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Together at last

Posted on 08 Jun 2009 @ 6:10pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

682 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Maria Cruz' Quarters
Timeline: Current


Maria was walking the Promenade on her way back to the Docking Ring where the Freedom was docked. She was excited and happy that she would be with Timothy again. She made her way there as quickly as she could without drawing any attention to herself, but that was ridiculous, the security and Intel departments were watching everyone, including Starfleet Personnel as if they were suspects.

Webb ended his shift late. Maria contacted him and said that the Valkryie would arrive at 1800hours and it arrived right on time. The problem was he was not relieved till 1804hours. There went his perfect moment. He had planed to be at the airlock waiting for her and at the moment she exited he would scoop her up in his arms and not let go.

Well Murphy's law was in effect. It did not go right. Webb was running across DS5 in the Promenade area frantically looking for Maria. ~Where could she be. Crap!, I can't believe i am late. She is going to kill me~ Webb caught a glimpse of someone that looked familiar passing far to his right. He turned and began to move quickly through the crowd trying to shorten the distance between them. He was gaining on her but it was difficult. He began to call out, "Miss, Excuse me!"

Maria turned around and smiled, she recognized his voice. She ran back towards him, she had missed him terribly.

Webb moved quickly like an NFL linebacker swiftly closing the distance and scooping her up in a tight hug in his strong arms, kissing her on the cheek. " I missed you, can you tell?"

"Never would of guessed!" She replied laughing.

Webb held the embrace for a few moments then released her only to kiss her passionately on the lips. "So, did you miss me at all? There are some things that I need to talk to about but, that will have to be done in private. The Freedom is departing in less than an hour, so we don't have time to get a bite to eat. We should make sure your belongings are on board in YOUR quarters and you should report in."

"Of course I missed you." She smiled, something was bothering him but she didn't know what.

The couple turned and began to make their way to the Freedom.

Once they reached her quarters and they were alone she spoke, "What is the matter Tim?" She asked, he was conflicted and that bothered her.

Tim motioned to a chair, "Please sit down." once the couple was seated, Tim began.
Tom looked very unsure of what to say. "This is very difficult for me to tell you but , it is necessary for you to understand what I am going through right now. I have been having bad dreams about the family that I had and the Borg. I started to remember the past including the family. It feels as though I just lost them. I need personal space right now away from you but, I cant stand to be away from you either. there will be some time when I will ask to be alone. i really need your support through this time.

Please understand that I need you and do not want to be apart more than a room or two. That's why I made sure that we were on the same deck. Only two rooms apart. I do not wish to go into detail about what happened. When I am stronger we can discuss it."

"Tim, it is alright, I understand...not very well I must admit but I do understand." She replied taking his hand into hers. They sat in comfortable silence.

"I am happy you are here." Tim kissed Maria on the cheek. "I should go, we both have a busy day tomorrow."

" can't just tell me all of this and then leave...stay."

"Very well, I wouldn't be able to sleep in my room anyway," Tim gave her a warm smile.


Maria Cruz
NPC'd by Melanie

Ensign Timothy Webb
Security Officer


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