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Getting up to speed

Posted on 08 Dec 2015 @ 5:36am by Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant Robert Williams & Master Chief Petty Officer Lance Nelson

1,192 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time


The mission as a whole was definitely off to an eventful start, unfortunately none of the events that had take place had anything to do with the mission at hand. First there had been the incident with Lt. Vonti, whose trial preparations were underway. Then there was the death of Commander Pike in a transporter accident. He was till waiting on the final report on the cause, but engineering had ruled out any systems malfunction.

Ever since their departure from DS9 they had been operating without a Chief of Security, even though a replacement officer was sleeping soundly in the stasis bay. The security staff had been doing an excellent job, the Marine roving patrols, in keeping things quiet. It was that quiet that had Da`nal on the fence between promoting from within or waking someone from the reserve crew held in stasis. However he now had a decision to make. Looking over the PADD his yeoman hand just brought him he growled under his breath as he glanced up as the Master Chief. "There wasn't anyone available?"

"I'm afraid not. Their service record either didn't warrant the position, they were to low in rank for such a post, or they didn't want the job."

"Very well. Have medical wake the reserve Chief and have him report."

"You got it." Lance stopped after a few steps and turned back. "Sir, have you seen the record for the reserve Chief Sec?"

Turning his head slowly to his yeoman as me nodded. "I have...but he volunteered for this mission."

[Stasis Bay]

It wasn't long until Lance walked into the stasis bay, with Dr. Williams in tow, and began moving through the rows of popsicles. "Here he is, chamber 237, Lt. Commander Garabaldi, Michael A.."

Stepping forward Robert began keying in the revival sequence and he used his tricorder to independently monitor the Commander vital signs as his metabolic rate was increased. Once his vital signs reached threshold the chamber automatically opened and once open Robert administered a mild stimulant to assist in bringing the man back to consciousness.

Michael Garibaldi's ice blue eyes fluttered open. Slowly, he began moving; first his head and neck, then his shoulders, and then slowly working his way down, all of his extremities. "How long?" His voice sounded like a frog had swallowed a foghorn. He swallowed, trying to clear whatever was interfering with his vocal chords, not realizing yet that he was coming out of stasis instead of normal remsleep.

Lance handed him a bottle of water as Williams continued his scans. "Only about 4 weeks."

Michael opened the bottle and took a swig of the cool liquid, then turned to the Master Chief. He needed a SITREP. "What's the situation, Chief?"

Lance put a hand on the edge of the chamber. "Nothing major sir, at least for Security. Your predecessor decided to change his mind about the mission at the last minute and since there was no major need at time your revival was put on the back burner as it were. The Commodore can fill you in on the details whenever you are ready."

"Roger that," Garibaldi said. "I'll just head to my quarters and set up, then I'll see the skipper." He paused, turning to the medical officer. "If that's okay with you, of course..."

"Everything looks good here. I would recommend a high caloric intake, but nothing too complex...a protein shake would be good for starters until your body gets back into rhythm, just don't push it for the next 12 hours."

Lance chimed in. "I have already had your personal effects re-materialized from storage and should already be in your quarters, Deck 3 section 42-B, Suite 7. If you like I can take you there?"

"That works," Garibaldi nodded. "Thanks, doc." Turning to Lance, he gestured with his hand. "You may fire when ready, Gridley."

~Gridley?~ Lance thought to himself. ~not a word you hear everyday...~ At any rate he led former Popsicle out of the bay and to the ships tram for the trip to the saucer section. "How much of the ship did you get to see before they put you under, sir?"

"That little freezer unit you pulled me out of, and the corridor which led to it," Michael quipped.

The doors opened as Lance's head darted towards the man. "You're didn't even get to the promenade? Well after you meet the boss why don't you find me and I will show you around."

"Sounds like a plan," Michael replied, following Lance.

As the tram sped off Lance relaxed into his seat. "Let's see what do you need to know before you get started. Well you have the only Gorn in Starfleet in your department. The Marines aboard are handling the usual roving patrols of the ship so you have rotating assignment of jarheads to augment security. You have a...guest in the brig a Ullian that apparently mentally invaded the Federation Ambassador, who happens to be the Commodore's bond mate. They were supposed to be married before the attack happened."

Lance cocked his head as he thought. "That's about it...things have been pretty quiet so far."

Garibaldi sighed. "So, I have to babysit a bunch of trigger-happy Jarheads because we don't have enough fleeties to do the job, we have a mental rapist in the brig who the skipper'd probably like to kill, simply as a matter of honor, and I need to be a role model for a gorn. okay. Pretty light duty so far. I assume the court martial for the Ullian's already started?"

Grinning he nodded at the humorous run down. "Well that about sums it up. The boss dialed down the number of security personnel because we had a Marine detachment. Though it's more a warriors mentality thing; and didn't want 'warriors' sitting around doing nothing. The court-martial got delayed a bit, twice actually. First waiting on her recovery so she could be questioned and then CO for the USS Freedom got killed in a transporter accident. The new CO, who just got thawed recently as well, got tasked with presiding over the hearing..." He paused for a moment, "...forgot to mention that."

"Could get interesting. I think I'll head over to watch the fireworks after I settle in and report to the skipper." The tram was slowing. "Turn left at Albuquerque?" Michael quipped.

As the doors opened Lance motioned towards the door. With a big grin he chimed right back, "'Ebda ebda...That's all folks'. Nothing beats the classics ahh Commander?"

Garbaldi chuckled. "You got that right. But I promise not to ask the skipper 'What's up, doc' when I report in. Thanks for the escort. See you around."

He nodded. "Especially since I HIGHLY doubt he'll get the reference." Pointing to the turbolift, "don't forget, deck 3 section 42-B, suite 7. If anything is missing just let me know or you can go through operations."

"Thanks, Lance," Michael grinned, and he walked down the corridor to the designated quarters.



Commodore Da`nal

MCPO Lance Nelson, NPC

Lt. Robert Williams, NPC
Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander Michael Garibaldi
Chief of Security


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