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Posted on 08 Aug 2014 @ 10:57pm by Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius & Major Richard Sharpe

2,200 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor

=/\= Holodeck =/\=

Following on from their somewhat aborted dinner a few days ago, Richard had really given some thought to the time he had spent with Kassi. Da'nal had said they'd been on a date, which strictly speaking, they hadn't been. But it did give Richard pause for thought. Why the hell not? She was attractive, she was fun to be around, and he liked her. He could even overlook her Bajoran heritage. After all, she wasn't... *him*.

So, he'd sent her a cryptic message for her to dress in comfortable casual attire, and to meet him at the holodeck, which he had made absolutely sure to reserve for three hours that evening. He'd then browsed through the catalogue of programs until he found one suitable - the beaches of Oahu, on the Hawaiian islands. Crisp white sands, palm trees, a beautiful blue ocean, set at sunset. He'd arranged a picnic basket from the replicator, and even brought with a blanket so that they could relax on the sand. He'd gone ahead and set all this up, making sure that his own casual attire of a light blue short-sleeve shirt - unbuttoned at the top, and beige surfer-shorts with tan-leather sandals. Now all he needed to make his evening complete, was his date.

Of all things, she was female and a female getting ready for a date was not a task one just rushed though. But this wasn't a date... was it? She frowned some as she looked in the mirror once more as she pondered just what this was. Just what was going on between her and the Marine. Tugging on the soft white shirt some, she let her hand smooth down over the black shorts. He'd said casual... but... was this to casual? Sighing softly, she tried to stop second guessing herself as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ears and slipped her feet into the soft canvas shoes. After a final look in the mirror, she'd hurried out and to the holodeck.

A short time later, and a few more rounds of second guessing herself. She stood outside the holodeck and with a slight nip at her lower lip, rang the chime to alert him she was there.

The doors parted to admit her onto the soft sands of the beach. There waiting for her, was Sharpe, who looked positively delighted to see her. "Glad you could make it." He said, smiling at her.

As nervous as she had been, it seemed to leave her seeing him smiling like he was. "I wouldn't have missed it." She said as she stepped in and gave a glance around a moment. "This is a beautiful place." She said looking back to him, a hint of shyness in her eyes, of course there was also a bit of surprise there. Who'd have thought the Marine came up with something like this... she couldn't help the smile that seemed to broaden a bit more with that thought.

"Its from Earth, a place I've been to before with my old squad buddies. Beautiful place." Sharpe said, appearing to wander off into memories as he looked around. He then appeared to snap out of it, and focus back on Kassi. "I thought we could... try again... at the whole 'getting to know each other' thing, in a more... private setting."

If anything, Kassi was very observant and noticed that Richard seemed to drift at times, but she also knew there was times that some questions needed to be answered over time. "Sounds like a great idea, I can't believe you went though all this..." She said with a motion towards the picnic setting she'd spotted. "You seem.. full of mystery though." She said with a warm smile as she looked at him. Feet wiggling out of her shoes to be barefooted in the sand, a slight curl of red painted toenails as she did so.

"That's me... full of mystery." He said, mostly to himself as he followed after her, and went and sat on the blanket.

"Mystery is a good thing though... " She peeked to him shyly. "It's what attracted me to you." Great, had she just admitted that to him? A light blush touched her cheeks as she looked from him back around the beach some. "How are you settling in with your new position?"

"For the most part, not too bad, although I can see why Cap'n Post needed an XO. The sheer amount of crap that comes across my desk is staggering." Sharpe said. "I feel like I'm doing my old job right now, to be honest, except I'm the one who reads my own reports."

She chuckled softly. "I'm sure you will get it all sorted out and set up in a way that works better for you." having been sitting cross legged, one leg stretched out as she looked at him. "You tensed a bit when he gave you the promotion.... " She said softly, leaving the question there to trail off. Most people would have likely missed it, especially in a Marine who was already straight at attention. But she'd caught the subtle flex of muscles in his shoulders and back. Hmm... one might think she'd been looking at him a little to often... and to much.

He looked at her. "I was at parade attention, being promoted by a flag officer. What's not to tense up about?"

"And looked nice at it. But..." She shook her head and just shrug. "Maybe I was just to caught up in admiring your stance." She said with a little smirk before glancing to the basket. "We better eat before I say something that might incriminate myself." Blues sparkling with a bit of mirth.

"I think that ship has sailed, my dear." Sharpe smirked, as he opened the hamper and produced a bottle of wine, and many tasty food items, that he arranged on the blanket between them. "And if you must know, I panicked when the Admiral promoted me." He said, not looking at her, and continuing to arrange the food that had already been arranged...

"Her gaze landed on the treats that he's brought for them as she listened. "I would ask why... but have the feeling that's something you might not be ready to share yet...." Blues trailed up to his a little as she studied him, one hand reaching over to pluck a strawberry from the ones he'd brought.

