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Posted on 30 Nov 2015 @ 3:00am by Lieutenant Robert Williams & Lieutenant Commander Alorha Grange

963 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Main Sickbay

Alana knew the EMH was well programmed but she saw impatient twitches and grimaces as it performed the suture on a central aortic stint holding a line in recess. He had sprouted two additional arms to accommodate the procedure, a definite advantage for the EMH. Two nurses and most of the medical staff sighed in relief as the sutures were finally closed under the glow of the simulated OR. Her own medical training was sufficient but her latent healing ability made them curious about her as well. She was being watched as closely as the EMH was. She heard the stirring in the room as everyone prepared to leave, and gathered her things as well, two padds, a stylus and meager lunch. She had found unlike the others, she couldn't eat with such a ghastly image before her, holographic or not. She followed the crowd out of the meeting lounge room and back into the infirmary.

Alana saw Alorha at the head of the crowd and raced to catch up to her.

"Dr. Grange, when you can spare a moment could we discuss a matter of a personal nature?"

She turned around, and nodded, seeing how flustered she seemed. "Of course, how can I help?"

Alana hated the voder sound but the interface directly to her speech centers meant for no delay it had to be straight signal without pre-programming. This meant a harsh mechanical sound, and it totally ruined first impressions.

"In my time at Starfleet since my rescue from Viaan Capture, I have had several types of voice recognition, most of them rudimentary however this most recent model..." She touched the sub-dermal bump on her throat that simulated vocal cords unconsciously out of habit, "clearly there is still much development to be had."

Alorha smiled. She loved a challenge. "I would love to help, we would have to work with an engineer as well," she said, her mind already working. "When do you want to start?" she asked warmly.

Alana nodded gratefully, "Whenever is best for you, I have already inquired with Engineering, they told me there is a medical fabrication suite and doctors trained in prostheses on board?

The EMH sputtered into existence behind them as it was called for assisting a crewman with recovery and stretching from a healed wound. The holographic doctor was using a soothing voice, and gently probing for tenderness, Alana found the uncanny valley of AI to be in effect, she didn't like how real it was.

"We will talk after this," Alorha said with a warm smile and turned to look at the EMH. Something attracted her attention immediately, but she could not put her finger on it. She watched him perform, which was flawless regarding the healing process, but he was definitely different, or was it her imagination? A glance in the direction of Alana, who also seemed to be a little puzzled confirmed that there was something. Once he was finished to approached him.

She knew introductions would be superfluous, as he should know who she was, but she did it anyway, to see how he responded. "Hello, I am Doctor Grange, the CMO and this is Lieutenant Tambor. Welcome here."

A "real" person would want to exchange pleasantries and build a rapport, an EMH treated any encounter like a concerned parent interpreting speech patterns for clues. His response was not that by any means. For one, he could easily have talked at them without keeping his eyes on his work, but it felt unnatural so he didn't do that...

"Greetings Doctor, Lieutenant... One moment we are just beginning the therapy but I will be right with you."

Alana found it alarming how lifelike it was with a total lack of emotional feedback sympathetically. She felt assured and confident like she would with a living being. She spared a glance to Alorha.

A slight questioning frown furrowed Alorha's brows. She returned the glance to Alana. "Is that 'normal'?" she asked her, wondering if she was being over sensitive.

Robert was repairing an ACL on a teenager that had took a bad fall while playing parisi squares and glanced over to check out the EMH as he hadn't seen the model installed on the Achilles in action.

The EMH made a conscious effort to maintain a fluid composure to the voice, "A little farther now, you may feel slight discomfort but that's a sign of nervous growth it is a "good pain."

The young woman was grimacing but pushing through the pain, as she stretched her new muscles for the first time. She had gripped the EMH's shoulders firmly in this time, and Alana was astounded to see the EMH appropriate a grimace of his own.

"Quite the grip Alero, two more reps and we can call it a success. First you should hydrate."

Alana furrowed her brows in thought, the EMH was far too empathetic, and it concerned her as the program was meant to be as direct and efficient as possible. This showed additional work done on the social interactions heuristics and that was alarming. The EMH continued the rehab to her leg under careful watch. When he was done he returned to the side of the bed and looked around for further assignment.

Willams had worked with the EMH before leaving DS9 and something was definitely different. "Ma'am," looking back at the EMH as he went about assisting with other cases...even laughing. "...that isn't the EMH we left DS9 with. I wasn't aware you had authorized any alterations."

"I didn't." Alorha was equally alarmed and moved towards the console to access the entry logs of his programming subroutines. She needed to find out who accessed his programming last.


Dr. Alorha Grange, LtCmdr

Dr. Robert Williams, Lt


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