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Free Time - Part 2

Posted on 31 Jul 2014 @ 2:50pm by Major Richard Sharpe & Commodore Da`nal of the House of Varal

1,413 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: M12: For Duty or Honor
Location: Marine Lounge

"What is it with people thinking that you have to talk whilst eating?" He chuckled. "Alright, what do you want to talk about specifically about me? My lovely hair? How I keep this smile oh so white?" He teased back.

"Well, we don't have to talk.. it just seems the thing to do. That and... well, I'm trying to get to know you dang it. Though why, I have no clue." She said with a little smirk.

"Nor do I, I'm just one of those knuckle dragging jar-heads, right?" He teased her about her preconceptions of marines.

That brought a soft laugh from her as checks tinged pink. "Hey, I can't help it if you all tend to come off that way. Anyways, I'm sure most people have their strange thoughts about blondes." She knew he couldn't deny that, she'd heard plenty of the jokes though her life.

"Indeed. I believe it’s an entire genre of humor." Richard replied, smirking.

"Yes, Blondes do tend to have a bad name." She said with a roll of her eyes before looking to the food that was delivered and picked up her fork. "You do realize that once I run out of things to talk about, I'll end up asking personal questions... right? So you might want to talk more." She teased him, yet her eyes hinted that she was curious about more things when it came to him.

"It might be better for you to ask questions. I'm not really all that good at talking about myself." Sharpe replied, shrugging his shoulders. He picked up his knife and fork, and tucked into his dinner.

"Are you sure that's safe?" She asked with a little smirk and mischievous sparkle in her eyes. "I can get pretty nosy..." She took a bite as she studied him some. She hadn't figured out yet what it was about this man that she found so easy to talk to, to flirt with. Usually she was able to talk fine about work stuff... but anything else she tended to get tongue tied. Now... well, who knew what was going on with her.

"Well, if it isn't safe, you'll find out soon enough when I murder you with my dessert spoon." Richard teased her back.

"Death by spooning... that could be an interesting way to go." She said with a light laugh. "Although I probably shouldn't joke about that, I've heard you marines do have interesting ways of doing things."

"Yes ma'am. In combat, on parade, in the sack." He replied, sounding off a well spoken accolade of the corps.

Da`nal had found out Shapre location from the computer and while he could have summoned him he desided to handle things in person. Entering the lounge he looked about and saw who he was looking for off to the side having a nice quiet meal with he could tell from who she was from behind.

Moving to center of the bar he shouted above the various conversations. "ATTENTION TO ORDERS!!"

Catching a marine off guard wasn't something that happened an awful lot, but in this case, it did. I mean, why the heck would he suspect that the Admiral would come to the crew lounge? Training and discipline kicked in before anything else, when he heard the loud vocal order, and he stood bolt upright and to attention, his chair moving a few inches behind him with the force of his snapping to attention.

He was bolt upright, standing at parade attention within four seconds of hearing the order. Slow. Too slow for a marine.

Her mind, having been on the 'in the sack' part a moment, she jumped somewhat in her chair with both the call for attention and even more so by the quickness that Sharpe had stood. She hadn't even blinked! Though she did now, as she stood and turned towards the Admiral. Though no where near Marines standards, Kassi too was straight and focused on the Commanding officer in show of respect for him.

Da`nal concealed his grin as his prey bolted to attention, as did seveal other Marines. The non-Marine crewmembers were not so...abrupt but they too stood and turned to face him.

"1st Lieutenant Sharpe. Come forth to be recognized."

Sharpe moved with parade ground efficiency and precision as he turned left wheel, moved in broad military steps to stand before the Admiral. Once there, he snapped to attention again, with the 'clack' of his boots connecting with one another. He snapped off a smart salute. "Lieutenant Sharpe, reporting as ordered... sir!"

"Lieutenant Sharpe. An assignment has become available and I can think of no one better to assume this post. In the time you have been aboard you have taken on the challenges I have assigned in true Marine have adapted and have over come. There for in recognition for action taken not only for your fellow Marine but on behalf of the entire crew I here appoint you to the post of Commanding officer of the Marine detachment assigned to the USS Achilles. Congratulations Captain Sharpe."

The slightest cant of her head happened as she watched Richards movements. Nope... She thought to herself... she'd have never made it as a Marine. She could be far to clutzy at times for all that sharpness and grace? She tried not to grin as she thought of that and wondered how Richard would react to being called graceful.

-Wait... Captain? Commanding officer of the Marines? Focus Kassi, focus.- Her attention flickered between the two a moment to make sure she heard the Admiral right. Smiling now as she let her gaze rest upon Sharpe to gauge his reaction. A promotion was always a good thing and she was happy for him.

Woah... promotion to Captain? And Detachment CO? What the heck was happening? Was he being punked in some way? Deciding that the Admiral probably had much better things to do with his time than pull a practical joke on a junior officer he'd barely met - Sharpe took the news at face value. "Thank you sir." He replied. "What happened to Captain Post sir, and who'll be taking over deputy security?" Up until that point, he'd been pulling double duty as Marine XO and Security XO, as per the Admiral's orders. It was important to know who would be taking over, so he could brief them on his work so far.

"Well, Captain Post was...reassigned. As to your other duties; an assistant Chief of security has been found and shall be joining us soon but you are to continue with the integration..." He glanced around to the fellow Marines and could see the pride in their face as the remained at attention he also know saw who Sharpe had been dining with and nodded slightly making a mental note to speak with her as well. He had a yearning to join them in the celebration that was no doubt to erupt soon but there were other duties the demanded his attention.

"...But I have interrupted your evening enough and it would appear a date to finish." Clapping the Marine on his shoulder, "Congratulation Captain."

"Thank you sir." Sharpe nodded, appreciatively. Deep inside, in places he couldn't bring himself to face - he was fighting the panic and terror that he felt at his new position. He had command... again. His last command had been a complete disaster - even though he didn't have overall detachment command at that time - he had held a sub-unit command, and during a mission under his command - had failed with devastating consequences.

A slight nod of her head was given back to the Admiral. Though she was keeping a good eye upon Sharpe, curious to his internal reaction to his new promotion. Though she smile never left her.. although she did blink a little hearing the mention of a date. No, this wasn't a date, it was just... two people having dinner. Yes, that was it. Though for some reason a light blush touched her cheeks.

As the doors began to close behind him he heard the other Marines begin to applaud and bark in typical Marine fashion to congratulate their new skipper

Richard turned to face Kassi when the Admiral had left, and smiled. "Well, that changes things a bit, don't you think?"


Rear-Admiral Da`nal

Capt. Richard Sharpe

LtJG. Kassi Denterius
Asst. COps


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