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Posted on 21 Feb 2015 @ 5:05pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius

1,416 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M13-A: From the Old to the New
Location: Promenade

There was just something about angry sex that had a way of doing the body and mind good. Although Kassi wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen now, she at least seemed in somewhat of a better move after leaving Richard. Hair still damp hung down along her back instead of up in it's usual pony tail, though she wasn't overly worried about it. For now, she was focused on getting used to the ship and seeing who else had opted to come back, and that was why she was talking a lazy walk around, more or less the long way to her department.

The light cycle on the promenade was dusk and the environmental controls had created a cool breeze that rustled through the trees of the park like area that separated the sports complex and the commercial areas. Even with the ship still not fully manned the area was a hive of activity as mostly as engineers working on building out the shops and clubs, other were there enjoying the night air, the view, or each others company.

Da`nal watched as his son readied himself with the spear and when he nodded he rolled the hoop.

Garath held the spear at the ready and led his target as instructed, then letting the spear fly.

Watching intently Da`nal shouted with pride as hs son successfully sent the spear through the hoop. 'Ka`la!"

Spotting Da'nal, she slowed to a stop and took a lean against a railing to watch him. Those mixed feelings came back to her again as she silently studied the Klingon. Kassi knew she needed to get over her feelings when it came to him, other wise this was going to be a long trip. She nipped lightly on her lower lip and shifted slightly, a crack of some fallen twig brought her to still almost frozen.

Their hunting instincts on from the Qa'vak practice they both looked to the source of the sound. Seeing the familiar face of one of his former and now current crew he motioned to his son. "Gather our things and return to our quarters. I'll be along soon."

"Yes sir. May I stop by sick bay to tell see Ayren?"

Placing a hand on his son's shoulder. "You may. And at the first chance we get you will get to hunt with me, instead of just watching." He could see the light and pride in his son's eyes. Now go."

He didn't need to watch and make sure his son did what he was told, for even at his young age he knew his place and took pride in it. Seeing Garath pass though one of the many entrances he walked towards Lt. Denterius. "Hello again Lieutenant. To be honest I was surprised to have seen your name on the incoming crew roster."

Kassi couldn't help but to smile as she watched the boy, seeing the respect he showed for his father. Family had always been a big thing for her, it was why leaving for this long had been harder then she'd thought and the time away had just gotten started. Her gaze followed the young one till he'd left before turning her attention back to Da'nal with a slight cant of her head hearing him.

"Commodore." She said warmly before continuing. "I probably don't need to ask why it surprised you, after all I'm not exactly sure why I came back under your Command myself. Other than... In some ways I do still respect you, you did what you needed to do. What you felt was right. Can't say I agree with those that followed you though." She shrugged a little. "I was surprised to see the message inviting me back."

He nodded. "I'm glad to her you say that. That you didn't agree that is, you see I want people that will stand up for what they think is right. There is no honor in merely being a lackey. That is why I brought Stone back as my XO. However I think you need to know that my orders that day as not to engage the entire fleet alone, but to get through the fleet and to not only warn my House and protect my children but warn the Empire. Toran posed a threat to the entire region and would have plunged all of us into war for his own personal glory.

"Was there a matter of honor and vengeance that needed to be addresses...Yes. But that didn't involve the crew and was settled without them."

Kassi listened, and took in the Klingon's words and took them in as she gave a slight nod of her head in respect. "I know you didn't have to tell me all that, but I appreciate you did. I still have a lot to learn about you, but I'm glad for this chance to." She smiled shyly. "And don't worry, I'm not afraid to tell someone how it is if I feel strongly about something."

Grinning knowingly, "So I've heard."

Kassi blinked and blushed deeply. "I umm... we umm... " Well hell, she had no clue what to say and bit on her lower lip sheepishly.

He laughed at her reaction. "This may be the largest ship in the Federation, but gossip and rumor still travels at warp 10....especially when it's out in the open and between the Captain of the Marines."

A soft chuckle slipped from her. "Yeah, that probably wasn't the best place to have that discussion, but it just kind of happened." Everything did, but she left that out. "Anyways, if I'm going to be on this ship for as long as it's hinted, better to let everyone know I have a mouth now rather than later."

"Just so long as that mouth doesn't get you into trouble. So, what have you been doing since our initial return?" He asked changing the subject.

"Just trying to get myself resettled into things again. Taking note of the people, both the new ones and old. The basic stuff." Kassi replied with a slightly shy smile. Now that she knew a bit more about the reason behind why he'd done what he had, she was feeling a little off kilter over her initial thoughts of the man.

"And how are you coming with absorbing all the details of a ship this big?"

"Not to bad, being an operations officer I tend to want to nitpick at every little thing. So it makes taking in the details of the ship a little longer." Kassi said with a smile, she'd always enjoyed learning the finer details of things, ships in particular and it was why she was doing such. That and it made her job easier down the line.

He could see that, most of the systems on the Achilles were similar to the systems on any other starship except that they were beefed up to handle the ships power production and distribution needs. "Well we will have the trip to DS9 for you to get everything down. I know you just came aboard but tomorrow I would like you to begin a pre-departure status check on all systems. I want to get underway as soon as we can."

Kassi couldn't help but to peek to him, a hint of surprise on her face, with his orders after all she knew there was some officers that had higher ranks that he could have chosen to do that task. She seemed to be the one that seemed to get put in charge of some of the important things instead of them. Not exactly sure how to take it, she took it with a smile. "Aye Commodore, I'll be on that first thing in the morning and keep you updated."

"Good. Make sure Mr. Kordah is aware of the my wishes before you begin."

"Of course Sir." Kassi said with that smile of her's.

"Then I will leave you to enjoy the rest of your evening." With that Da`nal made his way from the cool evening air that was on the Promenade to the bright standard light and temperature that was the corridors of a starship as he too made his way to sickbay.

"Have a good one Commodore." Kassi called to him as she watched him go. Turning then, she headed on down to find her way to the Operations department to seek out her Chief.

Commodore Da`nal

LtJg Kassi Denterius
Ops officer


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