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Posted on 07 Aug 2014 @ 4:20pm by Lieutenant JG Kassi Denterius

740 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor

Though she wasn't exactly sure what was going on, Kassi knew something was. Something more than simply the mission, it was something in her department. Rumors had it that the Chief had transferred, of course others were saying different things... but Kassi had learned long ago not to listen to rumors Right now it seemed she'd been picked by Lieutenant Spencer to help him out while while they figured the situation in the Operation department out.

Running around, well not literally, but close enough. The Junior grade officer was trying to multi-task as she worked to get the most updated reports on the sites power supplies. "Steffy, get me a report and lets see if power needs to be increased to the site. I'm going to try and get together an updated report for the upper staff."

Steffy looked at her a moment with a slight raise of brow. Though the two had gotten to know each other somewhat, the Lieutenant wasn't used to taking orders from a junior officer. Though, she also knew right now wasn't the time to get into it with Denterius. "Will do."

A smile of thanks was given before she headed off to check out what was going on in Engineering. After all, the two departments were supposed to be working together.

Malone was working on the anti-matter injector assembly, trying to stretch out a few points of a percentage of efficiency from them. That little boost in performance would be the difference between warp 9, and warp 9.1. This was inline with some other tweaks he'd been performing on other systems since his arrival - in the hope of improving not just top-end speed, but power flow, and overall power efficiency.

Spotting Malone, she approached him with a slight smile, and at the moment a bundle of confidence. Of course part of that could be her coming out of her shell a little no thanks to work and the load that had been put on her lately. "Commander, I just thought I would check with you, see if there was anything Engineering might need help with."

"Don't they keep you busy upstairs in Operations, Lieutenant?" Malone replied, as he looked up from the injector assembly.

"Always Commander" She almost pipped up with usually fixing something Engineering breaks but opted to keep that comment to herself. After all she wasn't sure how well the Commander could take a joke, instead she just smiled, though her eyes likely gave away the hint of mischief that she was feeling today. "But word had it we were supposed to check on you all also and see if we could offer any hands."

"Nothing strenuous happening down here, Lieutenant." Malone said. "Unless you feel like inspecting the ODN lines on deck eight. They're due for a level two inspection - according to this crib-sheet here. I've not been aboard that long, so I'm still catching up with what the last chief did."

"That we can do." Kassi replied as she reached to tuck a strand of hair behind her ears. "And welcome to the Ship, I'm sure you will figure it all out eventually. And if you can't, any of us operations people is smart enough to help you." A slight nip at her lower lip as she pondered the fact that she seemed in a rare mood today. Perhaps that 'not a date but a celebration thing had been what she needed.

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Malone said, and pointed to an Ensign manning a console at the far end of the room. "Speak with Ensign T'varo about synching up your scans with his team."

"Will do, is there anything else you need before I go do that?" Kassi asked after she'd glanced down to where the Ensign was before looking back to Malone.

"Not right now, thank you." Malone said, as he returned to his work, clearly finished talking to Kassi.

"Aye Commander." She said before turning to make her way down to the Ensign to talk to him. Tapping a few things into her PaDD as she organized what needed to be done. A team would be put together to help out Engineering while a few other things still needed to be done also. Smiling as she finished speaking with T'Varo and let him know she'd see him later, Kassi headed out to her next task.

LtCmdr Kerry Malone
NPC by Sharpe

LtJg Kassi Denterius


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