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Posted on 24 Jul 2018 @ 12:44pm by Lieutenant JG Shirayuki Hayami MD & Lieutenant JG Zitla
Edited on on 24 Jul 2018 @ 7:01pm

785 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Timeline: MD02 15:00


Zitla stood in the middle of her office turning slowly as her gaze travelled over the walls and drew in how the placement of her belongings made her feel. Her precious Tylknosest carapace was safe in its case framed bright against the window and an assortment of trinkets occupied spaces between more scientific artefacts. Her desk though was clear.

It was time for the Bolian to fully enter this new stage of her life and with it to get to know the colleagues she had met both briefly and collectively at the meeting earlier. She decided to start with the doctor, a plan that had two aims, to find common ground for friendship, and to attend her mandatory medical check.

Satisfied that her new office was arranged she smiled and made her way to sickbay, reflecting as she went on how so many people seemed to find this necessity an imposition at best. There were so many stories of crewmembers having to be frogmarched down to get their medical that she couldn't help but think they were exaggerated.

It was a short stroll to the turbolift and an equally short journey from deck six to deck seven where the Chief Medical Officer's office was located.

Shirayuki wasn't one to not get her hands dirty. Her office at the moment was much more of a... gardening workbench at the moment. Several plant pots were on the desk and she had her hands deep into the soil as she was planting small herbs in them. Afterall she was a herbolgist and she had to make sure she had fresh plants on board, how else would she have fresh ingrediants for her medicines and what not...

Zitla entered at the welcoming chime and slipped through the doors. She paused for a moment taking in the scene - not what she usaully expected in a medical office. She watched the diminutive doctor for a moment.

"You care for the earth," she observed - Zitla knew as well as anyone that the plants could have been cultivated in a hydroponics bay but that was not the purpose here. "I like that."

"Old habits" Shirayuki said with a smile. "I use natural ingrediants for most of my medicines" she explained. "Let me just wash up, then I'll be with you" she told her with a smile.

"There's no hurry, Doctor, take as long as you need. I came by on the off chance you would have a slot for me. If its not convenient I can make an appointment," Zitla said.

"Well, better now than never" Shirayuki said. "Jump up on one of the biobeds and we'll get started"

The Bolian chose the closest and hopped up so that her legs dangled over the edge. "I know its early, but what sort of luck are you having with the crew attending their check ups?" Zitla knew as well as anyone the tendancy to avoid though it was not one she shared and as long as the doctor did not name names she could reply in general terms.

"Well" Shirayuki said. "I've had a few people already report in and get cleared. But eventually they'll all end up here for a physical anyways, you can't start active duty without being clared by a medical staff and your department head" she explained with a smile.

"I'd always rather know if there's something up, or could be," Zitla repiled, "but I guess everyone is different. I've got no underlying conditions that I'm aware of and have been on good form in general. There's nothing we know of that runs in the family so hopefully everything will check out."

Shirayuki smiled as she picked up a tricorder. She began to scan Zitla. "Well, lets have a look shall we" she said. "Blood pressure is a little high, but nothing to worry about its still well within normal parameters" she explained. "All of your internal organs seem to be working just fine..." she looked through a few more readings. "Yeah I'd say you're fine" she told her. She logged the results on the tricorder to uplink to the medical computer.

She smiled as she pulled a PADD out from the tray under the biobed. A few taps later she handed it to Zitla. "These are your clearance documents from me. Pass this onto the executive officer" she explained with a smile. "Once you have their confirmation, you can be cleared for active duty"

The Bolian gave an exaggerasted 'Phew!' as she took the padd.

"Thanks, Doctor. Always good to get the rubber stamp."

Shirayuki nodded. "Any time" she said.


Lieutenant JG Zitla
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant JG Shirayuki Hayami MD
Chief Medical Officer


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