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Posted on 30 May 2015 @ 9:30pm by Ensign Jessica Logan (PNPC) & Lieutenant JG Lauren L'Vor

965 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: Deep Space 9

He had taken his orders and destroyed them the moment he had read them. Now he stood at the railing of the upper promenade watching the flow of the various races as they came and went. Despite all his time in this form he still found the humanoids a poor species in addition to being genetically inferior. Despite their short comings there variety of cultures and assorted diversions could be intriguing at times. However, orders were orders and his superiors needed to know what the humanoid federation was up to; if their ‘exploration’ was a threat or if anything they discovered or developed could be a threat. To get that information he had been charged with infiltrating the mission.

The decision to act had not come in time for him to maneuver his way aboard so now he stood watching. He needed to insert himself high enough to have the needed access to information but not so high that he stood out. It was also a long mission so he needed to select a long lived race or risk discovery by replacing another.

As he continued his observations a officer in science blue caught his attention. Finding the officer in his files he looked over the information. ~A Vulcan-Human hybrid…good; young…would provide long term cover; a Lieutenant…on a ship of that size, would only one of many; being a stellar specialist in the science department would allow access to the ship astrometric and other sensors as well as allowing the research and analysis of data without suspicion.~

He had found is target.

-- Later that evening --

Lauren had a good buzz going as she returned to her quarters. Several members of the Achilles, Freedom, and Berlin crew had met at Quarks for a little informal get together. She and a Trill named Jessica had hit it right off and both had had a hard time keeping their eyes off the Berlin’s XO, but there was this sickeningly gorgeous red head that had been arm in arm with him the whole time. They had both laughingly decided that they were absolutely going to hate her. The only thing that had happened in an otherwise great evening, other than returning to her quarters alone, had been when some guy nearly knocked her over.

Entering her quarters she called for the lights and began to remove her top and tossing it on the chair as she walked into the bedroom. As she rounded the corner her contentment turned to horror.

A massive hand gripped her head, her screams where muffled and she fought to breathe. She pulled and kicked at her captor and her horror shifted to sheer terror as the face of her attacker emerged from the shadows. The face was sharply angular with a cross-shaped pupils and she realized just what held her.

Lauren’s body went limp and her one exposed eye rolled back into the head as her all of her memories and experiences, everything that made her who she was, where pulled telepathically from her mind.

With its other hand it slashed the female, sampling her DNA, infecting her and beginning the consumption process. Having finished extracting the humanoid’s memories it snapped her neck and tossed her aside. A short time later what had been Lauren daughter of L'Vor continued to dissolve while the new Lauren daughter of L'Vor sat back on the rooms couch and began review the records and personal log entries of its predecessor.

She prepared the suspensions that would help maintain this humanoid form and injected herself, and injection every week or so should be sufficient but need could vary, but having the actual DNA of his victim helped. Looking down at the rapidly decomposing remains she thought about reinforcing the memories she had extracted with the actual RNA sequences of the brain tissues. Deciding that anything that could help reinforce and help ensure 'her' infiltration would help.

It was a simple matter of opening the cranium, humanoids were so fragile.

-- The Next Morning –

Jessica was up early and moving through the station towards her new friend’s quarters to see if she was up for breakfast and a day sun,sand, surf on Bajor’s southern islands. Pressing the button that activated the doors chime she waited until the door parted and Lauren was standing there in a spaghetti strap nightgown under a semi-shear robe that hugged her shapely frame.

“Hey Jess. Good morning, you’re up early.”

“I was wondering if you wanted to get an early breakfast and head down to Bajor’s Southern Isles? The Achilles is due to arrive shortly and once it does there’s no telling when we’ll get the chance to relax on a real beach.”

Lauren grinned. “That sounds perfect! Let me get dressed and I will meet and I’ll meet you on the Promenade.”

“Oh I can wait. Just throw something on, toss a bikini in a bag and lets go break some hearts,” she added laughingly.

Lauren laughed and waved her new friend into the room. “Have a seat and I will be right back.” Moments later she cast a unnoticeable glance to the far corner of the room to the still dissolving remains. By the time they returned to the station there would only be a pile of clothing and no sign of the body that had worn them. Emerging from the bedroom wearing a pair of shorts and a loose top over her bikini top, she shouldered a bag and a large beach towel. “Let’s go.”

As they made their way to the transport and her companion rambled on, Lauren's thoughts focused on assimilating the memories 'she' had absorbed.

Lt Lauren L'Vor

Ens Jessica Logan


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