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My Son

Posted on 03 Jun 2009 @ 4:34pm by

579 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: M2: Aggressive Negotiations
Location: Elek's Quarters
Timeline: After Mission Briefing

Elek returned immediately to his quarters after the briefing and sat at his personal desk. Wasting no time, he activated his computer monitor.
"Computer, open an encrypted channel to Romulus, authorisation Elek-Alpha-One-Delta. Link this terminal to Rh'ion Elek, private comminque."
He leaned back in his chair, knowing the Freedom's communication systems would take a few moments to securely route the call.
His son was over 200 years old - advanced middle-age for a Romulan, but far less for an El-Aurian. Even though he was only one-quarter El-Aurian, Rh'ion could ensure at least three or four hundred years on top of a normal Romulan life-span, meaning that - if he wanted to keep his El-Aurian / Betazoid heritage a secret, he would have to accept that his days on Romulus were numbered.
Elek looked forward to that day, because his son could then live inside Federation borders, and they could meet again.
He looked up as the computer beeped: the link was ready.
Rh'ion appeared on the screen, a smile on his face counter-balancing the uplifted eyebrows.
"Father," he said warmly. "Good to speak to you."
"Good to see you too, son," Elek replied. "You're looking well."
"Thanks. Is that some grey in your hair?"
"Shut your face."
Elek smiled back at him.
"Father, I apologise, I can't speak for long today," Rh'ion said. "The Senate are meeting in a few moments. A special session."
"A special session?" Elek looked confused. "Why have they called a special session today? Is it -"
"Partly, yes."
Elek paused. They were bonded, he and Rh'ion, and so could feel each others' emotions, even over a distance.
"What else?" Elek asked. "What aren't you telling me?"
"Father ... they're placing me on the Continuing Committee. As Deputy Chairman. I'm being elected at today's session. It's being voted on before we discuss Nniol and the attack."
Elek was stunned. That was a powerful position. He knew the Chairman, Naiyol, wouldn't last more a couple of years, then Rh'ion would be poise to take over. Of course, it would also mean that he would be more of a high-profile target for assassination. He suppressed his paternal fears and focussed on the matter at hand.
"That's fantastic, Rh'ion, I'm over the moon. I wish we had more time to celebrate. But I need to ask you about the rest of the meeting. I thought the Senate already agreed to us coming - surely that's the point of the Freedom being en route?"
Rh'ion nodded. "Yes. A small but ... vocal minority have voiced their concern over a Federation ship coming deep into Romulan space." He could see a question on his father's lips, and shook his head. "It won't come to anything, except to distract us all for an afternoon. It does show, however, that there is still a faction opposed to even the slightest gesture of working together on this. They do have supporters in some outlying provinces that have been previously known to use violence to try and achieve their aims."
He smiled. "I'm keeping an eye on the situation."
Elek smiled again. "I'm sure you are, Mr Deputy Chairman. Let me know the outcome of the meeting, though?"
Rh'ion nodded, looked away for a moment, then looked back. "The division bell's just gone. I should go."
"Go," said Elek, understanding. "We'll speak later. And congratulations again, my son."
With that, the connection died, and Elek was left to ponder his son's future.

Lt (JG) Termin Elek
CDO / Counselor


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