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Mission Briefing part 2

Posted on 04 Jun 2009 @ 11:17am by Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal & Colonel Stadi Andrus

1,029 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: Day 2 - 1400

"Not a question, Commander, but a little extra information I received," Isha said softly. "I have received confirmation that an escort has left Romulus - two birds of prey, the Yhae and the S'harien. They will meet us in the Neutral Zone and take us to ch'Rihan. Our route will bypass the more heavily patrolled corridor between the border and ch'Rihan but will leave us less exposed. Regretably, I am not acquainted with the commander of either vessel however I ..." Isha hesititated - the particular version of the word trust conveyed a specific meaning and degree of doubt in her own tongue, but once she had rendered it into Federation Standard that was lost.

"I have no reason to doubt the man who arranged the escort - Galae Enriov Liun," she said eventually. "The necessary clearance has been provided for my own personal use, however I think that it would be prudent to supply you with the necessary codes before our departure. I'm sure we will all find it more convenient if your people can deal with the escort directly without having to summon me every time they wish to speak together - to confirm once that I am aboard should be sufficient for them."

For a woman that was supposed to be his enemy she continued to surprise him. "Thank you Ambassador. Anyone else?

T'Pal's gaze shifted to the Ambassador, also mildly surprised at her being so forthcoming, The woman intrigued her indeed. She did notice the hesitation before she should have said 'trust'. Her knowledge of Romulan was limited, but she knew the word *ihrrilhra*, wondering if that was what she refrained from using.

Elek shifted forward in his seat, looking up at Da'nal. "Captain," he said, "I haven't yet had the opportunity to speak to my son on Romulus. I'll do that immediately after this meeting. He may not be able to tell me much, for fear of revealing his ... dual status, but I'll do what I can. After that, I would like to speak with Nniol again."

"I would reiterate my wish to observe the questioning of my husband's brother," Isha said with the briefest glance at Da'nal before her green gaze swivelled to Elek. "I have no wish to be in the room, merely to watch, and to gauge his ... mood, for want of a better term in this language."

Elek nodded, and looked at Da'nal. "I would actively encourage that, Captain." He looked at Isha. "My only proviso, Ambassador, is that you share any useful thoughts or opinions you have during my meeting with Nniol. You know him better than anyone aboard this ship - your viewpoints could be extremely invaluable."

As she sat back Isha smiled and spoke in an undertone audible only to Elek, "You're quite welcome to monitor my useful thoughts and opinions as I have them if you think they will be of interest." Isha had been born with a very 'special' mind, a great strength and equally a weakness by nature blocking and compartmentalising in a way that others sought to emulate through practice and discipline - the fact was known only to a handful of people in the Empire.

Elek nodded. "You can share them vocally, Ambassador," he replied, sotto voce. "I'm ... uncomfortable ... delving into peoples' thoughts in such matters."

"Forgive me. One of these days I'll stop teasing and take things seriously, Lieutenant, I suspect it will be the same day I die," Isha murmured.

A smile twitched at the corner of Elek's mouth. "The day *I* die, Ambassador ... will be a very strange day indeed." He turned his head slightly and looked back at the captain.

During Elek's 'banter' with the Ambassador, Lt. Silonez entered the briefing room.

Rachel looked to the Captain, making sure everyone was done commenting, before she spoke. "Engineering is willing to do whatever is necessary, Captain. A few of us, just could nae resist, and already started examining the debris. Which is one of the reasons I am here. Lieutenant McPherson, wanted me to lead the team on it, with your permission. I told him if you were willing, I see a problem with his request," she responded, looking at the Captain with hope. She was more then eager to be assigned to this project, as she was one of the crew members who couldn't resist, examining the debris.

Silonez spoke next "I've got Ensign Masterson working on the bomb right now, She thinks it may be an improvised device, I sent the data collected from the hull and equipment analysis to the Sydney ship yard lab for review, I'm not expectng that report for a week at best."

"We'll need that report as soon as possible. See if can't get the analysis expedited."

Silonez thought this was getting a little more rushed than necisary. "I'll see what can be done here to speed things up, I'm not making any promices."

"Understood. Lt. T'Pal, who do have in mind as the Ambassador's escort?"

"I will assign Ensign Webb to her," T'Pal answered. She didn't mention the reason for that thouhg - he was new and this was an opportunity to give him a chance to show if he could handle it.

"She will look forward to meeting Ensign Webb," Isha said tightly. "Send him to my quarters on DS5 for an introduction, I will inform you whether or not the individual is acceptable to me."

Noticing the edge in the ambassador's voice, T'Pal turned her head to her wondering why she referred to herself in the third person, but shrugged inwardly. "I will do so, Ambassador," she answered. "We are still rather short on officers, so I would appreciate your favourable consideration,' she said as politely as she could manage.

Da`nal smirked slightly at T'Pal's selecion...~This will be a good one to cut his teeth on.~ "Very well. If there's nothing else....Let get to work. Dismissed."


Commander Da`nal

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnua t'Illialhlae

Lt (JG) Termin Elek
CDO / Counselor

Lt T'Pal

Lt Mariposa Hernandez Rodriguez

Lt. Melanie Hemmingway

Rachel - NPC'd by McPherson


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