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Moving on up

Posted on 11 Nov 2016 @ 5:15pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Trei Jansum

798 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-D: The Alundra Host
Location: Ready Room

It had been two days since the mass memorial service and Da`nal sat back looking at the terminal. The transmission to his House in order to inform his children of Ayren's sat there ready to intitiate, but he simply sat there staring at the holo-monitor. He slapped the table and deactivated the screen, he was a Klingon warrior and had been in battle after battle, had seen death countless times. He should be rejoicing and celebrating. His mate, a warrior in her own right had died in battle. So why was he affect like this?

Turning back to his duties to distract him. The shop was now short in several key positions but at b least one of the areas was about to be taken care of. Tapping his commbadge he hailed the soon to be promoted officer. =^= Lt. Jansum, report to the ready room. =^=

The tall Betazoid arrived on the bridge and opened the door to the ready room. "You want to see me, sir?"

Waving the man in. "Come in Lieutenant. How are things in security, everyone adjusting to LCmdr Garibaldi's death?"

Jansum came in and stood at ease in front of the captain's desk. "Honestly, sir, everyone is discouraged and miserable. Some of them are trying to keep the others' morale up, but they're just as depressed. And I'm feeling all of it because I'm depressed and am having a little trouble keeping my barriers up, so I'm doubly depressed." He paused a moment. "If any department needed a counselor, it's the security department, sir. There are many in the department who would willingly take it, myself included, if for a different reason."

Motioning for him to take a seat as he listened to the man's troubles. "Unfortunately we lost both counselors during the fight with our Terran counterparts. I had hoped we would not have to revive the staff in stasis but it appears I have no choice. I will see that that is arranged and the crew can schedule appointments as needed. No doubt you are being affected by the emotions of the others on board as well. "

Taking a seat, Trei managed a weary smile. "Yes, sir. It has been hard recently."

"The reason I called you here directly affects not only you personally, but the ship, and your department."

Jansum frowned. "Sir? It affects my department?"

"Yes, your department. You are currently the senior officer...are you ready to take one the management of security for a ship this size?"

Jansum took a deep breath. "Yes, sir. I have to be."

While there was an officers in stasis for this very situation he had hoped he would be up for the challenge. Given the length of their mission and the unknowns they would be facing better to keep that option in reserve unless absolutely necessary. "Good! Work with the Marines...generate a little departmental rivalry. Use that to build comradery and give both groups an avenue of distraction."

Trei nodded, thinking. "I think I might have just the thing, sir. It's something a friend took me to at the academy. You're welcome to join us, if you like. A good warrior is always welcome with something like this," he said with a smile.

Returning the smile. "Well I wouldn't want to jump in and steal anyone's glory...yet,but I thank you for the invitation."

Trei shrugged. "Okay. Maybe we could have some sports challenges? That way the captains could get involved."

With a gesture he replied, "It's your department now. Run it as you see fit...although I want to see more collaboration with the Marines for routine security matters."

That struck a nerve. "Sir, shouldn't routine things be handles by security? The larger things, I have no problem collaborating with the Marines on, but routine stuff, sir--" he cut himself off, afraid he'd say something out of line before the commodore really got mad.

This kind of push back was nothing new. "The Marines are our combat branch and they need to keep engaged as well as be accustomed to working with your department, and vice versa, in critical situations. By collaborating on the routine not only makes the critical collaboration smoother, but keeps them integrated with the crew as a whole."

Jansum still didn't like it, but said, "Aye, sir. Will that be all?"

"Unless you have anything for me you are dismissed."

Trei nodded and left, heading back to the security department.

Da`nal watched him leave, staisfied with his choice. Reactivating the holo-monitor he returned to the taask of trying to figure out how to plug the other holes in his ships leadership. As he did his yeoman came in. "Sir, we have a data packet from Star gonna love this.


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