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Lobi Crystals

Posted on 14 Apr 2015 @ 2:42pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Civilian Reva Madhava & Civilian Capim Jothy
Edited on on 14 Apr 2015 @ 2:43pm

1,333 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Promenade
Timeline: Prior to Achilles departure


Capim did not approve of the manifest, his thumbprint pulsed on the padd awaiting the signature, but with a sullen shake of the head he handed the padd back to the bedraggled waiter. His seat overlooked most of the bar, Reva had just gotten here, Capim waved her over, while addressing the shriveled Ferengi.

"Take it back, this is far more than I would ever pay for such swill."

Watching the merchant leave in a bit of a huff. "Problem with our supplier?"

Reva was stunning as usual, Capim's mood was lifted ever so slightly.

"Aldebaran Whiskey at 20 per, Simple Targ meat from Golorn stock farms at 67.7 suddenly though last week it was 49.3... they know we are leaving and they are burning their bridges."

She shook her head slowly. "I had an idea to fun by you about the alcohol. But as far as the meat; we have a Klingon commanding officer and you are ordering meat from a supplier? Don't you think he could supply us...himself for nearly no cost at all?"

With a chuckle Capim nodded in deference to a fair point. The manifest had the listed requests from many of the restaurants and catered services, the Commodore hadn't entered himself into the bidding but Capim would certainly pursue that avenue now the it was mentioned. Various other options were on his mind to return the favor on the price gouging vendors

"I find its usually worth it to keep my business a contained and isolated cell from the rest of my life. The assorted cuts are a preferred brand for a few of the restaurants who want to maintain the same standard, or are contractually obligated. Running fresh meat and liqour from home will net us a tidy side fortune to boot. If the commodore wishes to sell, he can enter a price."

Pulling the manifest pad to her perspective he displayed their current stores. It was a good start, but nowhere near the quantity needed for any length of time. Klingon spirits and Bloodwine were in good supply, but for the various races aboard it was Terran, Klingon, or Bajoran/Cardassian Stock. Anything else was offered at three times the cost even bulk wholesale, word about Achilles was out, Capim had a few connections to tap for his customary menu depths but even food was costing him a tidy sum.

"You mentioned something for the liqour? My stocks are near bare after the loss of Achilles, and my out of pocket is currently something I prefer not to determine suffice it to say too much."

"Well the Commodore had managed to collect a huge supply, when he was a mere Captain. We could replicate whatever we needed without issue, but we need the real stuff too. We could place an order for what we need, as well as the supplies to brew or distill our own, and have it ready for us at DS9...but that could be expensive. HMmmm....what if we arranged for some kind of event and as a kind of side bet we work in a discount of some kind."

Instantly, the Ferengi who had sent him such an insulting price came to mind. Barbo loved bets, and his affiliations with Quark were tense ever since Quark turned on Barbo for a profit. Reva had an idea all right, working the liquor into a side bet for a larger deal... a scheme began to unfold and Capim smiled. He leaned forward to Reva, "Darlin you've got an idea there..."

"So there's a merchant named Barbo, just so happens he can fulfill our liquor order, and round out the other requisitions, but wouldn't you know it, the costs are just so bad this time of year... We should have a race, something you can put on, leave me to the side. Because I'll make a side-bet to get our goods at a premium. Just need an event people would wager on, and a way to get a few teams to put in for a grand prize. Starfleet, Bajor, local Cardassians can be enticed by say.... a charity for Dominion War recovery. Play our cards right and the grand prize goes to a worthy cause, and we get our goods at half the cost. Now I just know you have ideas..."

"That I do...but lets get the 'official' side of things approved before getting to far ahead ourselves." Tapping her communicator, "Commodore Da`nal. would you have a moment to join Capim and myself? We have a proposal for....crew moral to discuss."

[CO's Quarters]

Da`nal was about to take Ayren and his children to the holodeck when the call came in. "Will this take long?"

=^= Not at all. =^=

"Very well, I will be there shortly. Out." Looking to his family, "Go on ahead. I will join you shortly.

"Computer, one for site to site transport to Capim Jothy's location."


Da`nal materialized feet away from the pair. "So what is this proposal you have.?"

Reva glanced to Capim, he gestured for her to continue. "We wanted to sponsor a race with one of your pilots against someone from DS9. We were looking to..."

"Make a profit from the betting," Da`nal said interrupted.

Taken by surprise at how quickly the ruse was up Capim was level and calm, but across the room Arran blinked out of existence for a split second.

Reva wrinkled her brow. "Not at all sir. While we would be taking bets. we were thinking to use it as a fund raiser for the remaining Dominion refugees or even for the Romulan relief efforts. There are several Ferengi that..."

Da`nal folded his arms. Reva was playing her role well. "Miss Madhava, Mr. not take me for a fool. Neither of you would be interested in sponsoring such an event unless you had something to gain...legitimately or otherwise. Although I have held a race against a Ferengi on SB 47, perhaps he would be interested in a rematch. What is his name."

She didn't know who Da`nal had dealt with before but she looked to Capim and back. "There are several that would be involved. Those running Quark's would naturally be involved but the key player is a man named Barbo. He is a major merchant with supplies the ship could use..."

As she spoke a grin spread over his features and he relaxed his posture. "Recruit your pilot from one of fighter pilots. Marines tend to be more daring but the other pilot will know who is the most reckless. Make your arrangements and....send Barbo my regards." He turned to walk off and after a few steps he turned, "I will arrange for a cargo bay to be set a side. Fill it to overflowing."

Capim chuckled at the Commodore, this was perfect, the man knew the game and would let it progress. He would put down a cool thousand bars of latinum, the leverage of stock he would return from the trade would be triple that at least. A donation and a massive discount, this scam would see a good deed done. Once Da'nal had gone off, he looked to Reva.

"I'll see to Barbo, let's get the Starlite Hoplite setup for a race and reception. Monitors, betting machines, the works. We'll need Quark in on this, he won't let a scheme happen under his lobes and not get a piece of it. I'll leave that to you and that plunging neckline. To the Race my good friend."

"Joy...." She said with a devilish grin. Thinking to herself as she began to prioritize her tasks. ~That's all I wanted to do...titillate a Ferengi. Although, related or not it shouldn't be to hard to play them against each other, after all there was the 6th Rule of Acquisition - Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.~

Commodore Da`nal

Reva Madava
Club Manager

Capim Jothy
Merchant Extraordinaire


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