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Posted on 12 Jun 2018 @ 1:11am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Lieutenant Commander Cevel Th'raran & Lieutenant JG Shirayuki Hayami MD

965 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M-14 New Beginings
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: MD 3 - 1500

Rico was in his ready room reviewing the reports on the battle stations drill while the ship took a round about course back to DS5 to allow for further testing of the ships systems. As he had anticipated there were some issues to be worked out but nothing really rhat major. For the most part the crew had preformed admirably and all that really needed to be addressed was responce time. Unfortunately there was one glaring issue and he set done the current PADD with a sigh and tapped his badge. =^= Commander Th'raran, report to the ready room =^=

Looking out his window he observed the lower engineering fly in formation and then move out of view as the re-integration process began.

Cevel was on the bridge going through a PADD with details about crew performance in the previous drill. =^= On my way sir. =^= Within a few moments he pressed the chime on the Captain's ready room and entered.

Motioning him in, gesturing to one of the many PADDS. "Seems we have a problem, Dr. Hayami reports that Ens. Aldana failed to report to sickbay during the drill. The partial deck collapses that was reported from her station was not a part of your simulation?"

"Negative. I didn't program any deck collapses into the drill." Cevel said as he took one of the PADD and began glancing through it. "Aldana was the Ensign we had an issue with on the bridge correct?"

"Correct she was the one wirh the animal that left shortly after the drill began. It seems she/he took it upon herslef to conduct a holodeck program during the drill."

Cevel shook his head, "Correct me if I'm wrong Captain, but isn't the holodeck shut down during a Red Alert drill, it being a non-essential system and all?"

"Not necessarily. The prometheus class is heavy on holographic integration what with the holo-emitters on every deck, the various holo-monitors and displays. Plus with the secondary warp core being powered up for either additional power or in the event of seperation, this class is really over powered during normal flight mode. Now if power becomes an issue, of course non-essential systems would be taken offline as needed.

"Now according to the logs she also had a site to site transport from her quarters to deck I have a hunch as to what kind of program was ran." Rising from his desk, "Lets go find out before we decide just how much trouble she's in."

Cevel nodded and moved towards the door, "Aye Captain. I'll follow your lead sir."

Together they made there way to the holodeck to see what was going on. As he stepped into the lift Rico tapped his comm badge. =^= Montoya to Hayami. Doctor, If you are not busy meet me at holo deck one. =^=

"On my way" Shirayuki replied over the comm.

Arriving at he holodeck Rico called up the program run by the Ensign had been running and stood there watching as she conducted search and rescue operations for those lost in the simulated wreckage. The more he watched the more his irritation, and even anger grew.

Looking back as the holodeck doors opened as the Doctor arrived he returned to the simulation, and watched as the simulated resident called to sickbay.

=^= Aldana to sickbay. =^=

The reply that came back was not a cordial one.

=^= Ensign! I don't know WHAT you are doing but your post during an emergency is Sickbay! Get in here now...Hayami Out! =^=

Having seen enough Rico called out. "Computer. End program."

Taking a deep calming breath he stepped forward, turning to face the two officers. "Doctor, did Ensign Aldana EVER show up in sickbay during the drill?"

Shirayuki shook her head simply.

"Where is she now?"

"I wasn't quite... bold enough to send her to the brig. So I confined her to quarters at the moment until it could be dealt with properly" Shirayuki explained.

Nodding Rico turned to the XO. "Commander, prepare the following charges: Disobeying orders of the ships Captain for conducting SAR operations without approval and in violation of direct instruction concerning herself her animals and said SAR operations; Dereliction of duty for failing to report to her post; and conduct unbecoming a Starfleet Officer. When we get back to DS5, get her and her animals off my ship."

Cevel nodded and started prepping a PADD, "Aye Captain. I'll get JAG on the comms as soon as I have finished prepping the charges. More than enough charges here for a court-martial. Is that the route you want me to take sir? Or would you rather we just give enough of an excuse to transfer the Ensign?"

A court martial would mean hearings and delays to their mission and he didn't like the idea of having to deal with her, the Admiral's tendency for lengthy over analyzing of every detail, nor the idea of passing a problem to someone else. Rico took a few loud breaths, "Transfer her to the transient pool on the station. Notify JAG and anotate Aldana's record with everything...the Doctor report from the drill, the holo recording, and I will write up a reportas well. If JAG wants to chalk it up to a young and dumb error or file the charges that'll be on them."

Cevel nodded understanding fully the desire to keep on mission, "I will file these right away. I'll transfer the Ensign immediately."

Rico nodded, he kind of liked the idea of a canine on a SAR team, after all the were times when tricorders encountered interference and non tech solution would have been ideal. Too bad the kid could follow orders.

Cevel nodded, "With your leave Captain."

Captain Ricardo Montoya

Lieutenant Commander Cevel Th'raran


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