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Preparing Sickbay

Posted on 04 Apr 2009 @ 8:01pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,434 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Current

Melanie was frustrated, she didn't have a full compliment in her sickbay and there was nothing she could do about it. She was going to have a talk with the commander. How could they possibly be ready for this impending battle without enough medical staff?

"Computer activate the Emergency Medical Hologram." She had sworn she would never use one of these. "Never say never Melanie." She grumbled to herself.

s the holo matrix completed it activation the holographic doctor's vocal subroutines took hold. "Please state teh nature of the medical emergency." Enough though there had been four previous versions, the programmers had yet to come up with a beeter greeting.

"Oh let me list them off for and I are the only trained medical staff here...we are preparing for a battle with the Romulans...and we haven't gone through shakedown yet. Are those enough reasons?" She asked bitterly.

"Is there anyone that requires medical attention at this time?"

"No." She replied.

"Very well. Deactivate....."

"Computer belay that order! Not so fast mister! You are going to help me prepare sickbay or you will need more than an engineer to help you!"

Looking about at the stacks of supplies, the partially completed biobed and monitors. "Just what am I supposed to do....I'm a doctor not an engineer."

"Yeah well you are the best we got...access the have millions of bytes of information in your program and you are telling me that one of them isn't contructing biobeds? Some EMH you are!" She sighed.

The ensign in the background stayed clear of the Lieutenant, he was scared shitless of her and didn't want a confrontation. Melanie left him alone for the moment...she had to deal with this EMH.

Looking indigant at the woman. Getting irrate won't change anything. I am an E-M-H...not an E-E-H. Iwas programmed for medical proceddures and non of my subroutines include files on being a grease monkey. Besides it's as simple as accessing a database. It would require expandign my holomatrix and thats not something that can be don on a whim. Why isn't anyone working on the biobeds?

"Ugh! Fine! Ensign, get over here!" Melanie yelled at the ensign that was dawdling across the room.

The young ensign nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the doctor yell at him. He walked quickly to her without running and tripping over his feet. "Yes ma'am!" He said.

"Stop dawdling and start assembling these beds. I want them all put together in the next two hours tops!"

"Yes...yes ma'am." He managed to speak before looking at the mess that was in front on him. ~Explain to me why I joined Starfleet again?~ He thought to himself.

Well I can see to the medical supplies and ensure the completed equipment is functioning properly. Perhaps you could track down a few engineers. If we are going into a fight we are going to need the beds."

"Yes well the Ensign Niko is the best we have right now and he does have some engineering background. He can manage it."

Nodding the EMH busied himself with the stowing off the medical supplies. The with the holoemitter placed throughout the ship he could go anywhere but that was needed at this point he stocked every station, that was completed, and set aside the supplies for those yet to be completed. Once that was completed completed the only supplies left were the emergency kits that needed to be place throughout the ship.

Next he checked every instrument, medical tricorder, and hypo. Those that needed to be adjusted he ecalibrated to the proper settings. Setting down the last of the small equipment he turned his attention to the surgical bay. At least it had been completed. A scowl spread across his features as he began his evaluation. From the looks of things there hadn't even been the most basic of calibrations done. This was going to take some time.....

=^=Hemmingway to Engineering...I need some help here in sickbay...we are going to need these biobeds ready in case of casualties. Help immediately would be greatly appreciated.=^= She said through her teeth.

=/=Engineering to Lieutenant Langley, there's a request for technical support in Sickbay. It sounds...urgent.=/=

The chief engineer sighed, and tapped his commbadge. =/=Acknowledged, Engineering, already on my way.=/=

Finding Sickbay wasn't hard...Langley just had to follow the trail of supplies, terrified crew, and distant sounds of shouting. Outside the Main Doors, Langley steeled himself, and wondered if all the women aboard the Freedom were so...assertive.

He took a deep breath, and stepped through, into the half-completed chaos of the ship's medical centre. Staff hurried left and right, but there was a clearly evident space in the middle of the room that no-one dared stray into it. It was a perfect circle, formed around a striking female medic whose expression plainly communicated her frustration, and who Langley approached as carefully as possible.

"Doctor Hemmingway? I'm Langley, chief engineer. I understand you're having some problems?" He held out a hand akwardly, and hoisted a smile onto his features.

Melanie took the offered hand, "Yes...I am Doctor Hemmingway, see the biobeds...or lack thereof. We are to going to be in battle and I have no where to put my patients, or anyway of monitoring them."

Hearing the man enter and introduce himself the EMH stood from his work on the surgical bed. At least now there was someone here that knew what they were doing. "In addition the technitian that assembled the surgical bay must have finished and left."

Langley sighed. "It's this emergency deployment, it's playing havoc with the final outfitting for the ship. I can only apologise, Dr. Hemmingway." The engineer glanced at the EMH, and frowned. "As for the Surgial Bay, I thought calibration of those systems was left to trained Medical staff?" He could not restrain his disdain for the EMH and its abrasive nature. He'd endured much the same when meeting the venerable Dr. Zimmerman on Jupiter Station, who had all the tact and approachability of a Targ with a thorn in its foot.

"Yes well..I was going to get to it...I am not impressed with this EMH but as of right now he is my only 'staff member'." She said leaning towards the engineer so the EMH would not hear. Langley smothered a grin, and stepped forward.

"First things first then, we need to get some beds to work on! Doctor, would you give me a hand lifting this biobed up?"

The hologram put on its most affronted expression. "Excuse me, but I'm a doctor not a forklift, I have-"

Langley interrupted brusquely. "As a department head and member of the senior staff, we'll refer to the chain of command, Doctor. And leave it at THAT."

"Very well, Lieutenant. But I will register a full and formal complain of workplace abuse with the Captain-" began the EMH, as he helped Langley hoist the heavy bed onto its stand. "Yes Doctor, but first you'll have to get through Lieutenant Rodriguez, and she'll pixellate you before you've finished your first word!" Langley grinned at the hologram. "Not so hard, was it?"

The hologram stalked away, muttering to himself, and Langley began powering up the bed's diagnostic systems. "This shouldn't take too long, Doctor Hemmingway. Is there anything else we can do for you?

"No...I will recalibrate the rest...thank you for all your is muchly appreciated." She smiled at the man.

Before he could reply an attention whistle sounded and Lt Cmdr Da`mal's voice came ove the comm. "Attention all hands, this is your Captain Lt. Cmdr Da`nal. You have all accomplished a great deal in a short time to prepare the Freedom for what is to come. When signaled, we will be taking position to defend this station and those aboard her. The Freedom is the first of her kind and an untested vessel, but with your efforts I know we WILL win the day! Continue preparations, any station personnel still aboard report to your respective departments or to engineering for assignment. Department Heads report to the briefing room."

"Well that's my cue...You are in charge until I return." She said to the EMH. "...and try to have everything calibrated to specifications when I return." Melanie turned and left for the briefing room.


Lt Cmdr Da`nal
Commanding Officer

EMH played by Da`nal & Langley

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway
Chief Medical Officer

Lt. Alex Langley
Chief Engineering Officer


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