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New Management - Part 3

Posted on 03 Jul 2015 @ 7:57pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Federation Ambassador Ayren Kelan
Edited on on 03 Jul 2015 @ 7:59pm

1,432 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: IKV Ralnath - at DS9

They look to the head of the house and nodded. "Yes My Lord."

X'aedell glanced at Charg and D'anal and then Ayren as if she was looking for information regarding Da'nal's reason for wanting to speak to her alone. Ayren shrugged and shook her head.

As the doors to the room closed with a sound only found on a Klingon ship Da`nal was removing his leadership robes, laying them on a bench as he tested the edge of one of the weapons. "X'aedell, you have served both the Federation and the have fought in many battles and earned great honor for yourself. No one would dare question you honor or your abilities and I am honored to be able to call you daughter."

X'aedell was speechless. ~Of course~ she thought. That was so because of Charg's position, but the words made it reality she was not quite prepared for. "I am honored to call you father..." she said uncertainly. Dan'al would not say this to chit chat, he had a reason and she could sense it was important.

"However, what you are facing now is a battle of another kind...but no less deadly. The dangers of politics and the council chambers are no different than those of the battlefield."

X'aedell nodded. "I am aware of it... " she said, even as she remembered how her uncle sent an assassin after her for political reasons. "But I suspect this is unlike anything I have experienced before."

Lifting a batleth from the rack he tested its weight, running though several moves with ease, before tossing it to her. Selecting a Pentaq spear for himself and dropping to a ready stance. "The humans have a saying...Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."

X'aedell caught it, feeling a rush of blood through her veins, instinctively adapting a battle mode. The blade made a few well practiced arcs through the air as she tested it herself. Her shoulders loosened she dropped into a position of readiness, relaxed yet poised, her eyes fixed on her opponent. Though she was trained as a diplomat, this was the battle her genes preferred. "It is a wise saying," she said as she stepped slowly to circle him. She knew he had more to say and she was ready to listen.

As those words left her mouth he stood erect driving his spear into the deck. "Then now do you see why....see the logic of what your husband did?! By making Vashara family he keeps her close not only that but if she were to act against him or the house she could gain only dishonor."

"It is a human saying," she protested, even if she did see the logic of his argument. "It is like us circling and circling... watching and waiting... feigning' she said and demonstrated with a move to his right, but then pulled back and circled again. "Neither making a real move... never quite resolving, or coming to a conclusion. Even if your opponent is relaxed, you will still not strike... you are forever only watching for weakness... " she said, expressing her frustration. "The art of war..." she said..."without a battle..." she said with disgust. "I do understand all that political garbage... my uncle, he is really good at that... and I can play that game, but it goes against my Klingon instincts..."

He had remained unmoving and stoic as she spoke and moved, waiting for her to finish. "A human expression it may be but no less true. You brought up the Art of War, another wise human. Klingon battle and react out of anger, lust, or selfish need for glory. What if we had listened to those teachings, '...know your enemy and you will always be victorious.' Your husband knows Vashara from serving together on the ChaDich but his information is out of date. He needs to know if she is still a warrior with honor or if she has been corrupted by her father's influences. By keeping her close he can observe and if need be strike. Have you ever know him to hesitate when the moment called for action?"

"No, I have not, and I don't doubt that he would, otherwise I won't be by his side," she answered annoyed. "I am not stupid, I do understand all you are saying!" she said with impatience. And she was not obtuse about the political implications, but something in her refused to allow her to simply agree to it. ~Why am I reacting so strongly....?~ she asked herself. From own experience as a counselor and knowledge of herself, she knew that the anger had a deeper source. ~Charg...of course.....his 'woman' on earth....~ Rational or not, it was painful. And now, he made a major decision... regarding a woman... without consulting her. One part of her vied for her to rational, to allow this woman into their lives, which was what she had always done. She grew up suppressing her gut feel, her instincts and her Klingon emotions. Not this time. She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. "Commodore... one part of me says... yes... okay, everyone else knows better... you are just and half Klingon woman... what do you know of decisions like this?" she said in clipped, but controlled tones. "But the other part... says NO! I don't agree with the decision to allow her so close ... " she said. X'aedell did not expect him to understand where she was coming from, so she did not expand. "So if I has to be done... I will unwillingly comply, but for the sake of Her safety, there has to be another way... " she said. "Or execute her..." she said.

She was a stubborn woman her jealousy and hatred could cause problems and put his House. He had no doubt that together his mother and Charg could handle her but if not his House could be torn apart. Stepping towards her leaving the spear in the deck, "SHE WILL NOT BE EXECUTED!" He could have struck her and set her to the floor, he could have killed her for disobedience, all were within his right as the head of the house and neither action would never be least on a Klingon ship. However he knew of his friends, now his son's, deep love for her; that and Ayren would never forgive him. He took a deep breath and spun away sharply, there had to be another option; one that would give Vashara personal glory, give the appearance of trust in her, and cool the fire with Xae'dell.

The idea popped into his mind seemingly from know where and had an almost Ayren diplomatic feel to it. Even in his frustration the corner of his mouth curled; he was going to have to ask her if she had anything to do with the sudden solution. Turning back to his new daughter. "I will have her assigned to the Achilles. She will have the honor of representing the Empire and our House to the unknown powers of the Alpha and Delta quadrants. Will this satisfy you?" His remark more a statement than a question.

X'aedell could sense the change in his thinking and she relaxed slightly as well. A small smile curled around her lips too. "Indeed it does Commodore.... Father..." she said. She held his gaze steadily, something of her own proud heritage in her stance, before she inclined her head. She did recognize the diplomatic solution and was quite aware of the possible source. "I thank you for your solution..." she added

"GOOD!..." Returning to his spear and wrenched it from the deck with one hand. "...Return and make your peace with your husband. Then the two of you will return with us to the Achilles. Garath and Ariella are anxious to meet their new brother and sister."

"We will!?" X'aedell said, obviously pleased at the prospect. She also looked forward meeting the twins, but she always enjoyed spending time with Ayren. "As for Charg... I will try not to hurt him in our peace making exercise," she said matter of factly. But inwardly she had already made peace with Charg, but was looking forward to a good sparring session with proper peace making activities afterwards.

He grinned at her reply as he picked up his robes. "Well just make sure it's nothing permanent."

Commodore Da`nal
CO of the USS Achilles and Head of the House of Varal

Ayren Kelan
Federation Ambassador

Regent for the House of Varal

X'aedell Kelan


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