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A good word

Posted on 04 Jun 2009 @ 11:25pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

779 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Ready room
Timeline: Morning of Day 3


Webb had something on his mind. He needed to talk to the Captain about Maria. She had done her part, she got the approval from her Captain for the transfer. Webb thought to himself,~ but she knew him, I don’t really know my Captain, I must try. This is the most important thing for me right now.~ Webb approach the door to the Captains ready room. He pushed the door chime and waited for an answer.

Looking up from the terminal. Da`nal welcomed the distraction. Standing he moved around the end of his desk as he answered the chime. "Enter."

The door opened to reveal an Ensign standing there with a hesitant expression. "Come in Ensign. What can I do for you?"

Webb approached the captain, "Captain, I know that you don't know me and you certainly don't owe me anything but, I have a favor to ask or request, if you will. I met someone when I was en route to DS5 on the Valkyrie. The chief engineer, her name is Maria Cruz. In a short time we have strong feelings for each other. I had mentioned to her that I think we should be close to each other for our relationship to develop further and she agreed."

"She has already made the first step and the Captain of the Valkyrie has approved her transfer. They are en route to DS5 as we speak and should be here tonight. She has already told me that she will take what job you offer her. She is best suited as Chief engineer or in the engineering section. I know she has tactical expertise. I also know she will resign if she has to but, that is a last resort. From what I have seen she is a hard worker and takes her job very seriously."

Da`nal had just been looking at the transfer request on the officer before he had arrived. "This isn't a pleasure yacht Mr. Webb. Was this her idea or yours?"

"I understand your hesitance. It wouldn't be like that at all. She will be a great asset to this ship. She is willing to pull her weight and then some. I think of her more as family than just a friend. It was my idea, sir. I understand if you are unwilling and we will have go another route, she is willing to resign from Star Fleet and come aboard as spouse if that is what it takes."

Webb's emotions began to overtake him. His eyes began to tear up. He glance to the floor and back to the captain, blinking several times trying to get rid of the tears that were threatening to come out. He began to clinch his hand behind his back. Thoughts of Maria, Linda and the baby were beginning to overwhelm him. ~Not now Webb, not in front of the Captain, hold it together~ Webb thought to him self. A battle raged inside of Webb to keep his composure.

Da`nal could see this was not only important to both of them, so much so that he was on the verge of an emotional outburst. Waving him over to the couch along the bulkhead. "Take a seat Ensign." While Tim moved to the couch Da`nal organized his thoughts and made his decision.

Webb sat down on the edge of the couch, hesitantly.

"Ensign, having her resign would be the wrong move. As a junior officer it would be 6 months before you would be able to bring family aboard. No I was looking over her record and she appears to be a fine officer. However, I am in the process of aquiring a Chief Engineer."

Da`nal could see that Webb was about to speak but he raised a hand and cut him off. "BUT. If she is willing to accept a lower position, and Mr. McPherson is willing to take her on, say as an assistant Chief, and she get her before we depart I will ok the transfer."

"Understood Sir. I believe that will be acceptable to her. Thank you."

"Don't thank me yet Mr. Webb."

"The Valkyrie should be here at 1800 hours. What time are we scheduled to depart DS5?"

Shaking his head slightly, it was going to be close. "Well then you had better get busy, but I don't want to hear that making your arrangements is interfering with your duties. Now Mr. McPherson isn't due to report until this afternoon so you'll have to wait to talk to him."

"I understand," Webb stood up, "with your permission, sir?" expecting to be excused.

Nodding, "Dismissed."


Cmdr Da`nal

Ensign Webb


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