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Keeping her together

Posted on 09 Jun 2009 @ 5:21pm by

803 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Engineering
Timeline: Just before departure


"Keep an eye on those engines. We don't want another blow out, we won't be able to fix it if they blow out this time.I also need somebody to go check to see if the starboard nacelle is closed up. Last I heard we were leaking a bit o' matter from one o' the buzzard collectors." John said, as he made his way around engineering, looking at readouts on certain consoles, while blurting out his orders.

Ah, Rachel, good to see you're back. I need you to watch the warp core. It's a little tricky at the moment, but it should hold together until a major refit can be scheduled. Just treat her like a lady, and it'll work ou' fine" he said, with a wink.

Understood sir. Oh and by the way, the simulations suggest a 92 percent probability, that we will NOT blow into a dozen pieces, or create an artificial wormhole, once we go into warp" She said with a smile.

I'da settled for a 98 percent chance, but I suppose we dinnae have that chance now" he replied, in a rather serious tone.

"Well then, perhaps you should run the simulation yourself, and see if you can do better" Rachel replied, a little sarcastic. She knew he would trust in her assessment. She just wanted him to know, she didn't appreciate the remark.

"Maybe later" he replied, as he looked over to her and winked. He enjoyed bantering with her.

"Seriously though, I need tha' readin' on the warp core. It has nae had the chance to be tested at warp yet, so we need to be keepin an eye on it" he said as he made his way over to the ship's layout monitor. "Everythin seems to be in the green for the moment......Why is life support readin' at 98 percent?" He asked, as he searched through the power adjustment data files.

"Ah, I see. Somebody borrowed power from life support to boost the warp engine output. A bit foolish, with so many other non essential systems to take from. I'm going to take it from cargo bay 2 instead" he said, as he rerouted the power from the engines, back to life support, and then from the cargo bay, to the engines.

"Tha's better" he said, as he heard someone approach from behind him.

"Wha' is it?" He asked, without turning around, still studying the rest of the power distribution readings. Everything else seemed okay so far.

"Sir, I'm supposed to inform you that Lieutenant Cruz, your new assistant, has just beamed aboard, and is on her way here" Mark said nervously, as he waited for the Chief's reply. He hadn't had the chance to introduce himself yet, largely due to the fact he was scared to meet the man. He was a little shocked, when he found out he was the one, who would have to deliver the news to the man, of the new arrival.

"Very well, see that she makes it down here withou' incident, Mr........" John started to say as he turned around. He was surprised to see the young man standing before him. Apparently he still had to meet a few people.

"Mark Reedly, sir. I'm one of the damage control specialists" he said, with a nervous smile.

"Well, just make sure she gets here, Mr. Reedly" John said, with a smile, he hoped helped the man relax a bit. He seemed a bit nervous, for some reason.

"Aye, sir. That, I can manage" Mark said, as he nodded, making his way to the transporter room.

"Hey, Rach, have you met that young boy ye? He seems a bit to green, if truth be told" John said, with a chuckle.

"He may be young, but he is the best at his job. Give him time, I'm sure he'll grow on you, sir." She replied, as she collected data from the core, on her tricorder.

"W'ell see abou' tha' when the time comes, now won't we?" He asked playfully. He was sure the young lad would do fine. Especially if he had the backing of one of his good friends.

"Just make sure you keep an eye on th' core. Hopefully we'll manage to keep her together long enough to bring her back home" he said, as he turned his attention back to the ship's layout display. He had much to do, with no time left to make it happen. He hoped his assistant knew her stuff. Most of his staff was already to green for his liking, he didn't have time to reteach yet another officer how to make it happen around here.

"Aye sir" came Rachel's simple reply, as she continued her scans.


Lieutenant John McPherson
Chief Engineer
USS Freedom

Warrant Officer Rachel Johnson
Engineering Officer
U.S.S. Freedom


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