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On Edge

Posted on 09 Jun 2016 @ 1:13am by Commander Nicholas Means

560 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: USS Freedom

Nick had had enough of staring at the view screen as his ship continued to patrol the area opposite the rotating flights of fighters as the awayteams secured and examined the two ships they had found adrift near the anomaly. Rising from the his seat he passed command of the bridge to his XO and headed into his ready room. Once there he headed to his private bathroom and activated the sink. After removing his patch he cupped his hand under the cold water, splashing it over his face. Looking into the mirror, water still dripping from his face, he thought on the nagging unrest that still stirred in his gut. Drying his face and replacing his patch he moved passed his desk to the window looking out over the port section of the sauce and out into space.

He had never personally encountered anyone from what had become known as the Mirror Universe, but what he had read made him feel uneasy.

"Computer begin recording." His command was followed by a chime and he began.

"Captain's log; Stardate: 70437.7.

"The situation seems to have everyone on edge; even I feel it. It's like being on the verge of a battle that no one knows just when it's going to come. Here we sit watching over a damaged, unknown spacecraft and a Starship of the Terran Empire both found near some kind of special anomaly. If their mirror version of the Berlin is here, and their universe was a shadowy reflection of this one, how soon until the rest of the group shows up?

"I have know doubt in the crew's ability and every one here will do their duty, but I know everyone would feel a lot better is we could somehow close this anomaly and move on..."

Pausing he turned from the window and moved to take a seat, "computer delete recording."

After summoning his science officer he made his inquiries. "What have we learned about the anomaly?"

"Nothing sir, the scientific capabilities of the Achilles out strip ours considerably."

"Nevertheless, I want a full analysis of our own. Just because they have the equipment doesn't mean those aboard have the knowledge to use it."

Straightening rigidly, "With all due respect sir. The Commodore gave us our assignment and if we start doing our own scans they will know immediately. Besides, if I could find something the staff on the Achilles couldn't; I'd be on the Achilles."

Commander Means stop himself from ripping into the officer and he let out a slow breath as he tapped his fingers on the surface of the desk. After a several long seconds he looked up. "You are right of course. But don't sell yourself short, regardless of the ship you are on you wouldn't be on this mission if you weren't one of the best."

Relaxing his posture he looked to his Captain. "Thank you sir."

Looking at his officer with his one good eye. "How are the preparations coming?"

"We will be ready with in the hour sir."

Means nodded slowly with an impressed expression, "Excellent, Dismissed."

Nodding sharply he turned but stopped after a step turning back to his CO. "Sir...if I may. You are used to being in the think of things aren't you?"

Having lowered himself back into his chair, he smirked and huffed. "How'd ya guess..."


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