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A matter of Honor...Part 1

Posted on 24 Nov 2015 @ 1:36am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan

1,504 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time

Da`nal finished re-reading the records he gathered before leaving Bajoran space. The matter at hand had him reviewing Federation service records, Klingon historical archives, having a source with ties to Klingon Internal Security helped as well. He had spoken with his mother & with Charg, the man overseeing house, back on Maranga IV and all the arrangements had been made. All it took was a final word from Da`nal and everything would be carried out.

He tapped the comm panel on his desk, =^=Da`nal to Himars. =^=

"Himars here sir" replied the Bajoran Klingon

=^=Lieutenant, The Klingon Ambassador is hosting a dinner tonight. Would you care to join my party? =^=

Kordah thought for a second or so and replied =^= I would indeed, sir. What time is the dinner? =^=

=^= I was informed that we should arrive at 1900. However, I wanted to speak with beforehand. Be at my quarters around 1830. =^=

=^="Understood, sir. =^= returning quickly as he continued to toil at the ops station he was currently at. Once the comm was ended, the Operation chief, departed to get ready for the dinner.

[CO's Quarters - 1815]

Da`nal was already ready, not in uniform but in the robes of the head of a Klingon House. He sat waiting as Aryen changed her clothes...again.

She could still not decide what to wear. "Maybe this after all?" she asked, as she tossed the green dress on the bed, to add to the already discarded possibilities. She was dressing in her original outfit, a simple long black dress, strappy high heels, hair left loose on her shoulders and down her back, only partially covered by the low cut of the dress. She turned around for Da'nal to look, the soft fabric folding naturally around her feminine curves.

Grinning as she returned to her original outfit that he had found ideal....for a night out on the town. Human formality and Klingon formality were to very different things. Then again; Klingons did appreciate the curves of the female form, but they appreciated strength even more. He was about to recommend something more Klingon but stopped. She was not only representing their House, but the Federation as well so she needed to be comfortable. Besides he had no doubt that she could hold her own no matter what she wore. "You will have every eye upon you." He added as he rose, "I should probably wear an extra blade...just in case."

"You should have told me... I could have worn something more Klingon like...I can change," she said with a question in her voice, but his expression was a clear no. The chime went and when Da'nal went to respond, she did the last few touches on her attire.

The warrior of two cultures didn't know what to go with on a dinner with the admiral. However, he opted to just show up wearing his dress whites. Which normally he would show up in Armor, but a man warrior with no house, doesn't can't wear armor for it would bring dishonor to them. Time was slowly ticking away, as she ready himself. Not sure, what to except out of the dinner with the Lord of the ship. When the time came to arrive, the Operational master of the ship stood outside the Admiral's door and rang the bell.

Glancing over at the door, given the time, Da`nal knew it was most likely Kordah and he rose to greet the man as he replied to the chime. "Enter."

Noticing his attire was strictly Starfleet he waved him to a seat opposite him. "Have a seat Mr. Himars, Ayren is still getting ready."

Kordah entered into the Admiral's quarters. He only took a few steps in and remained there with his hands clasped behind him


"Of course, my lord" returned the Operation chief.

Taking the open bottle on the table before him and poured, pushing the tankard towards him. Leaning back with his own he "I have been negligent in thanking you for your service to me and my House during the incident with Lord Toran. You stood my House in its hour of need. You fought beside me even when there were others within the crew that didn't. You honored me and I wish to repay that debt."

"Any warrior worth their weight in gold would have done the same, my lord" returned the Warrior "What that peta'Q did was an act of dishonor towards your house and a slap to all Klingons. So I felt that it was needed to return, even though, we've meet briefly before hand and after my arrival to the ship. As our fellow Vulcan allies would state, 'It's a logical path to take, despite the fact the undertaking it will take in the aftermath' However, I was never one of logical choices. I saw a fellow warrior dishonored in a matter that demanded righting."

That was just what he was hoping to hear and he nodded slowly. Lifting his glass, "I thank you all the same."

After lowering his drink he was about to continued when Ayren entered.

Ayren walked in and greeted Kordah. "qaqIHneS qaqIHmo' jIQuch [Pleased to meet you]" she said in perfect Klingon.

"batlh vItIv je toH, jaw (an honor to meet you as well, my lady)" returned to Ayren

Having risen at her entry Da`nal moved to her side; her scenting his nostrils. But he turn "I did some checking and looked into the reasons why you are Theld-barred," he said using the old term for Klingon that had been removed from their house. "Originally you and your parents were barred for siding with Gowron against the Duras and then you where left barred for your support of me against the Toran and what was the House of Moqrhat."

He turned and took the case off the table in the dining area. "I cannot allow a warrior that has supported me and my house, in both word, action, and in blood, to go on without a house to claim as his own." Opening the case and extending his arms toward Kordah, in it was a baldric emblazoned with the crest of the House of Varal.

Kordah took the box and opened to see the House of Varal emblem within. Of course, he had no sash to place the small pin upon and to wear it honorably; however, in this case, he placed the small House emblem above his comm badge.

"Thank you sire" Kordah returned in a noble tone of voice, while keeping a steer look upon his face "I shall continue to bring honor to the House Varal."

With a grin and looking to the two of them, he rubbed his hands together "So, what's for chow, sire?"

Looking to Ayren as he offered her his arm and returned his gaze to the newest member of his house; “Well let's go see what the Ambassador has prepared.

[Klingon Diplomatic Conference Room]

The conference room had been converted to a dining hall for the banquet with a long central table for the rank and file, with another table at the head for the Ambassador and the Commodore's party. The tables were covered with all manner of Klingon dishes all fresh from their own galley. The darkened room was ringed with fire pots and the scent of burning wood and oils mixed with the aromas rising from the food.

His aide approached him as the Ambassador surveyed the room. "My Lord, Lord Da`nal is on his way."

"Good. Let us go greet our guests properly."

-Corridor leading up to the Conference Room-

Walking on the right side of the admiral, he stood a little more up right and seems to have a more pride upon him as her walked along side his commander, his House leader as they walked the corridor. Yet, something didn't feel right for the warrior as they approached the meeting. The meeting came up rather quickly in no time at all. He read who was present at the meeting. he knew or at least heard about a few of the warriors had gathered for this meeting, but, his security senses had him on edge and questioned everything for his new house head.

"I don't like this, my lord" stated Kordah "Something not fitting correctly. Such as how quick this meeting came up"

Da`nal stopped and faced Kordah adjusting the baldric here and there. "It's not a such. The Ambassador's House has for some time been outside the mainstream. His assignment to this mission is a huge opportunity for his house and with the increased status and holdings of the House of Varal he is no doubt trying to thank or ingratiate himself. Of course he will have to show strength as well."

As always in situations like these, Ayren's senses were on alert for what the general mood was, changes or spikes in emotions, especially aggression, tension or anything that could endanger or threaten those present.



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