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A matter of Honor...Part 2

Posted on 24 Nov 2015 @ 1:39am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan
Edited on on 24 Nov 2015 @ 1:40am

1,618 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

Down the corridor several Klingons stepped into the corridor.

Kordah nodded his head in their direction. He expected an escort, but, if it something did arise, he would be ready to protect the admiral and his house leader at all cost.

Seeing their guest and his party he whispered to his companion who re-entered the conference room, leaving the Ambassador's aid to greet them. "Lord Da`nal, we are honored you could join us this evening."

"The honor is mine;” Turning to Ayren and Kordah, "Allow me to introduce my bond-mate and the Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan and Lieutenant Kordah Himars, the ships Chief Operations Officer."

Bowing his head to Ayren, "My Lady." Then glancing to Kordah, "Lieutenant."

Himars nodded his head and stated "Ma'am"

Ayren responded likewise, acknowledging him, getting a feel for the general atmosphere and mood of the room.

With introductions over the aid turned and lead the trio into the room. As they entered the conversations ended and the Klingon Ambassador and his staff rose. "Lord Da`nal, you and your party honor us with your presence." Indicating the guest’s seating at the center of the table, as was tradition.

With Ayren at his side they made their way to the head table. ~I hate this puffery...~

Ayren grinned inwardly at her mate, showing only a small smile on the outside. She knew he detested these formal setting and polite pretense often associated with it. She grew up around diplomats, her father being an Ambassador, so this was in her blood so to speak. ~I know....not to worry, I love it....~

At reaching the head table and the Klingon Ambassador Da`nal returned the greeting. "We are honored, I’m sure you have already met my bond-mate, Ambassador Kelan?"

Nodding to her; “Yes, it is good to see you again."

"Likewise, Ambassador," she answered. "We met on M'Ioth, during the negotiations with House K'evar," she said partially to inform Da`nal and partially to stroke the Ambassador's ego subtly, by remembering details about him.

Kordah remained quiet and ever vigilant. His hands were clasped behind him as he took in his surroundings, making doubly sure, that none of his house was going to be attacked by anyone within the confines of the room. However, he wished he had brought a tricorder to scan items as well, just on the off chance that an honorless targ would stoop low and use a bomb of some sort.

The Ambassador, seeing the operations officer scanning the room like a body guard, he stepped closer to him and gripped the young warriors shoulder. "You can relax Lieutenant; no one here is plotting against your commanding officer."

Motioning to the table next to them, "Come...let us feast together and share stories of battle, honor, and glory!"

The operation officer tried to relax as best he could, but the security side wasn't going to relax all too well. However, he manage to try to look relax as he stepped up to the table and looked at the different items of food and drink upon it. He saw nothing out of place, and Klingons weren't known to poison food or drink. So he took up a plate, dished himself a bit everything and a mug of wine.

Da`nal sat and one of the ambassadors staff, reduced to a servant for the evening, set a bowl and a small fire pot within his reach. Looking to their host he nodded appreciatively. ~~How did he know qul DIr (fire skins) was one of my favorites???~~

Ayren resisted the temptation to steal a glance in his direction, but lifted her shoulders ever so slightly, sharing his concern. Klingons experienced strong emotions, aggression and fury mostly just beneath the surface. In comparison with many other humanoid races, it could read to a Betazoid's senses as if they were ready to explode at any given moment. Being jovial and excited often registered the same type of intensity. Klingons in more powerful positions seem to be able to control their natural tendencies better; however, this also made it a more difficult for the inexperienced telepath to pick up hidden emotions and intensions, like deception. Ayren was used to Klingon though and she intensified her own 'search' for the source of the subtle 'mask' she sensed.

Spearing a one of the pieces of flesh floating in the alcohol he set it a flame from the fire pot and popped it in him mouth. As he chewed he tore food from the various platters. Whatever the motive for the event the Ambassador had prepared a true Klingon feast. The hall was soon a filled with wine, laughter, and song as the evening progressed.

