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New Management - Part 2

Posted on 03 Jul 2015 @ 7:56pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan
Edited on on 03 Jul 2015 @ 7:58pm

1,266 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: IKV Ralnath - at DS9

"To all in the Empire the Brek'tal ceremony made you lord over all of what had been the House of Morgrat and made Toran's surviving heirs yours as well. Normally there is no issue as the new Lord is present and able to watch over his House's affairs. However you appointed me to oversee your house as you left to face the consequences of your actions."

"That opened an opportunity for those still quietly loyal to Toran both within your newly expanded House and among the lesser Houses. Even with the history of my family, I am an outsider and as there was no way to know when you would return. The logical approach was to formalize her relationship to me."

"Like hell..." X'aedell interjected. "Sure it made 'logical' sense! To you.....But how logical would it be to 'her'?" she asked angrily. "She should have been eliminated...."

"Had I eliminated her that would have only added to the underlying animosity and there was no way of knowing if or how many other heirs he may have sired. However by the rite of R’uustai; it not only keeps her in a position of importance within the House but removes me as an outsider, and target, but makes me family and by that same rite....your son."

X'aedell stood up and started pacing in an attempt to redirect her energy to calm down. "So.... she has a position of importance...and what strategic possibilities will that present her? You seriously think that is less of a threat than do deal with a little animosity?! How can you know that she won't use her position to gain more power? Her loyalty to you.... absolute? You made her your SISTER? That is Bullshit!" X'aedell said. "You think she is happy that you have another mate? I don't see any logic in your decision... more so because you didn't bother to run it past you PRESENT MATE??" X'aedell said now furious.

Da`nal had listened to Chargs explanation, his reason was sound and he hadn't missed a step. He looked from X'ae to Charg as she finished her rant, but Charg was turning in his seat his anger clearly visible.

Looking back at her out of the corner of his eye. "BE SILENT!! By formally joining myself to the House of Varal it links it with the Houses of Torath, Mogh, & Martok. Anyone would have to be bold indeed to move against us...especially when Da'nal's position was supported by the Emperor himself! What I do is for the greater good and honor of the House as a whole and not for your comfort or liking; nor do I need your permission!

By now Da`nal had sat back in his chair his hands resting on its arms as he looked to X'aedell. There was nothing for him to say as his friend had said it. Now he waited to see her reaction.

Not only did Charg's words shock her, they cut through her like a knife. "What....? I thought we were partners in this marriage... that we discuss major decisions... " she said her eyes burning like flames of fire, though she was quite calm now. "You know that I would never stand in the way of the honor of this House and would do what is needed, it is insulting that you think I would," she said trying to control her anger. "You know you have my loyalty, that I gave you the day we got married," she said pointedly. "I am here, and not with my House or family, or with my career, so it is NOT about MY comfort! And it is NOT about permission... it is about respecting and honoring me as your partner," she said slowly. "I would NEVER make a decision of this magnitude without talking to you, INCLUDING you in it... Obviously I was mistaken to think that you would.... Oh yes.... if you wanted me to be silent, you shouldn't have had me here," she said.

Da`nal moved to speak but Charg was already up so he remained silent see what would happen. He half expected a fight but cast a glance to Ayren.

Chaghwl'IH approached his mate, he knew he had stung her deeply but his sting had served its purpose having calmed her more than any logical argument would have. "You know you have my heart and that I would cut my way though entire armies if need be. But these were things that needed to be made quickly...before others could move against us."

He cast an arm to Da`nal and Ayren. "When they depart you will be the Mistress of the House until Ayren's return and must learn to ask as such. Lately you have reacted with rage before knowing the situation....when you recovered me from Earth's past..."

Da`nal's brow wrinkled in confusion as he thought, ~Earth's past???~

"Oh yes... that!" X'ae said, not quite so calm. "Just tell me... put yourself in MY shoes for once... how would you have reacted... logic aside, hmm?!" X'ae insisted not quite appeased, but he had good reason, it seemed. She had to trust him and she was willing to, only she was still too angry. She glared at anyone who dared to interpose, but also realized that that was a discussion for later, not now. ~This is not over~ she projected to Charg.

Ayren had not said a thing, but she could see her cousin was on edge. "Both of you have a point," she ventured, looking at X'ae, how was still scowling, but seemed a bit calmer.

"...and now." Charg took a breath, "I should have let you know before now and for that I was wrong."

"You got that right!" X'ae retorted

"X'aedell be reasonable!" Now Ayren was the one scowling.

X'ae glared at Ayren then at Charg as if his apology was forcing her to let him get way too easy. She pulled her mouth to the one side and chewed her lip as she considered his apology. "Okay...." she said and stepped towards him, still livid. "I am sorry too.... but I will still kill that woman if she overstep her boundaries...."

Now Da`nal was standing and he approached the pair, his intention was to separate them for a time, and he looked back to Ayren as he put a hand on Charg's shoulder. "Would you take Charg and show him around the Achilles...I'm sure Garath & Ariella would love to meet his new brother...while I speak with X'aedell."

Ayren understood what Da'nal wanted to do and nodded towards Charg. "Let's take a walk...". ~Behave X'aedell!~ she said to her cousin. She knew that if X'aedell was this angry, it could be hard to reason with her.

X'ae scowled and folded her arms across her chest, not answering her every composed cousin. Her mind was still running in a thousand directions and she wish she didn't have to 'talk' to the Commodore, but she would have preferred being handed a sword or even a bat'leth and the living daylights out of someone!

Da`nal walked the corridor knowing X'aedell was behind him; he didn't need to look back to know this, he just knew. While she may be temperamental at time there was no questioning her sense of duty and honor. As they walked the warriors he passed all stopped respectfully making way for the head of their house.

Turning into one of the training rooms he looked to the warriors there. "Give us the room."



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