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Be Careful What You Wish For ...

Posted on 22 Feb 2015 @ 2:16pm by Commander Karen Villiers

723 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: USS Hyperion - en-Route to Sol

"... the thing is Karen Commander Barton has been in place for three years now. We extended the offer of a permenant postion last year and, well, he accepted," the speaker on the screen shrugged.

Karen slammed her hand down on the flat of the console, "Brailsford, you promised me that position was mine once I was done at DS5. I remind you that the only reason I went there in the first place was as a personal favour to YOU," she raged.

"That's Admiral Brailsford," the speaker reminded her. "Things change."

"You gave me your word, Admiral," Karen said in an icy tone. If she'd been in the same room at her former lover she'd've done something she would regret. As it was she clenched her fingers into a ball, desperately resisting the temptation to smash her fist into his face on the screen.

"And I'll keep my word. Just have a little patience," Brailsford replied.

Five years of patience in the backwater at DS5 when she should have been esconced in JAG HQ on Earth, Five years of patience while other, less talented leagal minds were guided into HER role just because they were closer.

Karen drew in a breath, "My patience has run out," she told him. The Hyperion will pass by DS9 for resupply before it returns to Earth, I expect to receive a new assignment when I reach there, back in my Diplomatic role. I'm done with JAG," she said, "and you'll damned well make sure it happens or I will make it known to all that the reason I was posted out on DS5 is because your wife objected to me being posted in HQ."

Brailsford's face darkened but when he spoke again it was as if he'd thought until now that Karen did not know the truth behind her remote posting. "You wouldn't do that. Your own career would be in ruins as well as mine. Think about this Karen."

"The fuck I wouldn't," Karen spat. She'd done the right thing for five years to protect her former mentor and oft time lover. NO MORE. "You'll assign me to the juciest most interesting posting you can come up with, preferably one that puts a quadrant between you and me. Fail this and I will see you in court. I know where your skeletons are and I'm screwed if I'm hiding htem any longer," how she kept her voice even she'd never know

I spent way too much time with Romulans, she thought as she waited for a reply. This was nothing short of blackmail, but Karen was betting that Brailsford valued his squeaky cleaqn reputation far above the furore that an attempt to call her effort to blackmail him would cause.

She glared at the screen staring him down as she would have done if they were standing in the same room, ocunting each second as he decided whether or not to acquiese.

"Give me a moment," Brailsford said. I win Karen thought as he said it, that was what she was counting on -the depth of his corruption went beyond mere philandering - I should've hung you out to dry when you were my mentor, you handsome bastard..

A moment became one, two, three, then when he'd apparently finished perusing the openings he spoke again. "There's one here that would mee your requirements exactly ... a Quadrant between us you say. The USS Achilles is due at DS5 a few days after the USS Hyperion - they're going through the wormhole and require a Chief Diplomatic Officer. That would suit you perfectly, Commander ..."

"No," Karen said, "that's not what I want."

"Too late Kaz, the reassignment has already been made as per your explicit request. We wouldn't want to disappoint Commodore Da'nal by changing that request old we. Wouldn't look too good on your record."

"Why thank you Admiral Karen said tightly. "I wish you every success in your search for your father."

"He's alive and well in San Fransisco," Brailsford replied - confusion evident in his eyes and tone.

"Look it up," Karen said and cut the line.

She sat heavily on the edge of her bed and dropped her head into her hands.

"Buggeration!" she said, "the bloody Gamma Quadrant."



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