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A two edged Sword

Posted on 10 Jun 2009 @ 11:32am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

350 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: IKV Roqnar - Nearing SB 47

Ralnath paced the corridors of his ship, his hands clasped behind his back. His request for Nniol's extradition had been sent to the High Council and even the Chancellor had demanded it. However the likelihood that it was going to be approved was slim in the extreme. The Federation had the Romulan's against a wall. Even though the Senate claimed no complicity in the attack on the Federation, he didn't believe it; and the Federation would be fools if they did.

They would be arriving at SD 47 soon, and soon he would be closer to One of the leaders of his House's long time enemies. Never did he think he would have the opportunity to strike such a blow. The only obstacle was his own son. He had taught his son on the need for loyalty and honor, to do your duty even in the face of death. How could he ask his son to dishonor himself by violating his orders...possibly even loose the command that he had just achieved...for a family vendetta?

The frustration was clear upon his features. The more he thought on it the more it stewed with in him. The more it stewed the angrier he got. Finally in a burst of rage he lashed out, driving the side of his fist into the monitor set into the bulkhead. The monitor shattered and sparks erupted for the damage and as the smoke cleared he looked at the shards on the deck plating then to the hole now sputtering and sparking occasionally.

He was brought out of his thoughts as he was paged over the ship comm system. "Bridge to Lord Ralnath, we are approaching the Federation Star base."

"Very Well. Drop to impulse power and request permission to dock. Also have maintenance send someone to repair the panel in corridor 3, deck 2, section 5."

"Understood my Lord."

As the channel closed he let out a breath, then turned heading to his quarters. At least he would be able to see his grandchildern soon.


Lord Ralnath
Head of the House of Varal
(NPC'd by Da`nal)


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