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First Impressions - Part 2

Posted on 06 May 2016 @ 2:50am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Civilian Reva Madhava & Lieutenant Commander Samuel Killpatrick
Edited on on 06 May 2016 @ 2:50am

1,922 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: Prior to What to do

"Excellent," Sam said with a nod, though he personally disagreed with the Commodore's assessment of Intelligence work as boring, "I'll make sure to keep in contact with her." Sam looked over his desk briefly then brought out a handful of reports, "Since you're here, would you mind going over a few reports. You don't need to go into detail, a quick skim will do, it's just come to my attention that Intel hasn't made a report since my predecessor left." Sam would have to fix that, he was going to make a roster that gave each of his junior officers a chance to make the report to the captain. This was to ensure that Intel never again dropped back into the avoidance they had been undertaking.

Gesturing towards the PADDS now be laid out. "Proceed, might as get the day started."

"Mostly things are in order," he said jumping into a very brief overview "there are some issues with lax discipline, inconsistent and messy housekeeping, and morale, but nothing too extreme. I'd like to catch up with some elements of the Marine detachment when I get the chance, but that can wait." Sam thought for a moment, "That's the general gist of it anyway." He said.

"I see. Well this is your department so you can run it as you see fit. Without direct supervision and the XO's attention widely distributed I can see how things might have slipped, however disappointing that may be. I think it goes without saying that I don't have a problem with discipline, but what type of moral issues have you observed in your staff?"

"Oh, nothing too serious really, there seem to be some minor misgivings about being separated from the federation so long, but I'm sure that will settle down. There is a general air of displeasure, but I think I know the source of that, and will be stamping it out in the immediate future. It's really just a matter of re-aligning the attitudes of a malcontent or two. Nothing that requires a direct interest on your part. If the parties involved persist, in making trouble, I'll make sure you are made aware." Everyone had ill thoughts from time to time, it was important though to keep them to yourself. At least in the military, where expressing those ill thoughts could affect your comrade's effectiveness. It didn't always require an official reprimand unless it was a repeating occurrence. "There are some whisperings about allowing the former intelligence officer to run a night club on-board, foolish considering the situation, but I'll be sure to tamp them down a bit so as to avoid any altercations that could expose our asset, or place her in harm." Sam added, he understood their sentiment, but balancing a situation like this was a careful activity and it needed a constant, but light hand to ensure things didn't tip too far in any direction.

To the first Da`nal had no sympathies at all. "Well tell those with any "misgivings" that they had been suck it up. If they didn't think they could handle it they shouldn't have volunteered for this mission." He took a breath and continued. "Let the whisperings continue. To everyone but you and me she is a disgraced officer. The animosity against her after being drummed out Starfleet could help her cover.

"Anything else?"

"Nothing that requires a face-to-face, I'll get you a full briefing by this afternoon and introduce you to some of my people." Technically they were the Commodore's people too, but Sam suspected they hadn't had a chance to meet the Commodore in person yet. "I've also got some ideas for," Sam paused for a moment searching fro the right phrase, "some activities I'd like to undertake, but I want to build some profiles first for you to go over."

Glancing at the padd in his hand he caught the time. If he was quick he could get in a workout and still get back to his quarters for breakfast with Ayren. Rising, "Very good. You can schedule your briefing and and any other meeting through MCPO Nelson. Now I going to get his day started with a proper workout. One other thing. I realized you might be one to burn the midnight oil as they say...but just don't make it a regular habit. I can't have my senior staff dead on their feet because they are regularly up all night."

"I'll make sure I don't overdo it." Sam said with a small smile. "If you need anything of me sir, don't hesitate to ask." he added holding his hand out to his senior before he left.

Taking his hand firmly. He knew his statement was merely a pleasantry intended to ensure he was willing to do his duty but it always seemed pointless to him, like he would expect any less of someone under his command. "Of that you can be assured Commander."

:: Currently, 0200::

[Promenade – Club Nova]

Reva looked out over the throng still living it up in her establishment. Regardless of the ship’s status there were civilians and crew members not on duty that needed the distractions found here. Opposite her at a shadowed table sat a Cardassian, she knew she was being watched by more than one group not sure of her allegiance after having been shamefully cast out of least officially.

