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Hurry up and wait

Posted on 25 Mar 2009 @ 9:01pm by

203 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Intelligence office

Silonez sat in his barren office. The desk was bare, no terminal, no mementos, just empty. The whole section was basically empty, no real crew accept for Janis, he did feel some remorse about stepping out of line with the XO earlier, but it wasn't the first time. He was waiting for the orders to battle stations, not that there was much for him to do. The encryptions room wasn't quite ready, a good thing Silonez thought he wasn't about to ruin a perfectly good piece of equipment.

Silonez often wondered if field assignments such as this one were like this. He wasn't specifically command trained, and didn't really want to command a ship at this point in his life; he'd made a few too many mistakes in his life as it was. His thoughts drifted back too Rita. He'd been involved with Rita for three years, they'd planned on marriage but Silonez got this assignment and Rita didn't want to join him, then two days before he left Rita was gone, her things packed, and the engagement ring sat on his home desk. It left the Swede hurting and looking for an outlet, he still hasn't found it.

Lt. Silonez Ericson


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