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Home again...for now

Posted on 13 Aug 2018 @ 3:03am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya

631 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M-15 Prison Planet
Timeline: MD 1 - 0130

[Ready Room]

The Phoenix dropped from warp as it returned to Deep Space 5 after it's shakedown. Systems wise the ship performed perfectly the crew needed a little work. Aside from a crew replacement or two and picking up the those that missed their original departure the crew had preformed adequately. The fine tuning and unification that made a great crew would come with time.

It had been a long day but he had wanted to be around when they returned to the station. He began to think of various ways to solidify the crew but his thoughts were interrupted as his comm sounded. “Captain to the bridge.” Rising as a questioning expression wrinkled his brow. They were approaching the station…how bad could it be? Stepping out onto the bridge the deck office reported.

“Sir, sensors are detecting debris between the planet and the station.”


“Yes sir, Cardassian. By the amount it appears one of the Cardassian ships that were in orbit when we left was destroyed.”

“Well I'm sure the station personnel are investigating the cause…”

“We also detected indications of weapons fire. Federation weapons fire.”

He knew there had been a warfare scheduled; the Phoenix had even been invited to participate. Something must have gone wrong…majority wrong. “What is the station's status?”

“The station doesn't seem to be on any kind of alert status. All defensive and offensive systems are normal.”

Lowering himself into his command chair he . “Well whatever happened, looks like we missed it. Even so keep active sensor sweeps of the area. I don't want to get caught off guard should things heat up again. Hail docking control.”

“Aye sir."

Moments later the station's dock control officer filled the Phoenix's bridge screen. “Captain Montoya, welcome back. How was the shakedown?”

“It went quite well thank you. Please pass along my compliments to your yard crew. They built us a fine ship. Though seems like we missed some excitement while we were away.”

“You could say that. Some extra security measures have been put in place so there may be a slight delay in your final crew assignments but we have welcome mat out and ready for you.”

“Excellent. Don't forget to check the oil and clean the windows...We're ready for Docking maneuver."

"Acknowledged, ; synchronizing systems now."

Rico leaned back and watched as the station loomed closer. "Helm?"

"Systems locked Captain."

"Spacedock you have control?"

"Affirmative Phoenix and enjoy the ride. We have you in docking bay 94."

"Phoenix confirms, docking bay 94."

As the channel closed Rico spun his chair to return to his ready room but paused as he rose, thinking to himself. ~'Docking bay 94'...why does that seem so familiar???~

With a shrug he brushed it off and continued; entering his ready room to prepared a message to his senior staff before he called it a night.


To: Senior Staff, USS Phoenix

From: Captain Montoya, Ricardo E.

Subject: Arrival and Departure from Deep Space 5

At stardate 71613.87 the USS Phoenix returned to Deep Space 5 follow her shakedown cruise. All departments have 48 hours to finalize all supply issues and crew boarding or replacements. Disseminate these instructions as needed. The Phoenix will depart on stardate 71619.863 (0600).

End Message

Re-entering the bridge he saw that the ship was now approach their bay and soon mooring, umbilicals, and catwalks would be extended towards the ship and final preparation for their patrol missions would begin. The deck officer saw him and nodded. "Calling it at a night sir?"

Turning from the view screen to the office, "Yes. Request a report on what happened during our absence and why the added security and screening of personnel."

"The report will be on your desk before your morning coffee. Sleep well sir."

Captain Ricardo Montoya
CO - USS Phoenix


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