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Posted on 30 Sep 2016 @ 8:51am by Ensign Karrak

162 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M13-D: The Alundra Host

Karrak walked the corridors of the Achilles deep in thought. THere had been little to challenge him in the last mission. He realized that a minor officer as himself would not be called on for anything major. He blamed himself, as he should have taken the initiative in the mission against the mirror ship. He had not even encountered his other self if he even existed in that universe.

What to do? He went to the lounge and ordered a drink. He sat down and looked over those already there. He would have to do more, volunteer for away missions, take charge when Garibaldi was elsewhere, prove himself. Right now, he was as low as he could be. He was apart from his own people, the only Gorn in Starfleet. He guessed that Worf had felt the same, but would have died before he admitted it. He would have to prove himself, become more assertive as only a Gorn warrior could do.


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