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A change is coming

Posted on 07 Jun 2009 @ 10:59pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,314 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Ready Room / Intel Dept
Timeline: Current


After informing Rodriguez that she was no longer going to be the ships XO. He had begun the process of looking for someone to fill the position. After some time, and several interuptions he had been able to narrow it down to two officers. It hadn't been and easy task and he now, completly, understood how difficult a decision it could be. Starfleet was full of highly qualified officers which only made things harder.

He now had both officers records up on his terminal and was going through them side by side. Both had good record, came recommend by the former commanding officers, and both had department head experience. One thing that couldn't be ignored was that when he reach the bottom of one record the other just kept going, not that length of service made a better officer.

He sat there for several more moment before making his decision. Once it had been made he page Yoemen Nelson to make all the necessary arrangement. Once that was done he got up and headed down to the Intel office.

Silonez was sitting at his desk, he was reading over some reports, he noticed Commander Da'Nal walking in, ~Do I drop the bombshell now or do I wait until we get back from Romulus?~ he mused, He stood as the commander entered.

Waving his hand to stop the lieutenant. "I failed to ask you earlier, but did you have any problems with Lt. Gabriel?"

"No fortunately, I can't escape the feeling that Mr. Gabriel did't turn over everything over to us. Lita is going over the bomb fragments for the third time, she thinks that the guy that DS5 still has in custody had help." silonez paused, "possibly this was an inside job, that I can't prove without arresting half the station staff, theres' one thing that really bothers me about this."

"And that is?"

"DS5 was sabbutaged way to easy, from what I got from one of the investigators they used someones credentials to access restricted areas, it was too easy for this to happen. I'm convinced more happened there than we know." Silonez was starting to feel that the perverbial can of worms had been opened with that statement.

"I agree. The planning alone, involved to penetrate the stations security, would suggest that this is much more than a mere family power struggle. All the infighting between the various departs thanks to Gabriel most likely only made their job easier. But the fact that they were successful and that Gabriel is now in charge of security will be the only justification he needs to turn things into a police state while he sweeps the station."

"From what Cheif Ayers has told me Gabriel has two things going against him" Silonez said with a smirk.

"Other than his personality and that most people want to toss him out an airlock what was Ayers referring to?"

"Jarred Wallace, and Jarreds friends but your right hes' been the subject of a few tossin gout the airlock stories." silonez didn't want to give away too much

"Wallace? What's Wallace up to? Spying on his boss is he?"

"Wallace has the ear of Admirals Janeway and Morgan, and Chancellor Martok, until the mess that got him demoted he was on his way to being the youngest captain in starfleet, I've heard through a colleague in the Klingon Intel service hes' called the Hero of Chintakka, besides that Jarred has more medals than you me and two or three other officers have ever seen or ever will." Silonez was speaking highly of his former classmate

Da'nal only knew of two men in Klingon Internal security...His friend Charghwl'IH, who was finally back in Starfleet, and his mentor Generak D'groth. Both were close to Martok, Charg by family alliegence. He wondered..... "How high is your contact?"

"D'groths' aide K'Sheck" Silonez paused, "this is more of a diplomatic contact than an actual source, consistant info from the klingon government is tricky. The weird thing is Captain, about a week before I left I get this call from central archives, and I'm not talking the data side either, next thing I see Jarred; not in hand cuffs I might add, being escourted into a meeting with Admiral Morgan and Admiral Janeway, something is seriously weird is going on captain."

Da`nal put a hand to his chin. ~What was an Ensign doing with two Admirals? What ever was going on it was being handled at high levels in the Federation.~ You had mentioned that Gabriel was affiliated with some xenophobic organizations. Could this be a Fleet Intel operation to to deal with them?"

"Computer lock the door" Silonez spoke, "Captain, in a basement in the old Intel building in Langley Virgina, theres a room, in that room are old style paper files, one of them is from the original Enterprise missions, this file hasn't been seen until six weeks ago, it was sealed by Comodore Jackson over 88 years ago, in that file was the only mission records of an encounter with an alien species, the Kziniti. One of their ships was sighted on the outter edges of Breen space, if they have in fact returned, its very bad, and we don't need the Dorian Gabriels of starfleet in any positions of authority or action to do something stupid."

"I am quite aware of the Kzinti race, a very formidable opponent in battle. The Caitians are believe to be their peaceful cousins. If they are returning after 300 years they will have scores to settle. And here Dorian was promoted to Lt. Commander as Chief of DS5 Security. "

"Including with the klingons, I know the historical files too. with the dominion no longer a factor, and the romulans in worse shape, and the Klingons not fareing much better it was only a matter of time before they returned, but with all these little militant groups popping up everywhere its been nearly impossible too keep track of whose on whoms side, but the kzinti are another matter for that time, what bring you here captain?"

"Well as I'm sure you noticed that Lt. Rodriguez is no longer the XO."

"yep, I got the Feeling she wasn't happy, so whose replacing her?" silonez asked

"I was looking over several candidates and I want you to know that I seriously considered you for the position."

"Oh, I assume you found someone else?" Silonez said almost relieved

Smirking a bit. "Well when it came down to it, it was you and one other. So in the finest of terran naval tradition...I went with the 'lesser of two weevils'."

Not completely getting the joke Silonez just replied "Thanks for the consideration, what motivated her decision to step down?"

"Well I informed her that I was going to selected has my Exec....whaich was my right. I felt she needed more seasoning. So she stepped down, accepting the Department Head position over Science. Though I did allow her to assume the 2XO position."

Silonez was still looking for an answer "So how does this affect me."

"Well you won't have her to argue with her on the bridge anymore." Recalling the incident that occured shortly after his arrival. "But for now it is feather in your cap and I've noted it in your service record."

"I guess thats a bonus" Silonez said trying to hide the guilt "was there anything else captain?"

"Just keep your eyes open for any other developments on the Kzinti issue."

"aye sir" Silonez acknowleged the captain.

"Well I'll let you get back to what you were working on," with that he turned and headed back to his ready room. As he walked down the corridor he decided to alter his destination. Stepping into the lift..."Mess Hall."



Commander Da`nal

Lt. Silonez Ericson


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