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Welcome Back... for the First Time

Posted on 08 Dec 2015 @ 5:37am by Lieutenant Commander Michael Garabaldi

352 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Garibaldi's qurters and office
Timeline: Present, just after his revival


Michael Garibaldi sighed as he entered his barren quarters. Time had not passed for him while in stasis, of course. To him it felt like only last night he was drifting to sleep in the stasis pod, the doctor hovering over him to make sure nothing went wrong. Now here he was, trying to adjust to a stardate that to him seemed wrong.

"Well, Michael, new places are nothing new. Suck it up, make it yours, and get to work," he said to himself.

He notices that most of his personal things had already been taken from storage, and set in the room for him, so he started the process of placing his belongings and making the quarters "his".

He began by placing his weapons collection on their shelving space and stands. He had quite a collection of "Slug-throwers" as old style firearms were called. at least one of every caliber known from the early nineteenth century on, until energy weapons came into vogue. He often remarked how unsatisfying it was to train a weapon on a target, pull the trigger, and feel nothing. He much preferred the recoil a propellant gave a firearm, letting him know instantly when a target would go down.

He then set up his favorite games, including an actual tri-dimensional chess set, imported from Earth. He could easily have replicated one, but he somehow knew it wouldn't be the same.

He then set up his toiletries: The usual personal hygiene items, and one old-style straight razor, cup, brush, and strop. He had found nothing that approached the clean, smooth feeling this antiquated method of hair removal gave.

The artwork came next, Several pieces of hand-painted street scenes, depicting police officers from different eras. Last but not least, his great-grandfather's badge, gently and lovingly framed behind a transparent Aluminium shield.

Looking around him with a satisfied smile, he sighed. "Well, Michael, this is home now. Try not to screw it up."

Making sure his uniform was squared away, he left, heading for the bridge, to report in.


Lieutenant Commander Michael Garibaldi
Chief of Security,
USS Achilles


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