So far the intel chief hadn’t made contact with her so either Da`nal hadn’t briefed him and he only knew her as the disgraced ex-officer that the rest of the quadrant saw her as or he had and was treating her as the disgraced ex-officer that the rest of the quadrant saw her as while waiting on her to report something. It didn’t matter either way as there wasn’t anything to report…yet.

Walking over to the Cardassian delegate she nodded to a waitress who disappeared. As she finally reached the table she spread her smile wider. “May I join you? No one should be alone in my establishment.”

Rising slightly, “By all means…please. Your other patrons should be so fortunate to have such attractive company.”

Smiling genuinely as she sat; “Such flattery. So tell me, why are you up her all by yourself?”

[Intel office]

Sam was working late as always, his mountain of reports never seemed to get smaller, but that was okay, it allowed him to hide from himself, a necessity when time alone left him feeling so alone. Sam knew that the blackness would fade with time, and so he worked to make time, put things in the darkness that would stop him from descending into morose thoughts of vengeance and anger. Looking at the current report Sam threw it to the side, another poor showing by Ruthbridge, that one was going to need more attention to develop properly. Then there was Hogart, he wanted people to trust him too much, which of course meant that Sam trusted him less. Sighing Sam stood and took a walk out of his office to overlook the intel team at large, watching the night shift buzz with activity, it was 0200 hours and they looked like a team on the day shift. Sam was happy with the transformation, they were now acting like Starfleet officers, none of that blasé attitudes he had seen when he first arrived, no feet on desks, no quiet boredom, just hushed efficiency. The officer of the watch, the same officer Sam had met when he first arrived was busy running over watch on a mission in progress, Sam observed him from above, that one would be useful in the future, he had a knack for managing and supporting assets in the field. Sam looked at the chrono and found himself wondering about the Commodore's deep cover asset, alone, unsupported. Sam didn't really like that, he'd been there himself, and it was not an optimal position. Well at least he and the Commodore were there if things went poorly. Sighing Sam returned to work.

[Club Nova]

Having concluded her lengthy & rather interesting conversation with a member of the Cardassian delegation Reva had continued her mingling with the other patrons. She still got a cold shoulder from the crew members save for a select few that she had served with before, but that was all part of the job. Deciding to call it a night, morning actually, she left her staff to close up and headed to her quarters.

[Reva’s Quarters]

Once there she stripped down and showered as she reviewed the nights activities. Her conversation with the Cardassian hadn’t even been close to what one that could call an attempt to recruit, prospect, or even probe for information, but it definately fit the bit for the laying of a foundation. It had been a very casual friendly time; which is what made her even more suspicious and something that needed to be reported. She had several options to get her information to the ships chief intel officer.

Slipping into a sheer set of night clothes, befitting her cover, she set about getting her information out. After encoding her data into a series of RNA sequences she accessed the ships replicator systems and ‘recycled’ the ampule. The next time Commander Killpatrick replicated a beverage with ice the ampule would be materialized in his glass.


Sam sighed again and went to the replicator, "Iced Tea, Peach." he ordered, reaching out for the drink while still reading the latest report. he was somewhat put of however when, instead of a glass of cool refreshing beverage he found himself holding another report. Sighing Sam put down the budgeting report and retrieved the report from the deep cover operative, Sam repeated his order and watched the replicator this time, ensuring that he got his drink and not another report. Sitting with the report Sam quickly read through and analysed the situation, he concluded that the Younger officer was probably right, he knew to trust the instincts of his operatives, as they were most often built on subconscious recognition of non obvious warning signs. Sam himself could feel the slow recognition of a growing threat, something he hadn't recognized as he read the reports, there was just enough there though to suggest something was coming, what it was, wasn't obvious yet, but the full picture would come.

Sam decided to follow up on the Cardassian, taking a quick look through the camera logs at the bar he was able to quickly identify the customer in question. Sam recognized his posture, and the way he spoke, and, when he left, the manner in which he walked, he never saw the Cardassian's face though, and that was the warning sign that really tipped Sam off, that one was a professional, a true operator. he knew to keep his face away from the cameras, but he clearly hadn't expected Sam to be aboard, cause he made no effort to disguise his gait and posture, Sam had met this one before, they'd traded a few shots once or twice and even worked together on one occasion, needless to say, Sam had memorized a great deal about the Cardassian, taking out one of his secure data chips, Sam decided to take a walk, maybe hit his bed for the first time in he didn't know how long. Before he left a message for the operative with details of the dead drop he would use, hidden in a requisition report for the bar.


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