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Medical Emergency!

Posted on 08 Jun 2009 @ 6:28pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

642 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Inteligence office
Timeline: Current

Lita walked over Silonez's office she had a preliminary report in hand, "hey Sil, I've got someth......OH shit!" Lita ran over to his desk, =^="Intelligence to CMO, medical emergency!"=^=

=^= On my way! =^= Melanie responded grabbing the med kit and running out of sickbay. Melanie didn't even think about being confined to sickbay or to her quarters, there was an emergency and she was going. She ran down the hall and into the turbolift. ~Come on...hurry up!~ She thought.

"What happened Lita?" She asked making her way into the Intel office.

Lita looked frantic, "I don't know, I found him like this I don't know if he's concious or what he did. i know he's been having problems since Rita left, but i didn't think he'd do something this extreme."

Melanie opened the med kit and grabbed the tricorder. "Lita, check his desk...see if there are any open bottles...anything!" Melanie had seen it before, the pale skin, the eyes rolled back into his head, foam on the edges of his mouth.

Lita scrambled around, she found a metallic plastic container, "whats this stuff?"

"Toss it here!" She responded and catched the bottle. "Shit!" It was the metrolizine that she had prescribed to him two days ago. Melanie looked inside and the bottle was empty. She took the hypospray and injected medication into his neck to stabilize his pulse and his breathing. She grabbed more medication to neutralize the metrolizine.

"Why did he do it....why?" Lita was kneeling next to Silonez in tears, "what made him do it!" Lita was getting hysterical now.

"Calm yourself Lita. Your hysterics will not help him." She replied. Melanie made a first and rubbed her knuckles in the middle of his chest to try and wake him up with painful stimulus.

Lita saw the doctor work on Silonez' chest, his body was shook but he was still motionless, "Doc, whats happening?"

"I am trying to wake him up without using more medication." Mel picked up the tricorder again, Silonez' pulse and breathing had stabilized. The metrolizine had been neutralized to safe limits and it was going down with every pass of the tricorder. She didn't want to wait any longer for him to come around on his own. She grabbed the hypospray and injected him again.

Silonez let out a weak groan, much to the relief of Lita, the tears will still flowing down her cheeks, "is he stable?"

"For the moment." She responded. "Come on Silonez...wake up." Melanie was ready to beat his face in for the stunt he just pulled.

Lita grabbed a glass of water that was on the desk and spashed him in the face, Silonez eyes opened with a jolt and he sat up right coughing and gasping "You stupid bastard" lita shreeked.

Melanie rolled her eyes, had she not just told Lita that her hysterics weren't going to be good for Silonez. She took the glass away from Lita and put it out of the woman's reach.

Silonez sat there, he knew what he did, but he didn't want to be here, he sat there and broke down. Lita sat there and consoled her friend. "It'll be okay, it'll be okay."

"You are stable but I want to to come see me in two hours. And from now on any medication I give you will be done through a hypospray in my office." She said sternly. "Lita take him to see the counselor immediately...that is an order!" She finished as she started to pack up her med kit.

Lita looked up at the doctor, "I'll make sure he goes there, I'll be there with him."

"Bring him to see me then after you take him to the counselor."


Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
USS Freedom

Lt. Siloneze Eircson
USS Freedom

Lita (played by Sil.)


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