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Old Friends Long Gone

Posted on 05 Jun 2009 @ 2:42pm by

569 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: USS Intrepid, Starbase 47
Timeline: Current

The USS Intrepid winked into existence, dropping out of Warp just beyond the view of Starbase 47, which was nothing more than a small spec in the cosmic void that surrounded the vessel. Andrew Fienneman stared out the viewscreen at the Starbase as he rested his hands on the top of his Tactical station; his home for the past twelve years. It was hard to imagine his career without the Intrepid, the ship and its crew had been good to him and as sad as he was to leave her behind, he knew his destiny lay beyond the bulkheads of this fine ship.

Captain Fullerton looked up from his chair at Andrew and smiled wryly.

“Sure I can’t convince you to stay?†he asked. “This crew just won’t be the same without you.â€

“Thank you, sir.†Andrew replied, “But an Executive Officer posting is too good to pass up.†he smiled.

“Well... if you ever change your mind.†Fullerton replied, turning back to the CoNN. “Helm, bring us in to the Starbase so we can drop off Commander Fienneman.†he ordered, using his new rank for the first time. Andrew smiled to himself as he powered down his console and made it otherwise ready for the next person to take the shift.

The Intrepid-class starship made its way swiftly across the distance and the Starbase was soon dominating the viewscreen as the helmsman headed towards the bay doors that had opened for them. The rest of the crew went about their duties locking down the ship as Andrew watched, his final arrival and departure from the one place he’d come to call home.

As the docking bay surrounded them, Captain Fullerton stood up and nodded to his first Officer before stepping towards the turbolift doors.

“Walk with me.†he said to Andrew, he nodded and shook hands with the Assistant Tactical Officer who was soon to be the Chief and followed the Captain into the lift. The lift door’s closed behind him as the Captain ordered it to the main airlock and looked over at Andrew.

“Been a long time.†he said after a moment.

“Indeed it has, sir.†Fienneman replied.

They rode in silence for a few more moments before the door’s opened and they walked down the corridor towards the docking port and stopped just before the doors. Fullerton turned to Andrew and smiled.

“A pointer from an old friend.†he began, crossing his arms across his chest and smiling more. “You should always agree with your Captain, even if you don’t. Take the discussion off-Bridge if you have to, but don’t let the crew see your arguing.†he began. “Particularly when your Captain is a Klingon.†he added with a chuckle, holding out his hand.

“Good Luck, Andrew.†he said, “I mean it.â€

“Thank you sir.†he replied, shaking his hand firmly.

“You look me up if you ever need anything. Remember who your friends are.†he smiled.

Andrew nodded and stepped through the doors, glancing back one last time at his former Captain and old friend. As the door’s slid shut behind him he turned to the door’s ahead, stepped smartly forward towards his new destination; Starbase 47, soon to be docking place of the USS Freedom, his next assignment.

Lieutenant Commander Andrew Fienneman
Executive Officer
USS Freedom


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