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A Transfer

Posted on 06 Jun 2009 @ 10:10am by

912 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Chief Engineer's Office
Timeline: MD 3 1500


Webb tapping his com badge, "Webb to Lieutenant McPherson,"

John was sitting in his office, when he heard his comm badge go off. He was reading a new manual, on his PaDD, for new warp theories.

He grumbled, as he set the PaDD down, and tapped his communicator =A= "McPherson here."

"This is Ensign Webb sir, the Captain would like me ask you about a new crew member transferring in as the Assistant CEO. It is fairly urgent and I was wondering when we could meet to discuss it."

John sat upright at that comment. He hadn't expected her to show up so soon. He had only just walked out of the Captain's office an hour and a half ago.

"Absolutely, Ensign. Just tell me where." He said, as he putt his PaDD back in the large stack, to his right.

"I could meet you in your office now, if it is convenient for you?" Webb replied.

"Absolutely. I'll see ye, when ye arrive. McPherson out." =A= He responded, as he closed the comm line.

A few moments later Webb was at the door to McPherson's office. He pushed the door chime.

John looked towards the door. "Enter," he called out, as he waited for the door to open.

Once he saw who had walked inside, he offered the man a seat, across from him. "Make yerself a' home, Ensign, Can I get yah a drink?" He asked.

"Sure. sir. What ever you are having is fine with me." Webb sat down in the seat indicated. " I sure the Captain has spoken to you about a new crew member coming on board but, he wanted to me to make sure it was alright with you. I have seen this person work, I have worked beside her repairing failing systems on a ship. She is a hard working dedicated individual......and I love her. Our relationship will not get in the way."

John handed him a glass of lemonade, and set one off to the side for himself. "Lemme get this straight. Yer in a relationship wi' her, and you felt it necessary to bring to my attention, only to say it would nae be a problem? If tha's the case, why bring it up at all? I mean, I'm sure your proud of yer relationship, but tha be none of my business. Less ya be meanin' to tell me, I'll be seein' more of yah in engineering?" He asked, as he reached for his glass, and took a few gulps, before setting it back down.

"Just who is this lass I am hearin' so much about, anyways?" He asked.

"I didn't want to bring it up but, the Captain wanted me to talk to you about her. I am sure you would have wanted to know why I came to you to discuss the matter. It doesn't really make any sense why an ensign from security would be talking to you about it so, I assumed it would be better for me to tell you up front. She is currently on the USS Valkryie as the CEO. She is taking the demotion so we could be close together." Webb took a sip of lemonade.

John looked at him. He realized he may of offended the young man. "Don't worry bout it. Takes a man with a lot o' courage to come and do wha' yer doin now. I appreciate what yer doin. It was just an attempt at som' dry humor. I'm sure everythin' will work out alright. Now, tell me. What's her name?" He asked, taking another gulp.

Webb took anther sip from his glass as he listened to the CEO, "Her name is Maria Cruz, she has been on the Valkryie for the last few years as the CEO. She is a hard working, dedicated individual."

"I've no doubt of tha'. I was askin more abou' her personality. Wha' gives her her drive? Things that are nae in a Starfleet record. Things, tha make her not only valuable to the crew, but that drew you to her." He said, as he sat back in his chair a bit.

Webb let out a laugh. "That's what you meant." He took another sip from his glass. "She has an amazing personality. She is very pleasant to talk to, quick to smile and loves to laugh. She is very serious about her work. Engineering is a big important part of her life. You can see it in the way she is. Her voice is intoxicating."

"Ah, I see." John replied, smiling. He could see the man cared for her a great deal. "I look forward te workin with her."

"Yes sir. I am sure she looks forward to working with you as well. Thank you for giving the opportunity. If you will excuse me, I have a lot to accomplish in a short time. Thank you for the refreshments. Webb stood and moved for the door, he turned half way to see the Engineer, "I look forward to talking with you again, sir." Webb smiled then left the room, the door closing behind him.

"And I you, lad." John replied, as the door slid shut. He picked up his PaDD, and went back to his reading. He was eager to meet his new crew member. He would have to keep busy, to keep his mind off of the anticipation.


Lieutenant John McPherson
Chief Engineer

Ensign Timothy Webb
Security Officer


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