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Delegation - Part 2

Posted on 06 Aug 2015 @ 2:43am by Captain Ricardo (Rico) Montoya & Commander Travis Stone & Lieutenant Commander Fanvo Adtanis
Edited on on 06 Aug 2015 @ 2:44am

1,523 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: Achilles / Freedom / Berlin
Timeline: DS9 Pre-launch

[USS Berlin]

Fanvo materialized in the Main Engineering bay, a wave of exhaustion washing over him. The only thing spurring him to continue this insane attempt knew her death was squarely his responsibility. The blood may be on another’s hands, but he had made his choices. Once he was far enough away, once he had gathered supplies and a shuttle with teeth... he was gone.

Sucking air, he nonetheless gathered his composure and beckoned the computer,

"Locate Commander Montoya, list party in immediate vicinity."

The Computer responded in a natural tone, different from previous ships. He noticed this and the pleasant distraction from his darker thoughts allowed another dark thought to rise. He knew his beamout was entered into logs, he needed to justify a beam-in and switch the logs on the Freedom before anyone noticed the discrepancy. He wasn't done with the Freedom yet, this was a marathon and Fanvo was already racing.

"Commander Montoya is on Main Engineering Level three, accompanied by ASEC Tyce Backo- Achilles, Lt V'nee Gor-" Fanvo cut off the computer in a curt command, Of course they would start at the top of the reactor assembly, another site to site was definitely pushing it too. Muscles burning, and panic threatening to overwhelm him, he began to run to the ladder to level three, first things first, the Berlin.

Like before, Travis was an unhappy XO. Fanvo was about to be read the riot act as soon as he could get the man alone, and this was not going to be pretty. The others in party would be able to see his rising anger as his left hand absently twitched like it was going for a phaser rifle and pulling the trigger. "If he's not here in five, we're cancelling this inspection and I'm taking him to task." Came out in a low, menacing growl.

Unlike the Achilles XO Rico took things in stride, shit happens and one had to be able to roll with it or ya ended up stressed out and irritable.

(So when the computer logs his location, the worm will delete it as his program targets his name and protects him. So when Cmdr Montoya checks later there will be a suspicious lack of record rather than a location. He is leaving a trail by panicking, and also a beam out that occurs before his beam in according to logs. bread crumbs lol.)

Tyce didnt want to be involved with this at all, but was now thrust into covering for another damned CEO.

"Well, we can go over the Main points for your perusal as well. I know the Chief has made other visits in the past so he may just need to give you a briefing..." Tyce activated the diagnostic readout on the central display island "As you can see, all systems are nominal for the Berlin, we expect cruising speeds of 9.2. The staff here have done well. All systems checked out, so insofar as an inspection I feel its a checklist matter. I will knock out the chec-

Fanvo called to them as he jogged over, wincing in exertion, red in the face.

"Gentlemen! Mr Backo! My apologies, my neural symbiote is intolerant of back to back transports, I have to run to make places on time. I'm trying to get our fleet switched to a higher resolution buffer until then I am certainly getting into shape."

Rico smiled. "That's alright. Getting into shape is a good thing. And you would be?"

"Commander." Travis' tone would be cold enough to match space, and about as friendly right now. "Next time you schedule a meeting like this, you had better inform Command. And by whatever you hold sacred, you EVER be this late to a meeting YOU called again, I will make it my personal mission to jettison you out a quantum torpedo tube, alive, without a casing. Am I PERFECTLY clear?" Oh yeah, the Marine in him was in full temper now, and there would be some words after between the two.

Fanvo certainly had spine, it was something every CO at the academy told him, though not favorably. It was a reason for a plateaued career, and no command prospects, silence and humility did wonders to settle scenes like this. However he could honestly say he never once flinched from a verbal onslaught, no matter how impressive. He had the scars to prove it certainly.

