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Posted on 07 Jun 2009 @ 1:49pm by

500 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: Current


John had just received word, that the warp engines were now operational. He was going to tell the Captain, when he remembered the man's desire to jump straight into straining the engines, without time to do a proper flight test.

He walked out of his office and made his way over to his acting assistant.

"Ms. Johnson, have we had time to run a simulation on the warp engines, yet?" He asked, as he made his way over to the warp engine display console.

"No sir. We were waiting on word from you, before we began" she said, as she made her way over to where he was.

"Well, why were ye waitin on me, let's get this show on the road. We're runnin outta time. We've got less then five hours, before I have to hand those engines back over to the Captain" he said, as he ran a test of his own on the console. "The antimatter mix, is well within working parameters" he said, as he brought up the original display, before returning his attention to Maria.

"Indeed. I will have Warrant Officer Ashton, and Petty Officer Leverston run the simulation in holodeck two."

"Very well, thank you, Rachel. How are the rest of the repairs comin'?" He asked, leaning on the side of the panel, crossing his arms over his chest. He was still trying to get used to the fact he would be residing on this vessel now. Usually by now, he was heading back to the station, after a long days work. Now it seemed, he still had a few hours before he could rest. He hoped he could adjust to this schedule soon. He was rather tired, from the last few days.

"We're pretty much all set, sir. We finished the last of the deck plating replacements, a few hours ago, as well as the new plating on the outer hull. She's ready whenever the Captain is" Rachel said with a smile. She was impressed with how well the small crew was pulling together.

"Thank you, for the remarkable work. You've earned the rest o' the day to yerself. Dismissed, until t'mmorow mornin, Ms. Johnson" he said, with a smile. He was grateful for her work since coming aboard.

"I'll see you in the morning John." She said, as she waved to him, before leaving engineering.

John smiled, watching for a moment, before returning his attention to the rest of engineering. "Let's go people, I want a full readiness report on my desk, in an hour' he shouted, so his staff could hear him.

He saw everyone stat to move there hands over there consoles, trying to get the reports he requested. He smiled, and headed back towards his office. He didn't really need them, but it would keep them busy, until the shift rotation. There wasn't much else to do, besides wait on the word, from the Captain.


Lieutenant John McPherson
Chief Engineer

(NPC)Warrant Officer Rachel Johnson
Engineering Officer


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