Ayren never moved too far from her mate, imperceptible circling him remaining alert, until she felt a sharp increase in aggression. She looked towards a warrior moments before he spoke.

After sometime, and much wine one of the Klingons looked to Kordah. "YOU; I know you... You were banished from your House. Cast aside like a worthless taHqeq! You have no place here with honorable Klingons!"

The room grew silent at the obvious challenge and Da`nal slammed his glass against the table. "That man is a member of MY House..."

Kordah brow arched a little with the question towards him. His eyes shifted from those behind the man who spoke it, his mind raced with several possible out comes as he took a few steps closer to the man. He looked to both his sides. He heard the head of his new house speak his words and he saw Ayren was approaching them. Held in the hands of Operation's chief hand was a simple butter knife, ready to be used as he recalled no Klingon warrior of any type was sent to Sto Vor Kor via a butter knife and he wonder what he would tell the others on how he got there to Sto Vor Kor.

He paused and came to attention as he turned to face his commander and his head of his house. He made sure to show the butter knife to the man who made the statement what he held in his hand as he handed the would-be weapon to his friend. He wondered what the look on the other man's face was like when he saw the butter knife.

Seeing the dull knife that had been set out for non-Klingons, a blade that no true warrior would ever wield; “HA!! A proper weapon for a Houseless Coward..."

Kordah reaction was swift, but the other Klingon was quicker. In what was a blink of an eye, the two warriors were locked in combat; the other warrior drew his dagger out. He kept hold of his chosen weapon on the move. Blocked and with a final twisted of his hand Kordah, stuck the blunt knife into the slot of the honor blade and yanked out the other man's weapon from his hand and tossed it off to the side. Himars lifted off his combatant’s hand from his uniform and jabbed the butter knife it into the warrior’s hand. Kordah withdrew drew it with and shot upward to the man's chin and pushed the blunt weapon into the underside of the man's chin. The Warrior's eyes shoot open as he tried to bellow in pain. He gripped his hand, but he soon dropped to his knees as he couched with mouth open.

Da`nal grinned but brought things to a halt. "Enough!"

The Bajoran-Klingon yanked the butter knife out from the man's chin, and then gripped the man's head. He wanted to a twisted hard to snap the nerves and spin of the warrior who made the challenge. "No Klingon that I can recall was killed by a butter knife, sir" Krodah returned with a straight face with a hint a pleasure in his voice "The question that came to mind would it be honorable and how would he explain it to the others in Sto Vor Kor. Let alone I have at least five seconds before you, Ayren, or security could respond. Do I not have the right to defend my honor and that of my new house, sir?"

"That you have, and you have done so," turning to his host, "wouldn't you agree?"

The Klingon Ambassador nodded with an irritated smirk. "Agreed. My man tested your officer’s honor and he defended it. Those who wanted a fight have seen it. Blood has been shed for honors sake...and Honor has been satisfied. Besides it would be a proper feast without the spilling of blood."

His words reminded Da`nal of the story of the Emperor's words shortly after his rebirth on Boreth. "Look at them; as the Emperor once said, 'two warriors locked in battle, fighting for honor. We do not fight merely to spill blood...but to enrich the spirit. How can you not cry out for all to hear...WE ARE KLINGONS!'"

The room erupted in howls and repeated chants as Da`nal made his way to the pair, one binding his wound. "Come Lieutenant; let us toast your victor!" Picking up the bloody blade as they moved off and slapped it into Kordah's hand; "Just don't make a habit of attacking a dinner host's staff...the next might not be one of our own."

"Yes sir" he straighten more at his attention hiding the smirk from his face upon hearing Commodore Da'nal's statement and knew that the butter knife would be an inside joke for the two of them.


Commodore Da`nal

Lt. Kordah Himars
Chief of Operations

Ayren Kelan
Federation Ambassador

Klingon NPCs played by Da`nal


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