"Oh yes Commander, perfectly clear. I am very sorry to be late, I informed Mr. Backo to begin so as to not delay you. I was in error in forecasting my arrival here, these ships are expansive and the site to site transporter is location locked to duty-free zones. I'll be sure to remove that safety setting as well as fry the symbiote in my brain so I can be on time . Tell me, have you ever had a symbiotic creature pour death chemicals into your cerebellum as it squirms and pulls... No matter. We have formality to attend to after all sir."

Tyce looked at nothing at all despite the scene unfolding. It was remarkable; usually the eyes must find focus or at least be able to discern where a gaze was directed. Tyce was perfectly neutral and inscrutable, but instinct as well as a shrewd nature he had relied on forced him to speak.

"The Deuterium wash has been improved now, there is a 2.7% increase in efficiency from previous designs. We are actually more efficient than the Berlin, but the design can be applied there as well Captain."

Tyce looked at Commander Montoya, eyes begging for reprieve, to continue the walk through and be done.

Travis' eyes shot Fanvo a look that would have vaporized him on the spot if it could. There was going to be a very long, and serious discussion after this, and he might even bring in the Commodore who was also not happy with the performance of their current Chief Engineer. "Commander Adtanis, after this, my office. Lieutenant Backo, if Commander Montoya is ready, we can proceed."

Fanvo knew this was a bad way to start but he had to complete his objectives before his efforts were interrupted. There had already been one unintended delay, another would expose everything.

"Sir." Fanvo nodded curtly. His mind was racing ahead and let the tour continue. They made the tour fast and one the main level Fanvo made a point to allow Tyce to take the lead. At the Deflector relay controls he held his breath in anticipation as Tyce brought up the diagnostic screen.

"... The Holo-Lens will allow for the user to interact without touching the panel directly as well as operate panels remotely, It's new tech so the necessary tutorials are loaded for duty shifts. Now-"

A series of chimes sounded, Tyce looked to Fanvo directly for an odd feeling Fanvo didnt like.

"Commander, the Deflector is experiencing a minor circuit overload... safeties are unresponsive."

Fanvo took the controls, allowing the ruse to play out as best as he could guide it. He looked to Captain Benjamin, "Nothing to worry about. Re-routing will solve it, probably a mistake in the assembly... adjust manually and compensate for the physical drag in forward decks."

"Deflector safeties are a minor issue? Oh yes, let's hope the field doesn't change strength and allow something through." Travis could pull the sarcastic card as well as Fanvo and probably a little better.

"Knowing the Commodore, he's going to want to know exactly why this overloaded, so please keep your engineering staff on top of it. Are any other systems experiencing issues? He'd rather know now than after we leave DS9."
Fanvo held his tongue lest he provoke further reprisal. He in deep enough as is.

Rico nodded to the Commodore's XO.

"Tyce, please continue on, I will remain with the Chief here and get it sorted. Deflectors are a top priority sir, never meant to imply I felt otherwise.

Tyce lead the group to the adjacent station, and proceeded on as each checked out. Fanvo worked in peace for the four seconds he needed. One Down.

[Some time later]

"... Mr. Backo can you confirm the injector matrix is primed in sequence? With your permission Commander I'd like to fire up the drive to see?"

Once the main core went online it would have a small imbalance, Tyce would fix it, and in his fix complete the program. All Fanvo had to do was wait, and be visibly distant from any console. Mid speech the chirp sounded and Tyce initiated the diagnostic to identify it. A simple variance on previous shift report values, which sounded an alarm but was within acceptable ranges. Noted for the shift log, was the command which finalized the program. Almost immediately Fanvo felt his heart rate start to slow down. The worm had forty more seconds easy, this had all worked out, and now the traces were swept clean.

Commander Ricardo Montoya
CO - USS Berlin

Commander Travis Stone
XO - USS Achilles

Lt Commander Fanvo Adtanis
CEO - USS Achilles

Ltjg Tyce Backo
ACEO - USS Achilles


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