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Posted on 09 Jun 2009 @ 3:37pm by

874 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Romulan Consulate. Deck 60. DS5
Timeline: Day 2 15:00 (Freedom)/SD 9 1500 (DS5)


Isha hummed to herself a little smugly, Chelsea suspected nothing and as long as Dunham could deliver her friend would soon have her distant Doctor Milarno out of her hair. It was not that Isha disliked Ryan, just that it was impossible for her to ask Rh'vaurek to spend any time in his company and that meant that when the doctors were together and Rh'vaurek was on the station, she was prevented from spending time with Chelsea. Selfish reasoning, but sound.

She returned to her office to finish gathering the things that would be essential for her trip to Romulus, and to listen once again to the recording of the message that her husband's brother had sent before the attack, and convince herself that it was safe for her to share it with her couriers.

"Can I help you?" she asked, raising her head as she saw someone in the doorway.

"Good day ma'am, I am Ensign Webb. I have been assigned as your escort while on board the Freedom. sorry for the intrusion but your door was open."

"For once this Consulate is as open as the busiest bar on the promenade," Isha said. "Lieutenant T'Pal told me to expect you. So, Ensign Webb, have you taken responsibility for a visiting dignitary before?"

She looked him up and down, his height was more promising than Opaka's had been though as she suspected Da'nal was more concerned about making sure she did not take any liberties with his new Starship than for her own safety that was not necessarily an advantage, "Do get yourself something from the replicator," she added.

'Thank you but, no. I have already eaten. This is actually my first assignment with a dignitary. I have been assign to the Freedom just recently. My first assignment was on a science vessel that was assimilated by the Borg."

Isha raised an eyebrow, "Really? That must have been an interesting experience - you would appear to have recovered, quite adequately. Do sit, I'd prefer not to crane my neck looking up at you."

Webb sat down. "Interesting experience is not quite the words I would use. Watching your daughter die, your wife dieing in your arms, getting pulled onto a Borg vessel, injected with some alien chemicals, feel your humanity slipping away!" Webb shaking, caught himself. "I am sorry ma'am. It is a very touchy subject right now. I didn't mean to throw that at you like that. Please, lets change the subject."

Isha steepled her fingers and rested her chin on the tips, a recent history all in the space of a breath, she thought. "Were you on board the Freedom when it pursued the Romulan ship/" she asked.

Webb glanced at her with curiosity, "I was not. I was on board the Valkyrie in route to DS 5. We were delayed by a distress call from a disabled ship, Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm a very inquisitive woman," Isha replied sitting back though she left her fingertips hanging on the edge of the desk, "and it seems we are going to spend a great deal of time together during our journey as I have no intention of staying cooped up in my quarters. Wouldn't you prefer to have a charge you have a comfortable if professional relationship with, or has T'Pal ordered you to keep your distance?"

"Professional relationship is fine ma'am. T'Pal did not tell me to keep my distance, if I do, it is because I wish to. We will see what happens. I have already taken the liberty of assigning your quarters on the Freedom. As soon as you are ready I can have your belongings transported over."

Isha nodded, "That would be most helpful, Ensign Webb."

Isha slid open a drawer and extracted an isolinear rod. She made a show of inserting to into the console inlaid in her desk before eventually extracting it and sliding it across the desk to Webb. "The 'paperwork'," she said. "This contains the necessary authorization to allow the USS Freedom safe and unhindered passage into and through the Neutral Zone and on to ch'Rihan. Please see that it is is given to Da'nal, along with this," Isha placed a second identical rod on the desk, "This is the authorization that will ensure you safe passage out should I ... not be there to guarantee it in person," she said.

Webb picked up both rods. "Understood ma'am. I must return to the Freedom, I have a few more details that I must attend to before our departure. Please hail me when you are ready to come on board. If you will excuse me, Ambassador?"

Isha's brow wrinkled slightly, "Don't let me keep you," she said, "I will inform you in good time what needs to be taken aboard."

Webb stood up and walked to the door, turning half way to look at the Ambassador, "Ambassador, you are my responsibility and mine alone from the time you step onto the Freedom until you step back onto DS5. I will do everything in my power to make sure that you have a safe return." Webb turned towards the door and left the room.


Ensign Timothy Webb
Security Officer

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae


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