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From the Ashes - Part 1

Posted on 20 Sep 2014 @ 9:38pm by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Gunnery Sergeant Jason Frey & Commander Karen Myles & Lieutenant Amia Jaxx & Lieutenant Kordah Himars & Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Ensign Z'vonty Flugence

1,390 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Bridge/Sickbay


Da`nal stood from the command chair as they Achilles dropped from warp and approach the planet. "Put the camp on screen."

The smoldering remains of the Reman refugee camp was clear for all to see and only angered Da`nal at the fact that his people were attacking the defenseless. There was no honor in this.

"Scan for life signs"

Standing at ops, crewmen Harper, reviewed the the scans of the surface. As his eyes drank it in and his mind, changed the visual information into thought. Shawn, knew from what he saw, looked bad, as he looked towards the Admiral.

"Nine personnel on the surface, sir" Shawn informed unpleasantly

Kassi gave a nod in agreement having taken a couple extra moments to rescan the area in hopes that the crewman next to her might be wrong. Brows where furrowed as the lose of the other officers that were down their sank in.

He breathed out angrily. ~Only nine...~ "Beam them directly to sickbay. Commander, you're with me." Tapping his commbadge. "Da`nal to sickbay. Standby for survivors."

Ana nodded and rose from her station and fell in with the Admiral and motioned to Frey to follow.

SSgt. Frey was at his post on the edge of the bridge and he nodded at the glance from the XO and followed the Admiral out of the bridge and into the lift.

Da`nal looked to the Marine and knew he was only following orders, but that didn't stop him from snapping at him. "I do not need a babysitter...regardless of Commander Lyons' wishes!...Sickbay."

Frey could understand the Admiral's position but even as the lift sped off, he stood his ground and raised a hand to wards the XO. "With all due respect sir. The ship is at Red Alert and with that makes you a vital asset and as such my duty to protect if needed."

"The Marines on this ship are to protect this ship or deploy as ordered..."

"Admiral, this ship is our House and YOU are the head of our House. Does the head of your House go anywhere without escort?"

That stopped Da`nal cold as he knew full well that his father didn't go anywhere without escort. He was silent for a moment and the corner of his mouth twitched. "You honor me."

Frey only nodded sharply, "The Honor is mine."


=^=Da`nal to sickbay. Standby for survivors.=^=

"Understood." She replied quickly as she walked out into main sickbay.

Wallace dropped his review of routine exam. "Return to your post, if I find any problems I will let you know." He didn't watch the crewman leave but he grabbed a tricorder and stood ready as he waited for the transport of their inbound patients.

Kiscad had thought the worst of it already passed. He had worked tirelessly for the week it took for their rescue to arrive. They had scavenged supplies, pulled ramshackle shelters together as meager protection from the sun and rain... They had gotten survivors from under the wreckage. For every hundred bodies they pulled, one would moan, or gasp in agony from the pull. They had tried, it was maddening to think about all the advances and technology that existed while they died from simple infections, exposure to elements.

Kiscad felt his sanity break as the last Reman survivor died in front of him. Of the dozens of survivors they had found, most had passed in a single day and night, but many had only had a wound. Treatment wasn't an option and even the simple wounds lead to infection. The world was over, his people scattered and lost, this last poor soul succumbed to fever in this intense heat.

He screamed, startling the people near him but for Kiscad it was all over. He was the only survivor out of the hundreds of thousands that were camped here. It hurt to even try and comprehend the number of the dead but the teenager in his arms was one too many. At the end of his scream the limp body fell from his hands gently back to the ground. It was basic brain function that made him breathe again, there just wasn't life left in him.

Amia had to try to close her mind, Kiscad's emotions although natural and just they were hurting her, physically and emotionally . She laid curled up in a ball on one of the biobeds trying to block it out. She didn't even know where her beloved pet was. Amia was either going to pass out (which would be a blessing) or vomit, she prayed that she would pass out.

Krodah, had been through a lot of beatings at the hands of Klingon, Jem'hada, Breens, Cardassians and several others, but the world he was on, did more to him then fists. What injuries he did get from the resent attack for the Klingons, was only made worse by the planet itself. By the time he and the other were picked up, he had managed to keep do his best to keep all fit and health, while over looking his own concern and injuries, before he blacked out.

When the haze of blackness lifted from his sight, he was staring at an woman, her long blond hair and blue eyes and an smile upon her lips, the Bajoran Klingon, wonder if he was Valhalla or Sto Vor Kor or with the gods of Bajor. However, as his mind filtered the more information from his senses, he changed his mind. His first words to the blonde hair doctor wasn't that he was fine, but, if the others were safe.

"Is Everyone else alright did they make it here as well, doc?" asked Krodah

She flipped open her tricorder and cleared her throat slightly. "You didn't arrive alone." She replied, she didn't know who the others were he was referring to so it was safer not to make assumptions. She looked up from the tricorder and added. "Please do not attempt to move."

She moved over to the woman curled up on the bed. "Can you hear me?" She asked seeing she wasn't responding to what was going on around her.

Aima cringed as the sound of the voice echoed loudly in her already throbbing head. A hand lifted up to it, pressing over her ear and temple. Of course in the process of that, the good sized burn area on her stomach. "Yes... I can hear you." She said softly, her voice filled with pain. "It's... cold..." She added as teeth chattered a little before she tried to curl up tighter, as if to get her body warmth to help warm her.

Krodah, realize that whomever this doctor was, might not know who he was referring too, but, he did however realize that she was an doctor and he listened to her orders as she scanned him and did whatever other medical needs he might have. However, he kept in mind too see if the others were alright, when all this was finished.

Z'vonty was still somewhat sore, but had been in worse pain. What matters now is that they have been rescued - because that sun was started to get to him. Seeing the emotions on the other's faces - the pain, the agony, the sadness; it made Flugence feel sad, yet disconnected. All those lives lost, friends, neighbors, coworkers, yet deep down there wasn't any sadness, remorse, pity, nor pain - just absence.

After his time living in the camp, he'd never actually connected, or felt like he fit in. He was an introvert, and often felt awkward around others. However, in the last week with these people, he felt something he hadn't felt in years. Joy, true happiness - a connection. He felt like he belonged here.

Rushing back to reality, he found himself sitting on a nearby, unoccupied bed in the sickbay. Kiscad seemed to be in a state of depression, like he'd given up on life. Amia seemed to be in pain as well, but he wasn't completely sure. There were a few other survivors, none were recognizable. They were wounded and beat-up, he didn't like dwelling on the sight. So he stood himself up and slowly walked out of Sickbay, curious of his new environment.



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