"I requested an assignment that didn't put me in command of men in combat." Sharpe said, fiddling with a sausage roll. "After..." He put his hands up to his face, and then drew them down again slowly. "Its difficult..."

"It's alright, you can add that to the list of things to tell me... someday. For now though we can talk about other things." She said warmly, We all have things in our past that's hard to share." After nibbling on the strawberry in a few moments silence, she handed him the bottle of wine. "Want to do the honors and pop the cork?"

Glad of the distraction, and change of topic, Sharpe took the bottle. He removed the foil rapper, and popped the cork from the bottle with a loud 'pop'. He then poured out the pink liquid from within. "A nice sparkling Rose` for my lovely blonde companion." He said, and handed her a glass of fizzing pink liquid.

Fingers curled around the glass as she took it from him. "Thank you my handsome mysterious Marine." Wait.. wait... 'my'? A light flushness flared though her cheeks as she lifted that glass and took to looking over the scenery again, momentarily at a lose for words.

Richard chuckled. "You're feeling as awkward about all this as I am, aren't you?" He asked her. "I'm just better able at masking my shyness due to military training. We push through our feelings, bottle up the negative, and try to complete the objective. Doesn't always pan out so well for our private lives... tends to make us somewhat aggressive, demanding, detached and dare I say it... mysterious."

"I've always had trouble hiding my feelings... and yes. Although I don't know why." She took a sip of her drink and pondered a moment. Her brother would have been grumbling about the fact that she was even talking to a Marine. Her best friend would have been cheering her on. Gah, she missed her best friend. "Alright, so we need to break the ice with something...." She blurted out suddenly as she looked at him with a cant of her head as idea's floated around her head.

"Any ideas?" He asked.

She thought for a few more minutes... taking another drink, one slightly bigger than she'd meant too before she sat the glass down and jumped to her feet. "Come on..." A mischievous look caught her eyes. "We are at the beach, lets enjoy the waves." Playful steps were taken backwards towards the water, her gaze almost daring him not to join her.

Richard got up off the blanket and followed her to the water. "Alright, but try not to fall in." He teased.

"Actually, I was more worried about you getting swept away in the water. Other wise I might have to swim out and rescue you." She laughed as she slowed her pace to walk with him. Moving had always seemed to help ease her nerves, and this time was proving no different. Reaching the water, she reached down and gave a playful little splash of it at him.

Richard moved over to her, standing right next to her and smirked evilly. With a deft motion, he tripped her up over his leg so that she fell into the water.

Down she went with a gasp, and then laughed looking up at him as the waves splashed against her. "That wasn't nice." Reaching up to try and snag his hand and yank him down with. Of course she didn't figure that would work, but she had to try.

Under normal circumstances, the lithe woman would not have been able to pull down a 6ft 1 marine, but given that he was playing with her, he faked her strength, and fell down beside her - laughing. "You defeated me!" He teased.

She couldn't help but to laugh all the more as he came down beside her. "Score one for the blondes!" She said grinning, enjoying the relax playful feeling between them now. "Although, to be honest you already have two points going for you." Kassi said, fingers sifting though the watery sand under them a little as she found a shell.

"And what two points might those be?" He asked, as he propped up his head with his hand, lying on his side to look at her.

"I've never been on a first..." second, third? like this. At a beach, all planned out. Most guys just do the basic dinner thing and call it good. So this all earned you a point. And you put up with my 50 questions and don't grumble." That last part said with a slight smirk. "Or at least don't grumble to much."

"I'm fairly tolerant." He smiled at her. "I'm actually fairly surprised at how well I'm doing. Considering you're Bajoran... I keep expecting to fight the urge to storm out... but I keep being drawn to you like a fly to a zapper."

That questioning look caught her eyes as he brought her half species up, but she held in the question. After all, she'd asked a couple times and told him she wouldn't ask again. "I'm only half.... so maybe that helps. And maybe in some ways it's simply you know I'm good for you."

"You're damn right you are..." He said, moved a hand to her face, leaned in and kissed her full on the lips.

Her eyes widened some in surprise, though she didn't push him away. That shell was lost once more in the water as her hand came to rest upon him lightly. Instead she melted into it, returning it softly as she let herself get lost in the moment before it was broken. "I'm.. I'm glad I can be so... good for you." She said with that shy smile, yet her eyes sparkled with life as she looked into his eyes.

"Me too." He smiled, leaned in, and kissed her again, rolling so that he would be on top of her.

Her heart thudded within her chest as her gaze of blues held onto the depths of his. Emotions swirled within as her thoughts raced though her mind. Trying to think of everything, knowing they should likely slow down a little, but she didn't want to. She'd missed being close to someone, having someone in her life. ~take the chance~ the words her best friend used to say. Melting under him as she kissed him back, hands moving along his arms, feeling the strength and warmth of him.

He really should slow things down, but there was something about her, something that made him want her. More than he'd wanted anyone before. The kissing intensified...

= End Log =

1st Lieutenant Richard Sharpe

LtJG. Kassi Denterius
Asst. COps


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