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Posted on 06 Aug 2015 @ 1:34am by Commander Johnathan Pike & Lieutenant Xanth
Edited on on 06 Aug 2015 @ 1:35am

961 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: Docking Ring, Deep Space Nine
Timeline: While at DS9


Just because El-Aurians were known as a race of Listeners didn't mean that they all particularly enjoyed it at all times. Especially not when the speaker was one of the most misogynistic and despicable Ferengis that Xanth had ever had the displeasure of meeting. The Ferengi merchant had talked nearly the whole transport ride over to the station, and as soon as he'd discovered what the young pilot's race was it seemed as if he'd wanted to tell his entire life's story. That was a problem at times; people could feel so at ease around Xanth and his people that they felt the need to go on, at length and in detail, about everything that came to their minds. Thankfully, at long last, the airlock was cycling, and the Ferengi was the first one out exclaiming yet again that he had important business to attend to.

Lieutenant Xanth paused just inside the station, let out a long sigh of relief, and turned to cast a grin at one of the other passengers who had had to listen to the whole deal along with him. The man was of a height with Xanth himself, though heavier and with blonde hair and a set of commander's pips on his collar. "I thought he'd never stop," the pilot joked, and bobbed his eyebrows as he spoke. No stuffy formality from him towards superior officer, evidently.

Johnath smiled at the Lieutenants joke, "At least he wasn't talking about the tools of acquisition" he replied as he stepped out of the air lock. It was nice to have a quiet moment and to smell the fresh air not just the ship. He turned back to the Lt. And extended his hand "Commander Johnathan Pike" he added.

Accustomed as he was to Terran traditions, the pilot didn't hesitate to clasp the other man's hand, "A pleasure, Commander. Lieutenant Xanth." The El-Aurian's hand dropped to his side, and as they continued their way deeper into the station he added, "What brings you to Deep Space Nine?"

Pike looked at the man as they walked. "I am the CO of the USS Freedom one of the support vessels for the USS Achilles." He said as a smile slid across his face. He loved there upcoming mission. It was a chance to be a explorer and not a killer. "And yourself?" He asked

The lieutenant's smile grew a little broader at the news. He could pick up on the enthusiasm the Terran had, and what luck that he'd met one of the members of the ships who would depart on the long trek across the galaxy. "Actually, I'm the chief pilot of the Achilles," he said, taking a familiar turn remembered from his last visit to the station years ago. It was hard to forget the alien twists and turns that comprised the famous post that guarded the Bajoran Wormhole. A turboshaft was up ahead, and Xanth was planning on finding himself a good drink in some crowded place on the Promenade. "A long mission, before us. Any particular reason why you want to leave all this behind?"

Pike followed and headed for the turboshaft. "I want to see what else is out there besides just killing each other" johnanth had seen a lot of death in his time witnising and being apart of it. Spending time in captivity. "There has to be more to this life then just killing eachother. I also want to see what new wonders await us." He added as they reached the turboshaft.

Ah. Xanth began to pick up on a lot more now, as the commander kept speaking. He couldn't help it, and perhaps the Terran couldn't help but open up a little too. Just like with the Ferengi, but not annoying. Tragic, perhaps. There was a good deal of pain lurking behind those words, he could tell. But, as the man was obviously not wanting to focus on such things, Xanth didn't bring it up again. "I'm sure there will be many things that have never been seen before," he admitted, sounding every bit as eager. "Promenade," he said to the computer once they were on board the lift, and the ride began deeper into the station.

"Why do you want to leave this all behind and go to the unknown?" Asked Johnathan. One day people would talk about this mission and the crews and ships that partook. He smiled at the lift stoped and they stepped out on the large promenade it was busy then he had expected, but it was one large organized scene of chaos.

"To see what's out there, of course," Xanth replied simply, as if there was no other real reason for it. There really wasn't either. His race had long been wanderers of the galaxy, even before the El Aurian Diaspora, and it was strong in him too. The young-looking pilot smiled broadly to see the dozen or so alien species that wandered the Promenade, inhaled the scents of the food and perfume vendors, listened to the chatter of many people talking at once. Xanth turned the broad smile to the commander, and continued where he'd left off, "The good stuff, and the bad. This is some of the good stuff."

"Well lets hope to find more of the good, care to grab a drink" asked Johnathan. He used to not drink but as life went on he started to consume more tho he had to keep a stash of the good stuff hidden in his room. He nodded at restaurant near by. It was as much that he wanted to drink as he lime the conversation and did want to know someone he would see for a long time.


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