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Posted on 01 Sep 2015 @ 1:56am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,189 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-C: Shattered Time
Location: Mirror / Alternate Universe

The raids into the alternate reality over the decades had been a boom for the Empire. It had allowed them to rise up against the Klingon-Cardassian alliance that had been able to defeat them. The other raids that had followed had brought more and more technological advances that the Klingons had no match for. So what had started out as a rebellion by a few striking from the shadows grew and grew and continued to spread across the quadrant...and this time no reformists would weaken their strength or their resolve.

Those that had tried to stamp out the memory of the Empire...the Klingons...were now only another defeated people; reduced to only the most menial and dishonorable tasks. There punishment for the. Those that stood against the Empire would be crushed under foot.


Captain Stone sat in command of the Empire's newest warship and inwardly marveled at its size and complexity. No matter the Empire had stolen the plans for its development in a raid against the Federation, but the Empire would do whatever was needed to ensure its supremacy. That was why they were out in the middle of nowhere. No only to test their latest creation but to test a new technology that, if successful would spread the Empire across not only this reality...but every reality.


Lt. Logan turned from her station at operations. "All systems operational sir, We are far enough outside know space for anyone, friend or foe, to observe on our tests."

"Excellent. Take us out of warp."

Rising from his seat he moved to the engineering console. "Has the dimensional transport been successfully integrated into the ship systems?"

"Yes sir. We should be able do open a dimensional conduit to any quantum reality we target."


"Opening the portal is not the issue Captain. Opening a stable portal large enough for this ship is. So far we have only sent small test craft through and..."

Cutting officer off abruptly. "And you WILL ensure that the portal IS stable and LARGE enough for this vessel. You know the price for failure."

She already knew she was in hot water and Captain Stone had the reputation for being utterly ruthless. Even those that had tried to seduce their way into an elevated status had been cast aside or even eliminated when they had fallen short. "Their shall be no failure sir!"

Leaning against the console and taking her chin in his hand. "Good, I want you to personally go to engineering and make sure. I want to depart within the hour."

She swallowed. "Yes sir."

Watching her leave Stone smirked as he thought, ~another notch....perhaps~. Lifting himself off the console he barked a set of orders as he crossed to his office, "All stations prepare for dimensional transport in one hour!"

[One Hour later - Alternative Reality...] (post jump)

Logan looked over to Xanth after the rough ride. "Wanna try that again...I still have a few teeth that ya didn't shake out."

Stone interjected. "Where are we ?

Logon's verbal fencing with Xanth would have to wait. "Scanning. Stellar fix confirmed. We are in the right area, but..."

"..but what?!"

"According to the astrometric readings there is nothing in the area."

Coming out of his chair angrily; he wanted to see these readings for himself. "What do you mean nothing?!"

"Sir, either we are out of range or this reality doesn't have anything resembling the Empire or the Federation. Or at least nothing extending into this area."

"Any signs of vessels?"

Logan was tempted to look behind her, but didn't. "None. No traces of warp signatures, impulse, or particulate trails within sensor range."

Stone stood, his chest heaving angrily. With nothing in the area they could exploit the resources in the region, but his orders were clear. He was to find technology that could benefit the Empire. He turned with a glare to the engineering station as he barked his orders.

"Prepare for another jump!"

There second jump was no better. As soon as the view screen cleared they barely had a chance to fire and run as several Borg vessels closed on them. They were able to jump a third time before Borg tractor beams locked on them.

As they materialized in another reality the space before them was clear of Borg but the was the beginnings of a nebula before them that wasn't there in either their home reality, nor the other's they had seen.


"Scanners are clearing. No sign of vessels but..."

"But What!"

Logan nodded to the nebula. "Sir, that nebula shouldn't be there. I am running a full sweep."

Stone was incensed, turning to the guards stationed at the lifts as he pointed to the engineer. "Bring her here!"

The guards moved immediately each taking an arm and escorted the pale woman before the Captain.

"Sir, there is no way for me to know what we are going to find when we jump..."

Logan felt a twinge of sympathy but only just, especially as she saw the results of her scans. She spun her chair knowing what was to come. "Sir, their are no signs of a major power in the area and there are only faint traces of traffic in the area. The problem is the star in the system ahead. It is in the initial stages of forming a planetary nebula. I compared it to the known stars in the area before we left and it shouldn't be blowing of it's outer layers for another hundred or more years at least."

"So, not only aare we in an alternate reality but we are in the future."

"According to the sensors, yes sir."

Stone ripped the agonizer from her belt and slapped it to her chest. As the device activated she collapsed into a screaming twitching mass. Between her screams she managed a begging please but Stone let her agony continue for a time before nodding to the guards.

While the guards lifted the limp mass off the deck and steadied her as she regained her feet Sharpe looked to Logan. "Anything else?"

The hammer was about to drop and Logan knew it, but the Captain was waiting for an answer. "The jump systems are currently offline."

Stone's feature tightened and turned a deep red as his hand moved to his waist.

The unlucky engineer opened her mouth to reply to the news but Stone spun and his blade cut deep, slitting her throat. All that could be heard was her gurgling attempts to call out as she gripped her throat and once again she collapse in a heap as a pool of blood formed beneath her.

Looking down at her he thought to himself, ~What a waist...~. "Another notch on his blade was not the notch he had planned but there where others to pick from. Stepping over her body he headed towards his ready room, without looking back. "Get that out of here and have Adtanis report immediately!" He paused as the doors opened, "Oh and have that Klingon dog Da`nal get up here to clean up that mess."


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