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A promise to be kept for always

Posted on 05 Apr 2009 @ 2:29pm by Colonel Stadi Andrus

736 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M1: Prepare for Battle
Location: Deep Space 5
Timeline: SD 8 13:30

Before Melanie made her way to the Freedom she had one last appointment to keep. This one she was happy about. She waited in her temporary quarters on the Starbase for him. She was a bundle of nerves, Melanie hadn't let herself think of this meeting for weeks.

She stared out of the porthole staring out at the stars wondering when he would arrive. She kept her mind open in hopes of sensing his presence before he reached the door.

He moved on silent feet. He knew she would be listening but as always he kept his mind strictly shielded, it was safer that way - a stray thought or memory picked up at the wrong time, especially now ... well he didn't really want to think about it.

"How long has it been?" Talar asked softly.

A smile crept across her face when she heard his voice. "Too long." She said before running into his arms. "I have missed you, Talar." She said looking up at him.

"And we don't have long. There's a meeting going on, all the senior staff have been called in. Somewhere out there, there be Romulans," he said quirking on eyebrow. Talar looked deep into Melanie's eyes as he took her hands, "If anything happens, I'll be needed in the infirmary," he said, "just in case, but once that danger is over, then we'll have time to catch up properly before your new ship takes you away from me."

Melanie's heart sank, she had wished that they had had more time to spend together. "I have missed you Talar. It seems the Four Dieties are against us today."

Talar traced his hand over her cheek and spread his fingers into her hair, "Well, we both know that I'll be here waiting - it is why I found this post, after all."

"I wish we could stop hiding like this Talar...if there was any way..."

"Soon," Talar replied, "I'm in contact with a re-unificationsist group on Vulcan, they don't know all the details, not yet, but they are open to aiding me. Maybe then, when my position is a little more official ... or at least I can better prove my citizenship, then we might find a solution."

Melanie nodded, it was hard for her...all her friends were either engaged or married. They had all asked her 'what about you?' but she just said that she hadn't found anyone. They teased her saying that she would have to date people in order to find that special someone. In reality though she had found that person in Talar, but their story had to remain hidden.

Talar knew what she wanted to hear, it pained him to see the hurt that this conversation always caused; somewhere closer to the centre of the Federation papers were still being pushed and identities of those lost still trying to be established. To the Empire he was reported missing, presumed dead and nothing further was heard and together they had concocted his 'memory loss' but they had gone no further with the lie than that in the hope that the event of which Talar was about to speak could eventually take place.

"Sulek tells me it will be a matter of months and then when you return ... if you will hve me ..." Talar left it hanging there.

"Talar...I have been with you for ten doubt me?"

Talar chuckled, "There are hundreds and thousands of more available, less crotchety men who would jump at the chance."

"But I do not want any of them...I want to be with you."

"Then be patient with me for another few months, then it will all be settled."

"I have waited this long, a few more months wont hurt." She smiled up at him.

"Good, we can get the Captain of the station to perform the ceremony if you wish ... who usually arranges these things," he asked quite unsure of the correct protocol for such an event.

"You mean it? We are really going to go through with this?" She asked getting her hopes up too high for her own good.

"My mind will not change, it never has."

"Oh Talar!" She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. She loved him with every fibre of her being.


Melanie Hemmingway
Chief Medical Officer
USS Freedom

NPCd by Louise

Cross Posted to DS5


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