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We've begun

Posted on 22 May 2015 @ 3:02am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Commander Travis Stone

657 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M13-B: The Big Goodbye
Location: USS Achilles
Timeline: 1550 - Launch + 32:00


The stars streaked passed the ship as they warped towards Deep Space 9 and the first leg of their journey. Tapping the log button on his command chair.

"Captain's log stardate 69384.6

While several key crew members, the ambassadorial delegations, and our escort ships are waiting for us at Deep Space Nine; we are finally on our way. Even though the Achilles has already gone through its trial runs; we will be putting this massive ship through its paces during our journey to Deep Space Nine. If anything is going to go wrong it had better happen before we leave.

The time to the station will also allow us to attend to several administrative duties that were set aside during the massive launch preparation.

I know the entire crew is anxious to get on with our mission and I have been informed that there will be a special event to give us a send off and raise awareness for several of the Federations relief efforts. Once we get done at the station and through Cardassian space we will truly be where no one from this region has gone before."

Closing out the log he stood with a glance to Stone. "Have Engineering begin construction on the communication relay satellites we will be deploying during our mission. Also let them know we will be pushing the engines to their limits. Lets do that first thing tomorrow."

"Understood Commodore. You won't mind if I keep a closer eye on Engineering right?" Travis responded has he made the appropriate notes into his system and calendar. Engineering was still bothering him, something he and Da'nal needed to address, soon.

"Not at all..." Da`nal looked to the lift doors as they opened and the first of Beta shift began to arrive. "...the last thing we need is to breakdown in the middle of no where due to infighting or carelessness."

"I'll prevent that if I have to take one or both of our ranking personalities and toss them out an airlock, without suits. You go have a good bit of downtime with your family and try to get some rest before I get the Docs up here. Oh, and can we set an appointment to have this chair of yours modified to something with a bit less fluff and more support?" Travis asked in the traditional method of claiming the chair made people uncomfortable.

He huffed slightly at the suggestion he needed rest and a small grinned formed as his eyes glanced from the Commander to the chair momentarily; something a lot firmer would be more to his liking. He began to nod at the idea as he thought. "Have Engineering set up a few design recommendations in the holodeck for approval...and have them install a replicator tray in the dividers between the command chairs. We may be in command, but we don't need to be waited on."

"Understood, I'll get with Engineering to start on that right away, before this chair kills both of us." Travis tapped the button to transmit to the departments. "Departments, you have three minutes before I should be receiving your reports. Next week, you'll have two minutes. I want them in the order on your stations, starting from Engineering and ending with Medical." He heard a quiet chuckle from someone on the bridge, and then grinned as he surveyed his victims. "Bridge crew, you have about 20 seconds to get your status reports in. Next week, you'll get about a minute to have them to me from the time you take over the station."

Da`nal turned shaking his head as he turned towards the turbolift. Once back in his quarters he looked out the window at the stars as they streaked through warp but before he could even remove his Ha'quj (baldric), he was attacked by two little warriors as Ayren watched from the doorway grinning.

Commodore Da`nal

Commander Travis Stone


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