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So far so good

Posted on 29 Aug 2015 @ 7:26pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

881 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: USS Achilles

So much had happened prior to and since their departure from Deep Space 9...

-- The Cardassian issues were settled after a little saber rattling the Cardassian ships returned to whatever they did now that the Federation and Klingon Empire had them, still, under a looking glass.

-- The race put on by Mr. Jothy and his people at DS9 had been a huge success. Not only had LtCmdr Hind won the race, sending the Achilles off with a blaze of honor, but now there was an entire cargo bay filled with the 'real' alcoholic beverages won as a part of his own personal wager and Jothy's supplies purchased with a portion of his winnings. Naturally the Ferengi protested but after giving him a limited contract with the House of Varal he quieted down...a bit anyway.

-- He had had the honor to Marry Commander Montoya and Lieutenant Heather Fischer. There had been a concern raised with Heather should remain under his command and to his credit Commander Montoya had take the first step offering several options. After a taking each into consideration it was decided that she could remain on the Berlin, but not as yeoman and that duty evaluations and promotions would pass from the appropriate department head through Commander Stone.

-- The Engineering and Operations departments of the three ships in their group was already ahead of the game in preparing the communications buoys to be deployed as they progressed further and further into their mission. The first had already been launch after they had left Cardassian space. The ship was running smoothly and at peak efficiency.

Da'nal made a mental note to speak with Lt Commander Adtanis about independent research into the QSD for their own benefit. If anything it would give them a research project to work on.

-- Astrometrics were in their element. Probes and been launched to extend the range of their sensors in the search for signs of life or other things that might be of interest. The other sciences

-- The Marines were working with Security to make sure the ship was secure. Although he knew that warriors need to do more than practice on a holodeck. So he had tasked Astrometrics with finding a place they could get their hands to speak.

-- The same was true for the ships fighter squadrons, though it was much easier for them to keep their shills sharp. He had already approved combat training 'dog fights' between the Fleet and Marine squadrons as he felt a little rivalry was good for moral and kept abilities honed through competition.

-- The various sickbays on the Achilles as well as the Berlin and the Freedom were all reporting normal operations. A few minor injuries from time to time, a few additions to the crew had been cheerfully announced, only to remind him of his own children back home. Other than that is was routine health maintenance...but give there mission he knew that would not last.

The review of the overall medical situation caused his thoughts shifted to the Vonti issue. Security had responded to his orders quickly and it had been a good thing; for the both of them. The night of his intrusion of Ayren's mind had her put her in critical condition for a time and her resulting recovery time had prevented their marriage ceremony. Fortunately he had devised a way to make it happen and still have his mother perform the ceremony as was tradition. All that aside a solution to Vonti's mental treat to the crew was an issue that still had to be resolved.

Security had informed him that the ships JAG was looking into the situation and would be contacting him.

-- Security itself was running fairly smoothly with most of their efforts focused on keeping order on the promenade, a view reports of minor theft...again on the promenade, and ensuring the other delegations complied with Starfleet as well as seeing that their own security concerns were addressed.

Spinning his chair to gaze out the window. "Captain's Log. Stardate 69660.4, Our long journey has begun and this is the first known log recorded by a Federation vessel in this region of space. So far nothing of note and the science departments are all eager to make that first discovery. Ships and crews functioning normally. Our current path will eventually take us near the region of space that is home to the Cytherian people. If we maintain our current path, perhaps a side trip to the Cytherian home world would be a welcome respite to the crew. The mission if off to a peaceful start, but that is surely not to last. We are not here to look for a fight, however when that fight comes we will be ready.

End Log."

Turning he left the ready room and began his daily walk of a section of the ship. The academic administrator had been requesting he pay a visit to the elementary and middle school classes so that was were he was headed. After all a good commanding office didn't just stay on the bridge and rule from on high...a good CO was a part of his crews, even his future crews, lives....


Commodore Da`nal


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