right now, quiet danger emanating from his entire being.

"Start explaining, Lieutenant," Da`nal said and with that he took a seat without motioning his 'guests' to do the same.

T'Pal stood quietly, her hands loosely held behind her back. There was no need to hide who and what she really was anymore. It was only a subtle change. Her eyes were that of the deadly assassin and experienced Section agent. She was the type of person that most people would prefer not to exist, even SF captains preferred to deny the existence of these shadows of the Federation. Not that they minded. "I have been with the agency for most of my adult life. I attempted to resign.." she cast a glance to Aktuh before adding, "and *he* showed up. I am to be made active again, awaiting an assignment," she stated flatly.

For a split second, Aktuh's stoic and guarded gaze moved to T'Pal's face as she spoke but then his eyes immediately moved back to Da`nal as he awaited the man's response.

"Our guest here said that he was here to ensure you complete an assignment." Shifting his gaze, "Do you have her orders?"

"No," Aktuh stated flatly, "I have not yet reported 'accept' the proposition of her return."

Activating his terminal, Da`nal barely waited long enough for it to rise from the desks surface before swivling it around to face the fellow Klingon. "Then do! I want this over with."

T'Pal was truly surprised, but it was a mere flicker in her eyes. Da'nal seemed almpost eager to have her activated again, which was unusual for a Starfleet Captain. Then again he was not exactly the usual Starfleet. "Why the rush, Captain?" she asked curiously, or was she her suspicious self.

"I have my reasons, Lieutenant." The sooner this was over with the sooner he could get thing back to normal. Not to mention the sooner the connection was established, the sooner he could chastise the person on the other end for commandeering his officer. Dealing with Romulans was bad enough but now he had to deal Seaction 31's BS.

Barely giving a second glance toward T'Pal, Aktuh entered the communication codes to open the secure link with Dunbar. Getting through the hoops to speak with the man himself without so much as a hitch, it was no time before Aktuh was saying grimly, "Reporting. Your task has been completed."




Cmdr Da`nal

Lt T'Pal

Aktuh of the House of Mishtak - NPC'd by Mari's player


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