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Deep Space Nine Arrival

Posted on 26 Feb 2015 @ 8:49pm by Commander Johnathan Pike

223 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Deep Space 9
Timeline: current

The room was dark classical music was playing in the background. Commander pike sat at the desk. A chime interrupted the music and he sat forward. "Pike here" he said as he his combadge.

"We are arriving at deep space nine" said the man on the bridge.

Pike stood and exited the room onto the bridge. He looked at the view as a young man stood and exited his chair. He walked back to the tactical station. Pikes eyes were drawn to the large station the were approaching. It was a huge and the architecture was staggering.

He took his seat and spoke. "Open a channel to the station." He said as the tacticl officer did as ordered " This is the Commander Pike of the USS freedom requesting permission to dock. " said pike as he looked at the station.

"Permission granted" said the communications officer on the station.

"Take us in"said pike as he stood from his seat. " Ensign Blake your with me" he said as he stood and headed for the transporter room. He paused before leaving the bridge. "Please inform all crew they have shore leave until the arrival of the USS Achilles" he said to the communications officer on the bridge. He them exited the room and headed for the transporter room.

Commander Johnathan Pike
Commanding Officer
USS Freedom


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