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Inconclusive Conclusion

Posted on 03 Jun 2009 @ 8:30pm by

418 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Intel office, Work room
Timeline: Day 2 (30 minutes after staff meeting)

Lita hovered over the fragments of the bomb, the few complete bits were really inconclusive, the bomb was some kind of construction explosive, common to demolitions and asteroid mining. So getting an exact origin of the explosive was going to be impossible. The timer was another issue; Lita had been at it for just over three hours, with no luck. It looked Romulan, even had Romulan markings on it. But it was really old, 20 maybe 30 years old, so it could've been picked up as military surplus, and once again this made it hard to track down.

Lita sat at the back desk in the workshop, she was puzzled; the question of why Romulans would use a 20 year old timer, on a common industrial explosive to attack a federation starbase. Nothing added up, and it added up even less based on the fact that the interrogation report she had read indicated this was some elaborate plot to kidnap a Romulan ambassador.

She saw Silonez enter the room, "Sil, this doesn't add up."

"How so?" Silonez genuinely wanted to hear this.

"A twenty year old timer, common industrial explosives and a plot to kidnap a Romulan Ambassador, sounds more like some domestic terrorism that spilled over. I say we dump that Romulan ambassador on a type 2 shuttle headed back to DS5 and go find a nebula to study." she said with some sarcasm.

"Now now Lita, we must be nice to visiting dignitaries’." Silonez tried to sound like he was chiding his subordinate.

"Ok a type 6 then, this is bullshit, we're getting dragged into an internal Romulan matter far as I'm concerned. Sil this is the same shit that kept you out of getting a command of your own, don't be foolish." Lita pleaded.

"I'm sitting on the outside looking in for once, so you don't have to worry. Besides if this does snowball I'll just do what I have to do to get us out of this." Silonez boasted.

Lita didn't feel the same level of conviction that he friend felt. "If things get messy you may have to use regulation 619, since the captain is directly involved for some unexplained reason."

"I don't think we have to go down that path lita, besides that the captain has been keeping a distance from this when it comes to his family, but you are right. If things go to hell I may have to do something." Silonez said in a more demure tone.


Lt. Silonez Ericson

Ens Lita Masterson (NPC)


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